
ASP.NET MVC Application in Sharepoint 2007 virtual directory.

Hi, I have MOSS 2007 installed at lets say http://localhost:4999/ and I want to have my custom ASP.NET MVC (1.0) application at http://localhost:4999/mvcapp/ - logic dictates that, in IIS, i should create a new application virtual directory under my MOSS site and point it at my custom MVC app. I've done this and it works for executing...

Create a List (url links) and deploy it as a feature

Hi All, I'm very new to SharePoint, so apologies if this sounds a little basic. I want to create a List in SharePoint that is just purely URL links, but then make it available to every site collection that we will create. Once this list is created, I need it to display in a webpart (like that standard 'links' webpart). I guess I will...

asp:button Created Programmatically: EventHandler does not fire

I am writing a SharePoint web part which will have a simple ASP.NET form. I am using HtmlTextWriter to render the controls. The problem I have is that my button does not seem to be triggering the EventHandler I have assigned it. I initially declared the button in the CreateChildControls method, and wired the event handler: { ...

Delete a Sharepoint Wiki page that has no menu

Hi I created a Wiki in Sharepoint 2007, and then deleted the Home page. Now when I go to the AllPages.aspx (ie the root of the wiki) I've got no menu options. I cannot delete the Wiki page, or add any pages to it. Here's what I see - there's no way to delete it as far as I can tell. Any help greatly appreciated, don't want to start...

SharePoint WebPart + Override render method

Hi Is it acceptable to override the "Render" method when creating a custom web part in SharePoint? I have a web part which inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebPart. I add the controls to the controls collection in "CreateChildControls" and then override the "Render" method to render the html and the controls. I am having some iss...

Binding a dropdownlist and then adding a new listitem

Hi, I have a DropDown list which I Initialize in "CreateChildControls" and add to the controls collections. I then override the render method and then render the drop down list. The web part inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart. I bind the drop down list in my web part like this private void BindClientTypes() ...

Integrating sharepoint with lightbox

Hi, I want to integrate lightbox video with sharepoint. I have a site that I am migrating to sharepoint and I want the lightbox plugin to integrate with sharepoint. Could anyone tell me how to achieve this. Any help would really be appreciated. Thanks, Prakash ...

Strange Sharepoint 403 error

Hi all, I've installed a Sharepoint site for my team. Everything work fine. But suddenly, I've found that I can not edit the quicklaunch menu: every time I click on Add Item or edit an Item, I get a 403 error. I've logged with administrator account. I've tried using different browsers such as chrome, firefox, but no hope. The same err...

Insertion of multiple data

How to insert multiple values into a Sharepoint List Column. I have one sharepoint listcolumn named Technology of type Choices. When i hitted Save button after the selection of mutiple checkboxes, it will stored to that of particular column seperated by a semi column. Help me with a example.. ...

Sharepoint Timer Job - Which server does the job execute on?

If I install a (timer job) feature to a Sharepoint front end server within a farm, which server executes the job? All of them? The job is locked at the job level, and the Execute method calls a web service on one specific machine on the farm, which handles all the processing. My question is whether all the front end servers will try and...

Using SharePoint Webservices from External (non-SharePoint) Applications

We have an ASP.NET MVC application that is not part of SharePoint. However, it'd be preferable to leverage SharePoint's security framework. For instance, when the user enters username/password in the non-SharePoint app, could it call a SharePoint webservice to authenticate the user? Or is there any other way to achieve this? ...

MOSS 2007 sharepoint Workflow

Is there a way from a workflow to add a field to a list and prompt for its data? ...

SharePoint Custom Web Part With Active Directory

Hello all. I am currently working on a custom SharePoint web part (WSS 3.0, not MOSS) that will pull in information for all of the users in Active Directory to build an up to date employee directory. This web part shows things like phone number, address, and other similar fields. The issue that I am having is that, by default, the Sha...

Sharepoint Smartpart Issue

Hi, I am very new to Sharepoint programming, like the rest of my team is. We have decided to use smart part as our bridge between sharepoint and our development efforts. After some effort we got it up and running. However, the problem is, that when i use a simple user control for test, with sharepoint om code that gets names of files in ...

How to disable the editing of the item after it was approved in SharePoint (WSS)?

Is there a way to disable editing after the the item was approved? One option I thought about is writing an event handler that will fire when user tries to edit the item and allow the operation based on the approval state. Does anyone have more straight forward solution to this problem? P.S. Owner of the item should stay the same. ...

Giving access to Sharepoint site for people outside organization?

I'm creating a site that will have people that work for my company using it( on the domain) and contractors who are not currently on the domain. I'm trying to figure out how to give access to the people who are not on our domain to the Sharepoint site. Can someone point me in the right direction? ...

FullTextSqlQuery RowLimit setting defaulted when adding WHERE criteria

We are experiencing an issue where a FullTextSqlQuery is only returning the default 100 results whenever certain criteria are added in the WHERE clause. We are setting the RowLimit to int.MaxValue, and when a wide-open search is done, we are receiving the max results. It's only an issue when tacking-on CONTAINS clauses. Has anyone els...

Sharepoint Training

I need to learn Sharepoint, not so much admin functions, but usage/development. Anyone know if Microsoft makes a free version, and if I need to learn .NET/C# or any other tools? ...

Can I redirect a query from default search box in SharePoint to a different search engine.

I dont want the default results that SharePoint returns. I want the query term when entered into SharePoint search box to be redirected to a different search engine? Can I do that. I have seen FAST ESP web parts but could not figure out how they actually transferred the query to FAST search engine. Any help would be really appreciated!...

Deploy Web part as a feature

Hi all, I have a web part dashboard.cs which render some HTML according to records in a list. No I have a site definition created. I want to integrate this web part in my site defination as a feature so when I Build my project with the help of install.bat i want to install this feature which will deploy this web part on respective site....