
How to add javascript code to safari extension?

I create a safari extension , but I don't kown how to add javascript code to safari extension? ...

How to use function in extension-bar.html?

I am using extension bar and there are two javascript files in my extension. extension.js in the global.html and ui.js included in the bar file which is named extension-bar.html. 1.extension.js ExtensionName.Extension = { startup: function(){ ExtensionName.UI.startup(); } } 2.ui.js ExtensionName.UI = { startup...

How to format settings

I have an extension that I want to have the user input time info into so that my extension will execute at certain times. I want to have this input be done through the global settings. The problem is that I can't find a way to either A) format the input or B) at least check for valid input. I just want to be able to use the key to get...

how to append link to text block using Safari Extensions

I'm trying to create a safari extension that will place an "Add to BibDesk" link after any text that looks like a BibText entry. BibText entries look like this: @string{ foo = "bar", foo2 = "bar2" } I know how to construct the necessary regex, but my question is what's the best way, using javascript, to search all the text o...

Safari 5 extension to load a URL without opening window

Hey everyone, I'm fairly bad at javascript, but here's what I want. I have a PHP script on my server, and when a user presses my Safari Extension button, I want a request (url) sent to my server (, but I don't really want a new window/tab opening to load it. Is there a way load it in a hidden windo...

Can I tell if a frame access will be cross-domain before performing it?

I am trying to find the DOM iframe or frame element for each of the frames in a window's frames collection. The fastest way to do this, I think, is to access the frame's frameElement property. This property is only available for a same-domain access, and returns undefined and prints an error message to the log in the cross-domain case. ...

In safari extensions, form onsubmit doesn't work!

Alright, now I am downright bewildered on what is happening. I am creating a safari extension called unibar(which is a separate toolbar extension, not a toolbar item), a clone of Chrome's address bar. what I want so far is to at least create a regular address bar, and build from there. Here is my bar.html file, which is connected to t...

How to detect in Safari if an Application is Installed

I'm attempting to write a simple plugin in safari that only needs to check if an application I have developed is installed via javascript. The application launches using a custom uri. My issue is very similiar to the one presented here, however I'm not developing against iphone\ipad and all I really want is a true\false outcome from my ...

How can a Safari extension know if Private Browsing mode is on?

I'm writing a Safari extension and want it to behave differently when the user turns on Private Browsing mode (I want to respect this private mode). I found no mention of this in Apple's docs. I'm aware of the discussion in this thread: Detecting if a browser is using Private Browsing mode which suggests using a (browser-agnostic) js...