
Scheduling a task to run at the end of every month. (Winows Server 2003 - Scheduled Tasks)

I need to schedule a task to run on the last night of each month, on a Windows 2003 Server. I see that you can schedule it to run on the "first or last Mon-Fri", or even on the nth day of each month - but, not how to get it to run on the last day (regardless of day of the week or number). Thanks in advance. Note: I did check "How do y...

problem running a scheduled task where script runs schtasks to run on another server.

I have a .bat script which runs a schtasks cmd to run another scheduled task on another server. This scripts run fine when run from the desktop, but when run from the scheduler the schtasks cmd does not work. Is there any way around this?. ...

ColdFusion: Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed.

For the last few years we've been randomly seeing this message in the output logs when running scheduled tasks in ColdFusion: Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed. The code inside the task that is being called can vary, but in this case it's VERY simple code that does nothing but reset a counter in the database and then send me an ...

Third party service to trigger web service

I am looking for a third-party service or tool that can trigger or hit a web page at scheduled times. Does anyone know of any? I currently use my windows scheduler to hit these pages, but there are gaps in this since I don't run my computer 24 / 7. ...

Does anyone know if this(Lightweight Task Scheduling for .net /sliverlight) can be used on a shared hosting site?

Hi I found this( and I can't find if this can be used on a shared hosting site. I am not sure if this is just some wrapper that wraps around the windows scheduler or if it is some library that sort of mimics the windows scheduler and can be used on a shared hosting site. ...

How to invoke a Windows Scheduled task or a batch file on a server different to the IIS server

I have a web site, I would like a page on that site to be able to invoke a Windows Scheduled task or a batch file on a server different to the IIS server? Is it possible? How should I do this? ...

spring 3 scheduled task running 3 times.

I have a very simple method scheduled to run every 10 seconds like this: @Component public class SimpleTask { @Scheduled(fixedRate=10000) public void first() { System.out.println("Simple Task " + new Date()); } } Config: <task:annotation-driven executor="myExecutor" scheduler="myScheduler" /> <task:executor id="...

Offline Processing of POST Request

I am developing an Application where I am submitting POST Requests to a .NET Web Service. Current implementation is to process the request instantly and give response. In actual deployment, there will be huge amount of data that needs to be processed and thus the request must be processed offline. What are the strategies that can have ...

Standard Format for Representing Time Recurrence/Schedules?

I'm aware of iCal's RECUR value but I'm not sure how flexible it is. Are there any other formats that can represent arbitrarily complex recurrence schedules? I'd like to use a standard because the component I'm writing is meant to interface with other applications I've written and ideally third party applications. Something like: ...

how can I have access to a task list on GAE?

Hi. I'm planning on using GAE's TaskQueue API to refresh my cache of HTML pages, which I save in the Datastore (and memcache, but Datastore is more reliable). Once a week, i add/edit some data, and need to regenerate associated HTML pages, and triggering tasks is the way to do. Note that different edits may imply changing the same c...

Can I pass dynamic parameters to a console app from a scheduled task?

In perfmon on Vista and up you can trigger a scheduled task when a performance counter gets to high or low. From the perfmon end I can add task arguments. When I create the task through task scheduler I cannot find any way to work with these parameters or to pass them on to the console app the task triggers. Am I missing something? I...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using over the windows scheduler?

For daily tasks, such as converting csv files to excel files; creation of excel files (the contents of which are created using financial methods); moving and copying of files; calculation of daily financial and risk analysis metrics; and (this list will grow over time and will become more complex..) Is Quartz.Net more suitable when...

What are popular addons on Bugzilla

We are using Bugzilla for tracking of the bugs. We want to use addons for task tracking and for project management. There are a lot of addons for this purpose. Can any one please suggest the good addons for this purpose. Also let us know any other addons that you know are good. ...

How to make a Web (WCF) Service act as Windows Service

The question, I have a web application - .net 4. The client is having a requirement that he want to send email to his users on a regular basis about his new courses etc. The webapplication created will hosted on a "Shared hosting environment" with no excess to windows services - file system other than the web root folder through FTP....

coldfusion scheduled tasks iis permission

I am trying to use the ColdFusion administrator to schedule a task. It is returning an error which says that there are not enough permissions to execute the task. I can successfully execute the cfm file in IE, so it's not an error with the actual file. So from what I've read about this, it appears to be an IIS problem. Do I need to c...

SetConsoleCtrlHandler not working on Server 2003

I've written a daemon console app in c# that is run from Scheduled Tasks. I want to detect when the user right-clicks on the task and does "End Task" in order to do some logging and cleanup. I'm currently using SetConsoleCtrlHandler to register a callback and this works perfectly on my development XP machine. However, when it is run on ...

How do I create an executable in .net

Hi I have to send a weekly email to subscribers. The content of this email comes from a database. I understand I have to set up a scheduled task on the server (I have to ask for this as I work remotely and don't have admin rights to do it). I did this in the past, where the email is sent by a .net page that gets called by the scheduled ...

Scheduling Tasks for Multiple Rails Apps Without Loading Multiple Environments

On our servers we have deployed multiple Rails applications using Phusion Passenger. Each application has a set of tasks that must be scheduled and run periodically (the usual clear caches, send mail, etc.) All the examples I've seen in the wild usually show a separate daemon that handles the scheduled tasks for an application. However,...

how to check if scheduler backups ran successfully

on each of our remote servers a scheduler task is created that calls an .exe program that shuts down the databases at 10:00:00 everyday (it create database backups)and start it up again at a specific using the delphi application i need to now how can i check if the scheduler task backups were ran successfully(database shutdown a...

C#.NET console app (.exe) versus VBScript (.vbs) for Scheduled Tasks

I have the following VBScript: Dim strFile, strXPath, strNewText, xmlDoc, xmlNodes, xmlNode strFile = "C:\folder\cats.xml" strXPath = "/list/cat/@LAST_BATH" strNewText = Now Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmlDoc.Async = "False" xmlDoc.Load(strFile) Set xmlNodes = xmlDoc.selectNodes(strXPath) For Each xmlNode in xmlN...