
adding metadata into document library(Pages) sharepoint

Hi, I have a dropdown and a button on a page layout.Dropdown is retrieving information from some list.I need to select the value in the dropdown and when I m clicking the button it should update the page metadata properties(which is nothing but document library metadata property). I am facing two problems over here: First how to retri...

Read web.config from browser-enabled InfoPath form

Hi I've built in C# a dll that accesses the appSettings section from the web.config file in the Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80. I do it the way it was described by Microsoft Community here. I use this dll in a browser-enabled form published to a SharePoint site collection. It works fine on my local machine, but when i publis...

webdav query Unauthorized on production server and authorized on testing server

im trying to access my exchange inbox using webdav and it works from my testing server (windows 2003 64bit, contain MOSS instalation) and not from my production server (windows xp 32bit). for authentication im using: ICredentials credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; from my production server im getting: The remote...

How to add a property bag to a Site/List?

Hi, This might be bit non programming related but thought to add it here. I am working on a code that retrieves the Property bags from the Sharepoint server. Now I need to test it. In order to do that I need to associate some custom properties with sharepoint objects. (i.e Add property bags) How can I do that manually in sharepoint. H...

Adding values to an InfoPath XML schema

hi, I have an InfoPath form in a SharePoint workflow. I'm trying to use a blank copy of the XML produced by the InfoPath to create new instances of the form for the document library to start the workflow, thats not where my problem is. I have an app which copies the file to the document library but when i try to populate the XML i get th...

SharePoint running a method when item added to a library

I have a library and I want to run some code when an item is added to populate some additonal columns. Is there any way I can have this code run automcailly. Where would I go about adding it. Also would it be possible to have a screen to be able to edit the options of the code. Just some pointing in the right dirrection would be great. ...

WSS error when trying to check out PDF files

I have a strange issue in WSS 3.0. It uses forms-based authentication and is under ISA. I can check out any file except PDF files. When I check out a PDF I get "Value does not fall within the expected range." I suspect this has something to do with ISA and where SSL is terminated. I have had problems before where links that should be htt...

Trouble with SPFieldLinkCollection.Reorder: Isn't working as documented.

I am working with a custom list I've built in SharePoint. I have a feature which has an event handler that kicks off when the feature is activated. That event handler calls (I can debug and watch it execute) the following function: I'm intending that the function behaves as described here. private void OrderFields(SPWeb web) { // ...

Hosting Silverlight Out of Browser Application in Sharepoint 2007

I am trying to host a Silverlight 3 Out of Browser Application in Sharepoint 2007. My application gets displayed fine; but when I install it as out of browser; and try to run it from desktop; only blank screen is displayed and nothing happens onwards. The XAP file is kept in _layout/MyFolder/MyApp.xap (Under 12 Hive). Am I missing anyth...

Add a document and metadata to a document library without creating 2 versions.

I have a requirement to programmatically add a file along with metadata to a document library and in an event handler. I am using the following code in the asynchronous “ItemAdded” and “ItemUpdated” events: SPFile destFile = web.Files.Add(newUrl, newFile, true); SPListItem destItem; if (destFile.Item != null) { destItem = destFile.It...

Sharepoint & Dynamics CRM Classroom Training

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone of you knew of some good MS Sharepoint & MS Dynamics CRM Developer training classes that were available. I looked at quite a few for sharepoint but I wasn't quite sure of how thorough they might be so I thought i'd ask those who might have taken some previously. My Company will be paying for them money...

Changing ONET.XML set properties after provisioning in Sharepoint/MOSS 2007?

I have a custom MOSS publishing site collection / sites which have been provisioned with the following site definition properties within ONET.XML. <Properties xmlns=""&gt; <Property Key="SimplePublishing" Value="false"/> ... <Property Key="VersioningOnDocuments" Value="Major"/> </P...

How to add the UserId parameter to the query string of a XmlUrlDataSource in SharePoint?

I have an aspx that returns XML data using the query string parameter UserId. This UserId should be the SharePoint current User. I create the datasource and dragged to the page, but i don't know how to add the parameter to the datasource, so that it sends the current User Id. I tried to add the parameter in the datasource parameters gri...

Moving SPListItems between different ContentDatabases

I have several SiteCollections, each SiteCollection with their own ContentDatabase associated. Now a few SPListItems are added to one of the SiteCollections that have be be moved into another SiteCollection and therefore into another ContentDatabase. The questions is: How do I move ListItems between these different Collections into anot...

SharePoint field not showing in Display/Edit/New pages

I've written a schema for a list that only needs to add one column to the default custom list which is a number field called months. The field is shown on the default view and is indeed created on the list. The list is autopopulated with values which get set properly. The problem is that the field doesn't appear on the display/edit/new p...

Required Sharepoint Development Tools

I am a java person, having to learn how to develop a website/portal application on Sharepoint. What tool(s) do I need, and, what option(s) of Sharepoint do I need to build a portal, that uses Sharpoint as a content management system. I'm assuming Visual Studio is one of the tool(s)? ...

how to temporarily disable email notification while updating items in code?

Hi all, I am having trouble with temporarily disable email notification while updating items so the system will not send out any unnecessary email. What I am trying to accomplish is that disable alert, updates item, then enable alert back. SPList tasklist = Web.Lists["Tasks"]; tasklist.EnableAssignToEmail = false; //This property...

Install Windows service for a Sharepoint application

Hi, I have written a Windows service to send mails to users in a Sharepoint list based on some condition. The development server is a stand-alone Sharepoint installation and the Windows service works fine. But,the Production environment has the application(Sharepoint) and Database(SQL) residing on different servers. So when the Windo...

delay activity in event handling scope activity - windows workflow sharepoint

Hi, I am trying to create a following scenario: a task gets assigned to the user to complete a task get created for the manager to reassign the user task if necessary (don't ask, they wanted it this way) an email reminder neeeds to be sent when the task is nearing a due date So, I thought of using EventHandlingScope for this: I am...

Creating an SPListItem in a WCF service deployed to SharePoint

Hi all, i have the following method in a WCF service, that has been deployed to SharePoint using Shail Malik's guide: [OperationContract] public string AddItem(string itemTitle, Guid? idOfListToUse) { using (var portal = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url, SPContext.Current.Site.SystemAccount.UserToken)) { using (var web = po...