
How to use SBT (Simple Build Tool) with Google App Engine?

Has anybody tried to setup SBT to work with Google App Engine? I dream about using development server auto-reloading after source changes. ...

Scala build tool and test framework that play nice together?

Here are my goals: 1. Run my tests in Eclipse and see the pretty green or red bar. 2. Run my tests on the command line with a build tool. I'm leaning towards specs and sbt, but I can't get them to work. I have no desire to pick up Maven. My question is which one of the follow sets works best? sbt and scalatest sbt and specs ant and sc...

How to eliminate stack trace when running Specs through SBT?

I have a Scala project that I'm using SBT and Specs on. When I run sbt test, it correctly runs my tests, but a failing test results in a huge stack trace. [info] == caravan.DependenciesSpec == [info] specifies [info] x Status should mirror single job org.specs.specification.FailureExceptionWithResult: 'caravan.Status(2)' is not eq...

How to override the location of .ivy2 directory when using sbt?

I'm using the xsbt 0.6.10 launcher. I would like the ivy files and jar files to be downloaded under a different directory. What is the best way to do this? ...

How to create a compiler Action for SBT

I want to create an Action to automate GCJ compilation. Since I couldn't make it work with Ant, I decided to try SBT. The docs say how to create an Action and how to run an external process. What I don't yet see is how to reuse the directory tree traversal which exists for java and scala compiler Actions. In this case my input files woul...

Is there a existing way to generate surefire reports with simple-build-tool?

I'm working on a project using Scala running Selenium tests as part of a continuous integration process. Hudson displays very helpful information based on the results in the surefire reports but I would much prefer using sbt to Maven. Is there an existing way to get sbt to generate surefire reports from sbt tests? ...

Using Kate with Simple Build Tool (SBT)

Hello I am working with the Kate editor based on the lack of other good tools for Scala development, I am also using IntelliJ however it still has some bugs, and are slow enough to make me impatient. I have just startet using both Kate and SBT, and in that regard I have a little challenge I hope there is an answer for out there on "The...

Scala's simple-build-tool doesn't appear to run tests

I've used sbt to create a project, configured it thusly: val scalatest = "org.scala-tools.testing" % "scalatest" % "0.9.5" % "test" I then pasted the example from ScalaTest into a file and ran "sbt test" to see if it was working. The file compiles, but the test is never executed. As far as I can tell, this is as simple as it's meant ...

`sbt package` results in huge war file - how to make it smaller?

Hey all, I'm currently using SBT to manage my Lift project. I'd like to deploy it, but when I run 'sbt package' it produces a 60MB war file. This seems pretty large - are there ways I could cut down the size? Thanks! ...

Can't find method in the activity

I'm starting with Scala + Android (and using the sbt android plugin). I'm trying to wire a button action to a button without the activity implementing View.OnClickListener. The button click fails at runtime because the method cannot be found. The document I'm working through says that I need only declare a public void method taking a Vi...

Scala simple dummy project.

Currently my whole work cycle is: edit foo.scala fsc foo.scala && scala -cp . FooMain But my project is getting bigger and I would like to split files, make unit tests, etc. But I'm too lazy for reading sbt documentation and doing whatever needs to be done to get a sbt's "Makefile". Similarly for unit tests (there are so many framewo...

How can I run a package created with Simple Build Tool?

I run: $ echo 'object Hi { def main(args: Array[String]) { println("Hi!") } }' > hw.scala $ sbt > warn Set log level to warn > run Hi! > package $ java -jar target/scala_2.7.7/test_2.7.7-1.0.jar Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/ScalaObject at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang...

Making stand-alone jar with Simple Build Tool.

Is there a way to tell sbt to package all needed libraries (scala-library.jar) into the main package, so it is stand-alone? (static?) ...

Changing Scala version in existing SBT project.

How can I change Scala version in existing Simple Build Tool project? I would like SBT to check whether the system's Scala version is correct and if it is not the case then download it. ...

scala sbt with pk11 or steps

I am quite frustrated with sbt and pk11/steps (Why are these things never work out of the box for me?) I am just trying to run "jetty-run", but i got so many dependency errors, it's not fun anymore. I am stuck with unresolved dependencies for sjson 0.3 Does anyone know which mvn repo can I get sjson 0.3 from? ...

Migrating from Maven to SBT

As you know, SBT is compatible with Maven in some way -- SBT recognizes simple Maven POMs and can use dependencies and repositories specified in them. However, SBT wiki says that, if inline dependency is specified in SBT project definition, POM will be ignored (so using both in this case is impossible): Maven and Ivy configurations (...

Packaging and Deploying Scala Applications

What is the simplest way to package a Scala application for use on a desktop PC? I'm guessing that would be in the form of a jar file. At the moment I'm using SBT to compile and run programs I'd be interested in solutions for machines that have Scala installed (and the library in their classpath), as well as those that only have Java. ...

Can ScalaCheck/Specs warnings safely be ignored when using SBT with ScalaTest?

I have a simple FunSuite-based ScalaTest: package pdbartlett.hello_sbt import org.scalatest.FunSuite class SanityTest extends FunSuite { ...

What frameworks to use to bootstrap my first production scala project ?

I am making my first foray into scala for a production app. The app is currently packaged as a war file. My plan is to create a jar file of the scala compiled artifacts and add that into the lib folder for the war file. My enhancement is a mysql-backed app exposed via Jersey & will be integrated with a 3rd party site via HttpClient inv...

Has anyone had problems with scala code-completion in IDEA when using sbt?

I recently switched to sbt (which I completely dig) and as soon as I started to compile and run tests from sbt, code completion in IDEA seems to come and go... very strange. ...