
Why is the output like this?

class another { public void method(Object o) { System.out.println("This is in method which takes object"); } public void method(String s) { System.out.println("This is method which takes string"); } } public class NewClass { public static void main(String args[]) { another an = new another(); ...

Need proper guideline for SCJP

I want to do SCJP certification and dont want to join coaching for that,so need suggestion on Without joining coaching how to prepare for SCJP??? ...

Java - When is it a compiler error and when is it a runtime exception?

Hello all, I am currently studying for the SCJP certification using the Sierra and Bates Study Guide and in many of the self tests (mock exam questions) I keep running into the same problem - I can't tell whether a particular error will be at runtime (an exception) or at compile (compile error). I know this is a bit of a vague question ...

Doubt based on program in SCJP(EXAM 310-065)

class Top{ public Top(String s){System.out.print("B");} } public class Bottom2 extends Top{ public Bottom2(String s){System.out.print("D");} public static void main(String args[]){ new Bottom2("C"); System.out.println(" "); } } In the above program, I guessed the output must be BD, but in the book they said the...

Doubt based on program in SCJP(EXAM 310-065)

class Building{ Building(){ System.out.print("b "); } Building(String name){ this(); System.out.print("bn "+name); } } public class House extends Building{ House(){ System.out.print("h "); } House(String name){ this(); System.out.print("hn "+name); } publ...

java IS-A relationship exam question confusion

From MasterExam: Which statements are true? (Choose all that apply) A. is-a relationship always rely on inheritance B. is-a relationship always rely on instance variables C. is-a relationship always require at least two class types D. is-a relationship always rely on polymorphism E. is-a relationship are always...

Redefining static method in child class

Hi, I would like to know the reason why this is first allowed in Java (or oops in general) I remember that the static methods are common for both parent and child class public class Redefine extends Parent{ public static void test () { } } class Parent{ public static void test () { } } Q1 : Since Overriding is ...

Where is the map for all Java certificates ?

hi everyone ... I wanna know study what to get which certificate in Java .. I need a map of Java certificates , i know that there are SCJP and others but i don't know what it require one to know in order to pass its exam ... thanks ...

equals and hashCode

Hi, I am running into a question about equals and hashCode contracts: here it is Given: class SortOf { String name; int bal; String code; short rate; public int hashCode() { return (code.length() * bal); } public boolean equals(Object o) { // insert code here } } Which of the following will fulfi...

Is SCJP useful?

Possible Duplicate: Is an SCJP certificate worthwhile? Apart from getting an in-depth knowledge of Java, How does SCJP help while applying for a job? How much of an impact does it carry? ...

Programming Certifications - other than SCJP/SCWCD/CEA "Family"

Except SCJP / SCWCD / SCEA for the Java are there any other related certifications a developer "should look" for. Is it something similar for python ? C ? C++ ? SQL ? PS: I know that some programmers affirm that certifications are useless and experience is what's important, but I strongly disagree. Learning for SCJP was great. I found ...

Java - what's your favourite "gotcha" question for SCJP?

Hello everyone: As I am preparing for, and planning to take the SCJP exam probably in next year, I am wondering if any Java programmer would like to share their "gotcha" question here, something simple but very helpful as a reminder to refresh your Java knowledge and skills. For example, my favourite one is like this: System.out.print...

scjp certification

hi every all i already completed scjp 1.5 exam. how many years it's validity? ...

What class does the target object take on after casting?

OK, noob question. I'm studying for the SCJP and got 3 questions on object reference casting wrong which all seem to point to the same misunderstanding. Just wanted to confirm what the right insight should be. Right, here are the questions: 1. 1. class CodeWalkFour { 2. public static void main(String[] args){ 3. Car c = ne...

SCJP 1.6.0 materials and changes

Hi, I am interested to write SCJP 1.6.0 certification exam.What are the materials I need to go through.Please provide some useful links and books.Is there any difference in the exam pattern after ORACLE merger? Thx ...

SCJP: can't widen and then box, but you can box and then widen

I'm studying for the SCJP exam and I ran into an issue I can't really wrap my head around. The book says you can't widen and then box, but you can box and then widen. The example for not being able to box is a method expecting a Long and the method being invoked with a byte. Their explanation is: Think about it…if it tried to box ...

scjp exam preparation tips

I am going to appear for scjp1.6 in the mid november. Please tell me which book should i refer? Which part should i give more weigthage? How much time shoud i spend on each topic? My friends are also going to write. I will share the tips with them. We would be grateful if any of you help us. ...

Reading the java programming lanugage specification

I am preparing for SCJP 6 exam and I needed advice on the usefulness of reading the Java language specification. As the exam has to do with ones expertise in java code analysis. I am already reading SCJP A comprehensive by Khalid Mughal. ...