
How to re-focus to a text field when focus is lost on a HTML form?

There is only one text field on a HTML form. Users input some text, press Enter, submit the form, and the form is reloaded. The main use is barcode reading. I use the following code to set the focus to the text field: <script language="javascript"> <!-- document.getElementById("#{id}").focus() //--> </script> It w...

Android mapView ItemizedOverlay setFocus does not work properly

Calling setFocus(null) on the ItemizedOverlay does not 'unfocus' current marker. According to the documentation: ... If the Item is not found, this is a no-op. You can also pass null to remove focus. Here's my code: MapItemizedOverlay public class MapItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay<OverlayItem> { private ArrayList<Ov...

Textbox1.Focus(); does not work; as does not Page.SetFocus(Textbox1); why?

as stated both of these do not work (from Page_Load): Textbox1.Focus(); or Page.SetFocus(Textbox1); any idea why? this is the control itself: <asp:TextBox ID="Textbox1" ClientIDMode="Static" CssClass="Textbox1" runat="server" MaxLength="80"></asp:TextBox> it is located on a page, two master pages deep. the form ...

how to get the focus to a button on pressing the "enter" key in the key board

i have a aspx page with two buttons,"close" and "submit" button.when i press the enter key in the keyboard the focus automatically goes to "close" button and closes the page.Instead i want the focus to be focused on the "submit" button on pressing the enter key in the keyboard. ...

SWT: Proper handling of Lost/Gained Focus in Custom Controls

Hello Experts Our Control I have a Custom SWT implementation of a Combobox/DropDownList. This is implemented as a Composite containing a Text and a Button. When the list is showed, we use a List control that is placed on top of everything and positioned at the Text and Button. This works as expected. The Problem But we are having issu...

KeyCode_Enter to next edittext

Hi, In edittext, after typing 'Enter' key, system make a new line inside it. I'd like to focus on next edittext, no new line. how to code? my code in xml is below <EditText android:id="@+id/txtNPCode" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:textSize="18sp" android:layout_a...

Set focus to textbox in ASP.NET Login control on page load.

Hiya, I am trying to set the focus to the user name TextBox which is inside an ASP.NET Login control. I have tried to do this a couple of ways but none seem to be working. The page is loading but not going to the control. Here is the code I've tried. SetFocus(this.loginForm.FindControl("UserName")); And TextBox tbox = (TextBox)t...

SetFocus to a textbox wpf

Hi All, I want to set focus to a textbox always. I am creating a application in wpf, in the search page there is a textbox i want to set focus to that textbox always, if the user clicks anywhere in the page the taxtbox should gain the focus. How to achieve this task. Geetha. ...

Setting focus to the address bar using a firefox extension

I'm developing an extension that requires to set focus to the address bar at some point. I've been trying to RTFM, but the FM is so hard to read! Does anyone know of any way to set focus to the address bar from within a firefox extension? TIA. ...

setfocus on the set of Images in Blackberry

Hi, I have a problem that how to add set of images and setFocus on them in a List, So kindly help me, i will be very thankful to you. ...

Windows 7 not firing WM_SETFOCUS when switching nodes within a tree control

My application has a tree of type CTreeCtrl. One of the nodes of the tree is CComboBox control created as a child of this tree structure. c_combo->Create( WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | CBS_HASSTRINGS | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, myrect, m_pTree, IDD_OBTC_COMBO ); In essence, the ComboBox gets created when clicked on the tree node and we...

Changing focusrectangle color in flex

Hi there, I have a flex app, in which I need to change the color of the focus rectangle of a textinput if the input is empty. This used to work when I was writing inside a mx:script tag, but now I'm writing a new component (an AS3 class that inherits from VBox) myself. And now it isn't working anymore. I used to run the following statem...

C++/Win32 API - SetFocus to button does not work

HWND button = CreateWindowEx(0, "BUTTON", ...); SetFocus(button); // Button no get focus! :( Also, I have other controls on my form that I am able to SetFocus() to. Thanks, Martin ...

Select items runs fine in Chrome et al but not on Android G-1 browser?

This little web page runs fine on my desktop but when selecting the area with a G-1 Android device (select box that says statewide..) the data refreshed with the requested data in the table but the text in the select box does not change,,, the other select boxes (month and year) work fine.. Fwiw the data is still rough and so is the gadg...

How Windows Static Control Prevent Input Focus

We know that Static Control in Windows does not receive input focus. But since Static Control in Windows is just a child window, according to what I understand so far, any window should be given input focus when we click on it. So how does Static control achieve this effect of rejecting input focus? I suspect it has special processing ...

Focus an item in ListView with VirtualMode enabled

Hi I have a ListView in VirtualMode. I need a way to set focus to specific item. The FocusedItem is not good for the VirtualMode, I need a way to set FocusedIndex or something like that, but didn't see any property like that. Thanks. ...

Java - JPanel and KeyListener Problem.

I have a JFrame with 3 panels. I extend an App class, and then add three panels to it, like so: JPanel controlButtonsPanel = new GameControlButtons(); controlButtonsPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(801,60)); controlButtonsPanel.setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.white, 1)); constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints...

wpf problem with setting focus

Hi I'm not able to set focus on parent of control. I have a control which is placed on canvas. If I click that control I need to set focus on canvas in order to handle some keyboard events. However despite the fact that I was trying to set focus like that protected override void OnPreviewMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { ...

why is my button losing focus?

This is what I want to happen.. When a user hits 'enter' a 'SearchForItems()' should trigger. What is happening is another control, with 'other button', on the page gets focus returned to it anytime any other element is tabbed out of or after onkeyup. I am having to force focus on the 'Search button' on page load, but after that any ti...

Focus on a WPF TextBox doesn not work properly with attached properties

In WPF MVVM environment, I'm trying to ensure that focus is given to a TextBox. What happens is that the Cursor appears in the TextBox but is not flashing and the TextBox does not have focus. The code is: I have a Popup containing this UserControl: <UserControl x:Class="Rendevous.BusinessModules.AdministrationModule.LogonView" ...