
Loading ScriptManager only once either from Master page or Content page

I have an web application of 200 web pages and all has a single master page. Most of the content pages use AJAX controls so most of content pages has its own ScriptManager. Now I have a requirement to add a link with HoverMenuExtender control and for that I need to put ScriptManager in the Master page, but it is working only in the conte...

registering jquery dynamically doesn´t work

Hello, I want to register a jquery-script dynamically on a master page, but it doesn´t work, can anybody help me? I got the script in a folder Materials/Scripts from the root of my web application, and my master page looks like public partial class Application : System.Web.UI.MasterPage { protected void Page_Load(object sender, Eve...

Registering jQuery-script on master page code-behind doesn´t affect scripts on MasterPage

Hello, in my .net-Project, I use a master page on which I dynamically register the jQuery-library. public partial class Application : System.Web.UI.MasterPage { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude(this, this.GetType(), "jquery", VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(...

VS2010 Publish to web site causes broken ASP.NET ScriptManager

I'm trying to use VS2010 to Publish a web app on my box to another web site on the same box. The Publish operation succeeds, but any pages that use the asp:ScriptManager tag are broken. I know there's an issue with the ScriptManager and FIPS security policy, but my app is using AES. Some other random config info: I'm using VisualSVN (...

Syncfusion and AjaxControlToolkit ScriptManager Error

I'm developing a web site using AjaxControlToolkit. To do so, i've to use ToolkitScriptManager that comes with it. It uses some different version of MicrosoftAjax.js. Now i'm trying to use a grid from Syncfusion Essencial Tools, but it doesn't work with the ToolkitScriptManager. The syncfusion lib works with the standard Microsoft's Scr...

role of script manager in page

what script manager exactly do in the page. ...

AjaxControlToolkit DateTime FormatException

I can't seem to find anything about this error on the Internet. I've checked the AJAX source code and just can't seem to find any hint as to what is causing this to happen. If I clean the browsing cache, restart the server, the first thing I get is this error, when I refresh, the error goes away and the AJAX controls cease to work. If ...

Scriptmanager history in user controls

i am using some filters in my list page for filtering the data all these filters are actually a user control and ajaxified i want to use scriptmanager history feature for solving the back button issue how can i use that in this usercontrol ...

Ajax History problem

i am having an ajax enabled list page in which there are 5 filters i am using script managers history feature for storing the history it is working fine if i stay in that page the problem is that suppose i apply all the five filters then move to new page and the press backbutton it is reloading that page with last filter only not with al...

.Net MVC Ajax and Scriptmanager conflict

Hello all, We have a simple ajax link (Ajax.ActionLink(...)) that has been working fine. Recently, another developer added some ajax-ey code to the same page that uses an asp scriptmanager ... now suddenly the first ajax link no longer works. More specifically we get the error : "sys.mvc.asynchyperlink' is null or not an object". Below ...

Client Script Replace Problem with .NET 4.0 ScriptManager

Hello, I want to replace the WebUIValidation.js client script (located in System.Web assembly) with my own custom script using the new script replacement features in .NET 4.0. The replacement works fine in a simple sample form I created, but in my much more complicated wizard form it fails. On partial post-back the ScriptManager writes...

ASP.NET ScriptManager output not included in ASP.NET partial cache (ascx)

Hello, I wrote a Simple Control, that implements ScriptControl. This is holder for JQuery framework: /// <summary> /// Generic control with client behavior handled via jQuery /// </summary> public abstract partial class JQControl : ScriptControl, INamingContainer { /// <summary> /// Client method to be called after jQuery init...

'Namespace' is undefined when trying to call asmx method from jQuery

I'm attempting to use jQuery to access a method in an asmx webservice. When I try to execute the below jquery call, I get an error 'MyNameSpace' is undefined. jquery call to webservice: MyNameSpace.MyWebService.MyMethod(parameter, function (e) { alert('Success') }, function (e) { alert('Failure') }); scriptmanager: <asp:ScriptMa...

Calling ScriptManager.RegisterPostBackControl during an AsyncPostBack

I have a custom control which is a wrapper around the ASPxGridView. This custom control is nested inside an UpdatePanel. In one of its columns I add a LinkButton, which I register by calling ScriptManager.RegisterPostBackControl. The grid has paging enabled. Paging is of course done during an AsyncPostBack. When the grid is showing its...

problem in ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript

my code- else if (responseEntity.Messages[0].Description == ResponseMessages.DUPLICATE) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "javascript01", "hide('tblProductGrid');"); ShowDuplicateRecordAlertMsg("PROD", "Product"); txtAddProductName.Enabled = true; } private void ShowDuplicateRecordAlertMsg(string...

problem in ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript

my code- else if (responseEntity.Messages[0].Description == ResponseMessages.DUPLICATE) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "javascript01", "hide('tblProductGrid');"); ShowDuplicateRecordAlertMsg("PROD", "Product"); txtAddProductName.Enabled = true; } private void ShowDuplicateRecordAlertMsg(string...

Controlling the order of <script> tags created by ScriptManager

I am successfully including a javascript resource by calling ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptResource at the end of OnPreRender in my custom control. However, the resulting script tag is being included before the automatically included script tags that define things like Type and Sys which my script depends on. I thought they were de...

ScriptControl inside UpdatePanel

I have a ScriptControl (requires ScriptManager) with JavaScript to handle client-side interactions and ICallbackEventHandler to communicate back and forth. Everything works perfectly with one or multiple instances of the control on a page. I placed the control inside a GridView with sorting and it still works. However, I place the Gri...

Error when adding a ScriptManager to page

I am using VS2010, .Net 4. I am trying to add a ScriptManager to my page, so I can reference an AJAX Enabled WCF Service. When I add the ScriptManager control to my page and view it - I get the error shown below. I have no clue how to resolve it. I get the error by simply putting the control on my page (not reference the WCF Service)...

Concerns when using ScriptManager for Custom Non-Ajax Scripts

I have an application that uses various script files. These files are not used for any AJAX purposes. However, I am using MS AJAX Libraries. My goal is to use the ScriptManager to manage release and debug versions of my JavaScript. Is this the right approach? Is there a better way to handle this task? ...