
How to invalidate spring session when the app server session times out?

I am working on a struts2/spring/hibernate application running in Tomcat 5.5 server. i have defined my struts action in session scope. The problem i am facing is even when the server session times out, and at that time, if the user clicks on any link in the application, he is redirected to the login page.(This is right and as expected) B...

Is it possible in Springframework 2.5.6 to have scope="session" create the object on session create

I've got a project using Jetspeed portal and Springframework 2.5.6 where I need a Jetspeed level service to be unique for each user logged in. This would be best done using Spring AOP and scope="session". The problem is, that these are behind the scenes beans that need to be running as soon as the session in initiated. It appears that ...

Trouble with Hibernate One Way Associations

I'm trying to implement a Hibernate persistence layer in a Java application and I'm having some trouble with it. I'm encountering a no proxy error every time I attempt to access a simple, one way association. I haven't implemented Hibernate in quite the right way - I am using the thread method of Session control, which they do suggest ...

ASP.NET Sessions and Concurrency

I have a legacy ASP.NET application in which there are some session/concurrency related issues and inconsistency. I am looking for the best way to do the re-design/ This is the scenario A. Multiple users can log on to the site and access/modify a Ticket's details. However, if a user is already in the process of altering the workflow......