
How can I learn to set up a build process?

Hi, all. What I was taught at school is all about programming languages, software design, but hardly anything about how to automatically build a software, probably with something like unit testing integrated. Please tell me how do one start learning to set up a build process for his project. If this is too abstract to make any sense, ...

I'm tired of JButtons, how can I make a nicer GUI in java ?

So far I've only built "small" graphical applications, using swing and JComponents as I learned at school. Yet I can't bear ugly JButtons anymore. I've tried to play with the different JButton methods, like changing colors, putting icons etc. but I'm still not satisfied. How do you make a nicer GUI in java ? I'm looking for not-too-hea...

Writing a C Macro

Hi, I have to write a macro that get as parameter some variable, and for each two sequential bits with "1" value replace it with 0 bit. For example: 10110100 will become 10000100. And, 11110000->00000000 11100000->100000000 I'm having a troubles writing that macro. I've tried to write a macro that get wach bit and replace it if the nex...

Modern Game Programming

Hey. I'm a software and web developer for ~3 years, and I want to start learning 3D network game programming. What is the most modern & fastest way to write 3D PC games? What language? For graphics, should I use a graphics API like Direct3D/OpenGL or is there something less painful? What math/physics skills should I know before startin...

Going from a math career to a cs career: how to do it?

Hey, I'm looking for some advice on how to successfully make the transition from mathematics to CS. My academic background is in mathematics (BS and MSc), and I've taken loads of math courses as well. You name it, and I took it: Measure Theory, Algebra, PDES, Manifolds, Complex Analysis, etc. I progressed quite far along this track, a...

Working on multiple unrelated tasks and code reviews

When I'm developing, I like to jump back and forth between doing 2 (or more) things at the same time, even if those things are unrelated. I am able to get my mind focused very quickly, so "warm up" time isn't a concern for me. The reason I like to jump between two tasks is that I often find that I can solve problems faster that way. The...

If you had to work with horrible HTML, what would you do?

I was looking over some of my friend’s HTML and CSS, and I was speechless (in a bad way). If I had to work with that, such as putting AJAX into it, then it would have been a lot of work. I would have to rebuild a lot of the HTML aspects, otherwise it wouldn't work well with the AJAX. What would you do in a situation like so? Would you: ...

What have you learned from your students?

It is said that a true master learns from his students. Since I'm tutoring at university, from time to time a question or a comment from the students I'm working with made me to see something from a different perspective, you get deeper insights, etc. So, what have you learned from your students/junior developers/... ? ...

Up to date (as of 2010) Ruby On Rails books?

Hello, I've been trying to learn Rails for a while now and I just can not piece it all together with random blogs and SO questions, so I've decided I need a full book/ebook. Can anyone suggest a good one? I've been looking at Agile Web Development With Rails 4th edition. There is an old question about Ruby On Rails books but it is from 2...

How do you keep track of what the industry is up to?

A discussion elsewhere made me realize that I don't do a particularly good job of following the software industry. My exposure to new trends or technologies is haphazard at best, often limited to a "Hey, that sounds interesting" when I see people discussing something I'm not familiar with on SO. To abuse a metaphor, I'm quite familiar ...

improving drawing pythagoras tree

Hello. I have written program for drawing pythagoras tree fractal. Can anybody see any way of improving it ? Now it is 89 LOC. import java.awt.*; import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.*; public class Main extends JFrame {; public Main(int n) { setSize(900, 900); setTitle("Pythagoras tree"); add(new D...

Approaching Java from a Ruby perspective

There are plenty of resources available to a Java developer for getting a jump-start into Ruby/Rails development. The reverse doesn't appear to be true. What resources would you suggest for getting up-to-date on the current state of java technologies? How about learning how to approach DRY (don't repeat yourself) without the use of meta...

How to self-assess your programming abilities?

What is a good test of your smartness vs. stupidity? Is Google Code Jam a good test for that? Or would you suggest something else? I want to know whether I'm a good programmer or not. ...

C++ - Need to learn some basics in a short while

For reasons I will spare you, I have two weeks to learn some C++. I can learn alone just fine, but I need a good source. I don't think I have time to go through an entire book, and so I need some cliff notes, or possibly specific chapters/specialized resources I need to look up. I know my Asm/C/C# well, and so anything inherited from C, ...

Free for personal use license?

I'm trying desperately to find a software licensing model that would allow me to make my product completely open to the public domain for personal use/modification, but would be able to be sold commercially. I know such a beast exists, and I'm sure in many flavors. I just can't find it. ;( What I'm hoping for is a way to allow people t...

How to keep up the interest in job?

Hi, I have been working as Software Developer for 6+ yrs. And I have worked from start ups to big companies. I always feel some elements missing in me and those are interest, passion etc. In short, I don't feel motivated while coming to work. This makes me think how my work-life balance will look like once I reach at more responsible pos...

Writing code to be a better programmer

A while back I heard on a podcast about a site listing "10 applications to write that will make you a better programmer." I'm desperate to find where this is, or at the very least a decent list from someone here. The thing is, I've been writing code for about 8 years now, and it's my passion. Very few things make me happier than getti...

Trying to find a good strategy using Git for personal development on local/personal machine

A noob here. I have a personal Macbook and I want to use Git to track the changes etc. I want to just init a repo on my macbook and work there. Is this a good idea? What if: I have a main repo somewhere in my Macbook HD, like, /Users/user/projects/project1 and clone it to another area on my macbook where I actually perform developmen...

How can a student programmer improve his teamwork skill?

I am a student right now. Recently, I am working in a project as a leader with three other students. Due to the lack of experience, our project is progressing slowly and our members are frustrated. They do not feel sense of accomplishment in the project. I am pressured and frustrated, too. But as a team leader, I think I need to push the...

Are there any code critique sites or similar resources?

I have noticed when people post example code illustrating some issue that they are having often they will gather a number of comments addressing the quality of the code they presented and not the actual problem asked. This is very helpful--if not well directed. Often, this is wasted effort since the asker is not receptive and the code ...