
How to "echo off" the serial port in java

Hi , I am using java comm library for serial port communication in my application. When I put some data on output stream, after sometime the same command is displayed on input stream of serial port. Do anybody has any idea how to echo off the serial port? ...

Simple serial point-to-point communication protocol ---- sample code

I had read this: and I'm doing the same thing, and I don't want to reinvent wheel... are there any API or sample code? PS: code in C/C++, python... ...

how to prevent opening serial port on linux by foreign application?

In case of "bug" in port driver using locking is not acceptable. ...

How do i send an ASCII character in a C# program

Hi, For my C# program to work as a serial port interface, I need to send "ENQ" and expect back "ACK". From what i understood in replies to my earlier questions in this forum, i think the system expects me to send '5' and give back a '6' (ASCII equivalents of ENQ and ACK). So instead of sending a string which is "ENQ", i can send a ch...

From Xcode, how do I read data from a text file that is constantly being updated?

Hello, I'm working with a GPS module that is transferring data to my mac over a serial RS232-to-USB interface. I've written a objC program that takes the raw data and converts it into meaningful information. Using a program called goSerial, I'm able to log all incoming data into a text file. I have been able to make my program read the...

c# ascii protocol problem

i have a program that send ASCII commands to a device via a serial port. The program is a demo and doesn't do what i want. I am just trying to get the device to respond in c# and I'm not getting anything back. all the serial port settings are correct. I am sending exactly the same message as the demo software. //e.g message <STX>ABC<EO...

How to create an connection frm WIT2140 cirronet radio to a serial port

Hi, I am using WIT2410 cirronet radio to transfer the data wirelessly. But now i need to interface this radio wiht my PC's serial port. I need help in how can i make the connection and wat all additional parameters needed for it. ...

How to effectively work with devices over a serial connection?

I have struggled with this for a long time, and I did get a solution working eventually but it wasn't pretty, and I am hoping to gain a little wisdom from the stackoverflow community about how this should be done. Basically I am working with motors that connect to the computer using a daisychained USB connection and I have to communicat...

Non-standard comport baudrates in windows

Do the windows built in com port drivers support non-standard baudrates? (actually does windows have a built in driver for com1 & 2?) The reason I ask is I'm having trouble getting a reliable connection to a device that uses the unusual baudrate 5787. The device & PC talk briefly, then seem to loose the dialogue, and then get it again...

Monitor serial port already open

Hi, I am try to read data over serial port already open. I have used C# and c++ library for use microsoft api (overlapped and not overlapped I/O), but not work. I can use same windows api? or other?? Thanks in advance for your availability, Cristiano ...

API/OS support for "9-bit" serial communication

Does java's javax.comm library support "9-bit" serial communication? (use of parity bit or "address bit" as an out-of-band signaling mechanism for framing information) Does the win32 communications API support it? I'm guessing the answer is no on both counts, but figured someone has more experience with this than me. ...

Difference between serial port and terminal port ?

Hi, I have plugged in a RS-232 cable to my PC to do a C# program to read from the port. If i open the 'HHD Free Serial Port Monitor' and try to monitor the Serial Ports, it does not show any activity for that port. If i run 'Terminal.exe', and point to that port, it shows me data flowing in. Is there some difference between Terminal p...

Invoking a method from a class

Hi all, I'm developing a serial port communication application. I've written a class. In serial port's DataReceived event, I need to invoke a method to do some string operations. I want to make these operations in another thread. But since my application is not a windows from application (it's a class only), it does not have the Invoke...

Communicating with Serial Port using Adobe Flash

Hi There, Just wondering if there is any way to access the serial port directly in adobe flash ? Many thanks, Stuart ...

serial port close hangs in compact frame work 3.5

I have developed the application for windows mobile 5.0 and .net compact framework 2.0 sp2. This application communicates to the hardware device using serial port. This application works fine in windows mobile 5.0 based PDAs. I have handled data received event to get the data from serial port. But when I run my application on windows mo...

Serial port doesn't send NULL values

I'm playing with an XBEE radio, I'm using Linux (Ubuntu 9.10) and the XBEE doesn't appear to send NULL values through the serial port when using MY code. When I use the XCTU program(stock term emulator that comes with the XBEE on a seperate windows box), I see this output through the serial port when a new XBEE joins the network: 7E 00 ...

programmatically controlling power sockets in the UK

It's very simple. I want to plug a lamp into the UK mains supply. I want to be able to power it on and off from software - say from serial port commands, or by running a command-line or something I can get to from ruby or Java. I see lots written about how to do this with X10 with American power systems - but has anybody actually trie...

reading from serial port

to read from serial port do i need to install some package the get support in netbeans? which packages do i need to import at the start of program? the statement: import javax.comm.*; results in error saying package does not exist...what to do ...

import javax.comm*; error

do i need to install netbeans 6.8 for serial port support? import javax.comm*; gives an error in my netbeans 5.5.1 ... what could be the actual problem? i downloaded comm api jar folder from : where to add this one so that import javax.comm.* won't give any error ...

where to update classpath variable

where to update the classspath ?? i downloaded CommAPI so that import javax.comm.*; should not give error. ...