
XSLT for Web Parts

Hello All, Why should we use XSLT to web parts? Can anyone please route me to good resources for learning XSLT to web parts. I think you might have understood by my Question. I am a starter. Cheers! Grace ...

Handle events in SPWebPartManager

How do i handle events such as "WebPartMoving" and "WebPartMoved" in a page conataining webparts. The webpart manager tag is added to the master page. So i added the handler to code behind: m.WebPartMoving += new System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPartMovingEventHandler(m_WebPartMoved); but it's not working...what could be the reaso...

Link / join lists dynamically / programmatically

Hello. I tried making Linked lists in Sharepoint designer and it worked well - I was able to link multiple sources of lists in 1 source. However I want to link these lists programmatically (by coding), so I could add/remove some lists based on condition (well actually I want a list with template number X added to linked source automati...

Sharepoint - How to return just the most recent Announcement

Hi, Using WSS 3.0 I have recently figured out how to aggregate the announcements from several Sharepoint sub-site so that they can be displayed on the top-level site (See: What I need to do now is to display just the mos...

sharepoint users cannot edit their workflow tasks

Hello, I've created a custom workflow using Visual Studio 08 that uses a custom content type and .aspx task edit form. The tasks are successfully created and assigned to the users. However, only users that are members of the Site Owners group are able to 'Edit' the task items. All others (even though they have contribute and approve perm...

Business Data Catalog and master-detail sample

I am working with Sharepoint Server 2007 and have an external SQL Server database with two tables: master (<500 records) and detail (4 000 000+ records). Of course in this case I should use the Business Data Catalog but I can't find any best practice for master-detail or other generic implementations using the BDC. Where can I find t...

Digitally Signing InfoPath Forms

I have an InfoPath 2007 form with custom .NET code. In order for it to be accessible on our Sharepoint server, it needs to run in full-trust (I get an error about the form trying to access my computer, and therefore it cannot run). In order to run in full-trust, it needs to be signed with a cert. The network admin sent me a cert, but ...

Sharepoint Lists to Word / Excel file

Is their anything in sharepoint to easily achieve this? Say you have a list of 40 items, you can click a button to export all 40 items right to a word file or text file or something. Instead of having to open each item and click print. I can do something custom wise, im just curious if there is a simple solution already implemented. ...

URL Changing when configured for multiple languages

Hello All, I have configured by using this link. However the URL is changing as http://server/EN/Pages/default.aspx for the default page. I want the URL not to change, still I need to have my site displayed for multiple languages. Any Suggestions? ...

Can I get the Publishing Page Approver and Page Status in workflow?

I want to develop a workflow for a SharePoint Publishing Page Library. When someone approves the page, I want to trigger this workflow and record the approver name, URLl and page status to a custom database. How can I get approver name and page status? Could you please advise me? This is my current testing code: public SPWorkflowActi...

How to use smart part in Form based authentication site in sharepoint

Hi, I have a site created in share point (WSS 3.0) which use Form based authentication. I have written a user control and I am trying to use it with the help of SmartPart, But it is giving me error saying that "can not access the path C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\5353\UserControls\". This is working file in windows authenti...

SharePoint: How to create/delete multiple items in a transaction

Hi I am trying to delete multiple items in a sharepoint list. But the constraint is : either all the items should be deleted or not a single item should be delted.In short I am looking for trasactional behavior in SharePoint.I tried to use ProcessBatchData() function. But it seems that it doesnt fulfill my requirement. Is there any othe...

Sharepoint Javascript Lists

Hi, Is it possible to iterate through a survey response list using javascript on a webform in Sharepoint? Is it also possible to iterate through a user group list as well - again using javascript? Additionally, is it possible to create a table or list or something to: a) Display a group of users b) Display their responses to a survey ...

Hierarchical expiration policies on individual items

I am looking to implement a custom policy for item expiration on a custom list (not a document library). This policy must be editable on an item-per-item basis, and compute the expiration date based on user-defined rules such as: number of accesses, expiration timespan, or any aggregation of the two rules above. Because of this granular...

Best practice for SharePoint vanity url/redirection

My employer uses MOSS 2007 for our company intranet. It runs solely on secure http and is also exposed to the outside world via ISA. I currently have a request to add a forwarding URL to our site so that something like the following will occur: redirects to ->

SharePoint > Custom Page-Library & PageLayout

I have a custom page-library which a custom content-type and a page-layout all inside a site-definition. Works as expected. The only thing I cannot get around is that if I upgrade the solution with the page-lib, ctype, page-layout via stsadm everything is updated except the page-layout. New fields in the ctype --> no problem Changed v...

Does SharePoint workflow require a document?

I'm just starting out looking at SharePoint workflows - all the information I've seen so far assumes a document-centric workflow. Can you do generic workflows (something like BPM or BPEL)? ...

PasswordPropertyText not working

I have a SharePoint web part with a web-browsable property that stores a password. I've decorated the property with the PasswordPropertyText attribute but whenever I edit the web part it shows the actual password rather than dots or asterisks. Here is my property declaration: <Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.Shared), _ PasswordPrope...

moss image library approval

Can I control when images in a moss image library are visible to site content editors? I want to make sure only approved images can be used by the team. ...

How to create a scroll bar (up-down) in a SharePoint list?

I need to create a scroll bar in a SharePoint list so I can keep the toolbar visible when scrolling down the page. Is this possible? ...