
How Do I Correct mysql.rb Drivers?

For the last several days, I've been struggling to get ruby on rails to work on my mac. The main culprit is MySQL. Every time I fix one thing, another error shows up. I upgraded/downgraded MySQL to play nice with ruby, rail and gems, but nothing. My latest error is: !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please...

Patch a Ruby Gem

What is the best way to apply a simple patch to a Ruby gem in a Rails app? Is it possible to keep the original gem code untouched? ...

A copy of ApplicationController has been removed from the module tree but is still active!

Whenever two concurrent HTTP requests go to my Rails app, the second always returns the following error: A copy of ApplicationController has been removed from the module tree but is still active! From there it gives an unhelpful stack trace to the effect of "we went through the standard server stuff, ran your first before_filter on...

has anyone tried installing ruby & rubygems from source on ubuntu (preferably unbuntu 9)?

The Ruby on Rails website recommends installing Ruby from source under Linux. I encountered a number of C library problems building ruby from source on a clean install of Unbuntu 9. All the instructions I found on the net about installing ruby on ubuntu have involved using the prepackaged (.deb-based) ruby. Clearly this isn't what the r...

list of all/best gems for Ruby?

I've been out of the Ruby world for a while (3 years), but I'm coming back for a project. I am now overwhelmed by all the gems available. Is there a list of gems by popularity/best gems? And where is the current list of all the gems? ...

edge rails on osx and gem problem

Hi all. Could you plz explain me how to correct this problem. I've installed rails edge on perfect working with 2.3.3 application and on attempt to launch server i've got (ruby 1.8.6) $ ruby script/server => Booting Mongrel => Rails 3.0.pre application starting on /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems.rb:270:in `activate':...

Problem installing RMagick rubygem on Centos 5

I'm having problems installing the RMagick rubygem on Centos 5. I've followed the steps detailed in but when I try: sudo gem install rmagick the result is: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing rmagick: ERROR: Failed to build gem native ex...

Bash in Emacs + OSX not finding gems installed via

I am running bash in emacs on osx and its pulling gems from a different place then in bash: which gem /usr/bin/gem in terminal: which gem /opt/local/bin/gem How do I change the bash to match terminals? ...

Ruby gem listed, but wont load (gem in user dir, not ruby dir)

I'm trying to get some gems working on a web-host which supports ruby and some ruby gems, but not some of the ones I need to use. Following the instructions I found here, I kept the original gem location in my gem path, and added my own at /path/to/my/home/gems to ~/.gemrc gemhome: /users/home/myuser/gems gempath: - /usr/local/lib/ruby...

What's the best iCalendar (ics, ical) library in Ruby?

I'm looking for a good library to output iCalendar formatted files. Good time zone support, or (better yet) UTC-only dates is a requirement. ...

Can't install mysql gem on windows 7

Hello, I'm trying to install the mysql gem under Windows 7 x64. Ruby -v is ruby 1.8.6 (2009-03-31 patchlevel 368) [i386-mingw32] and gem is 1.3.4. So the problem is, when I try to "gem install mysql", I get the following error: D:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\mysql-2.7>gem install mysql Building native extensions. This could take a whil...

For some reason config.gem 'xapian-fu' fails despite gem 'xapian-fu' works?

For some reason when I try to do config.gem include for this particular gem package it always says its missing. I tried gem 'xapian-fu' and that works just fine! I am sure its not multi gem repository issue as I use the environment in regular basis and has no problem about this. ...

Transitioning from Scrubyt to Nokogiri- Write to XML or Hash?

I'm trying to transition this bit of code from scrubyt to nokogiri, and am stuck trying to write my results to either a hash or xml. In scrubyt it looks like the following: require 'rubygems' require 'scrubyt' result_data = Scrubyt::Extractor.define do fetch "" results "//d...

Plugin to use Ruby on Rails Simple I18n backend with translations overridable in the database?

Hello, Hoping some learned Rails developers here can recommend an existing Ruby on Rails plugin or gem that allows you to continue using the Simple I18n backend whilst allowing you to optionally specify translations in the database. Here's why: I have one Rails app used for many websites. For the example I'll just use 2 websites: We...

How do I wrap up a Ruby C extension in a Ruby Gem?

I can't find many docs on this. How do I package a gem such that the C extension is compiled when the gem is installed? In particular I want to do this: on Linux and MacOSX i would like compile the C extension on gem install on Windows I would like to simply install a precompiled .so any help on this, in particular example source, w...

Does Rails load all installed gems?

When Rails loads, does it load all the gems that are installed on the system? I've got 47 gems installed on the server, including all the various Rails gems which have multiple versions. However, both Rails, and all the gems used by the application, are frozen into the application. Are all those gems getting loaded, and would that cause...

Does rubygems work on Ubuntu?

This blog post of December 2008 says that rubygems is broken on Debian-based systems. Does rubygems work cleanly on Ubuntu (for both 1.8 and 1.9)? ...

How to get a rails 2.3.3 application running on Bluehost with fastcgi

Using Your Ruby Gem(s) You will need to add /home/username/ruby/gems to the include path. You can do this by **adding the following code to your script**: $:.push("/home/username/ruby/gems") What script are they referring to? This is vague... Where do I add directories to the ruby include path? ...

Sudo gem update --dry-run?

Is there a way to make RubyGems tell if there are any updates available? I find myself constantly running sudo gem update -- often several times every day. If I could run the command with a flag like --dry-run, then I could asses if the changed gems were significant to add (and also only run it when my tests on my current project were ...

Ruby library to monitor system resources

Do you know a library to access system resources for Ruby? I would like to monitor CPU, disk, RAM, network... I would be great to have a library to monitor not only Linux, but even FreeBSD, Windows, Solaris and Mac. ...