
"seekg identifier not found"

I have a program called main: #include<iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; #include"other.h" int main() { //do stuff } and then other.h: char* load_data(int begin_point,int num_characters) { seekg(begin_point); char* return_val=new char[num_characters+1]; mapdata.getline(return_val,num_characters); return...

Read from same file (until EOF) using ifstream after file contents change

Requirement : I must read until EOF (16 bytes a time) from a particular file , and then say sleep for 5 seconds. Now, after 5 seconds, when I try to read from the file (whose contents would have been appended by that time), the intended design must be in such a way that it reads from the point where it left previou...

Maintaining a valid position using seekg in ifstreams

I am trying to make my file parsing more robust. Using an ifstream, how can I ensure seekg keeps me in a valid position within the file? This does not work: while(m_File.good() && m_File.peek() != EOF) { ...a seekg operation moves file position past end of file... } I assume the current iterator has been pushed way past the end iter...

seekg() failing mysteriously

I have a 2884765579 bytes file. This is double checked with this function, that returns that number: size_t GetSize() { const size_t current_position = mFile.tellg(); mFile.seekg(0, std::ios::end); const size_t ret = mFile.tellg(); mFile.seekg(current_position); return ret; } I then do:

How do I implement seekg() for a custom istream/streambuf?

I used to be a C++ expert a decade ago, but for the past 10 years I've been programming Java. I just started a C++ project that uses a small third-party XML parser. The XML parser accepts an STL istream. My XML data is coming from a Windows COM IStream. I thought I'd do the Right Thing and create an adapter to take the IStream data and p...