
process thread scheduling

I have the following query regarding the scheduling of process threads. a) If my process A has 3 threads then can these threads be scheduled concurrently on the different CPUs in SMP m/c or they will be given time slice on the same cpu. b) Suppose I have two processes A with 3 threads and Process B with 2 threads (all threads are of sam...

Fiddler - Daily stop start

What is the best way to stop/start Fiddler as a daily task? I am usin Fiddler to monitor/logs https trafficon machine which runs fully automated and runs software which is not controlled by me, but uses https. My machine stopped yesterday because Fiddler went out of memory after running over 3 days and now I want to have a clean way to s...

VB6 app not executing as scheduled task unless user is logged on

I would greatly appreciate some help on this one! It may be a tricky one. :) Problem I have an VB6 application which is set up as scheduled task. It starts every time, but when executing CreateObject() it fails if a user is not logged on to computer. I am looking for information on what could cause this. My primary suspicion is that s...

Scheduled task to open URL

At a certain time each day, I'd like my browser to pop open a tab to a certain URL. My goals: be able to set the URL from the scheduled task use the default browser (rather than hard-coding it) I can't seem to accomplish both of these goals at once. I'll post my partial solutions as answers, but I'm hoping someone will have somethi...

How to display the properties of a Scheduled Task?

I have C# app that uses a Form to set a bunch of settings. Those settings can be read by a Console App so it can run via the built in Windows Task Scheduler. I would like to be able to simply open up a scheduled task as if I had just opened it from the gui in Windows so the user can set all the settings for the scheduled task. I know ...

Task management algorithm in C#

Hi guys, i am looking for efficient task management fo C# what i mean by task management is executing pre-defined interval time of task. Example: task a needs to be run every 1 mins task b needs to be run every 3 mins task c needs to be run every 5 mins these tasks can be added and removed in arbitary time... And the task that i men...

Add job without starting the scheduler

Is there any way of adding jobs to Quartz.Net jobstore without starting up a scheduler instance? ...

C# - Alternative to System.Timers.Timer, to call a function at a specific time.

Hello everybody. I want to call a specific function on my C# application at a specific time. At first i thought about using a Timer (System.Time.Timer), but that soon became impossible to use. Why? Simple. The Timer Class requires a Interval in milliseconds, but considering that i might want the function to be executed, lets says in a ...

Running WatiN using Scheduled task or Windows service

Hi, My WatiN automation for doing file download is working fine when executed in command window normally. But failing with timeout exceptions or fileDownload Dialog not found exception when executed as a scheduled task. Is it possible to execute WatiN exe (with filedownload dialog handler) as a scheduled task. If NO is there any other...

Schedule Python Script - Windows 7

Hi Everyone, I am really new to Python, and programming in general, but I have a python script I would like to run at regular intervals. I am running windows 7. What is the best way to accomplish this? Easiest way? Any help you can provide will be very much appreciated! Brock ...

Schedule and Execute a php script automatically

Hello! I have written a php script which generates an sql file containing all tables in my database. What i want to do is execute this script daily or every n days. I have read about cron but i am actually using Windows. How can i automate the execution of the script on the server? Thanks! ...

How do I make my program run with different privileges at Windows 7 startup?

Hi, I am trying to add my program run in Windows 7 startup, but it doesn't work. My program has an embedded UAC manifest. My current way is by adding a string value at HKCU..\Run. I found a manual solution for Vista from Cli...

Smart Background Thread Task in Ruby on Rails?

I need to perform a task every 5 seconds, but only when users are using the application. As for now, I use cron that works every minute and activates a task that repeats itself every 5 seconds with sleeps between, for a minute. However, it works also when the application isn't being used. Is there a gem that will do this kind of thing?...

Quartz Scheduler - Not running the task

I am working on scheduling the tasks using Quartz API. I tried scheduling notepad.exe and in the logs, I see the following line - runNativeCommand About to runcmd.exe /C c:/WINDOWS/notepad.exe ... But the notepad is not coming up. Same is the issue with any exe or batch file. I also see the notepad.exe as a run...

scheduled task or windows service

Hello, I have to create an app that will read in some info from a db, process the data, write changes back to the db, and then send an email with these changes to some users or groups. I will be writing this in c#, and this process must be run once a week at a particular time. This will be running on a Windows 2008 Server. In the past,...

Windows 7 Task Scheduler

Hi All, Very new to this, and I have no idea where to start. I want to schedule a python script using Task Scheduler in Windows 7. When I add a "New Action", I place the following command as the script/program : c:\python25\python.exe As the argument, I add the full path to the location of my python script path\ Here is m...

ASP.NET Schedule deletion of temporary files

Question: I have an ASP.NET application which creates temporary PDF files (for the user to download). Now, many users over many days can create many PDFs, which take much disk space. What's the best way to schedule deletion of files older than 1 day/ 8 hours ? Preferably in the application itselfs... ...

Windows scheduled task

Hello everyone, I have created a Windows 7 scheduled task: schtasks /create /tn MyTask /tr C:\temp\test\MyScript.bat /sc MINUTE Problem is that this task seems to get executed by Windows but I think it can not find the running BAT script. There is a quick flash window but can't read what the problem is. On the other hand, if I plac...

What's the vbs code to schedule a task every time Windows starts up?

I would like to know how to write up the vbs code to schedule a windows task to start a .exe program every time the Windows starts up. I found the following code online: strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set objNewJob = objWMIService....

Scheduling a task on python

I want to run a program that runs a function every 4 hours. What is the least consuming way to do so? ...