
SharePoint webpart connctions

Is it possible to have a bi-directional web part connection? I am aware that a web part can be both a provider and a consumer but it seems only one connection is allowed between two web parts. What I am trying to accomplish is a bi-directional connection where a field in web part A can update web Part B and a field in B can update web p...

Which is the better approach in custom pages ?

Hi all I want to create a custom new item page for sharepoint but there are two approached that I can use and I want to share your experience in determining which is better. The first: is to create a page in a library then create a C# library project to handle the events of the controls on the page. The second: is to define a feat...

SharePoint 2007 - Audience.

We have scheduled to execute the Audience (all) compilation job and found that it is failed to complete with the below error: 'The audience cannot be compiled while another job in progress' if we compile the audience manually, it is working perfectly without any issues. Could be due to someother Timer jobs scheduled at that time? or W...

MOSS2007. SPWorkflowTask.AlterTask's last argument.

MOSS2010 documentation for SPWorkflowTask.AlterTask method claims, that If true is passed as the argument to fSynchronous, this method waits up to 30 seconds to determine whether the attempted update was accepted by the workflow schedule as valid. The method then returns true if the update was accepted and not rolled back, or false ...

How to set permissions on SharePoint to hide an aspx page for authenticated users and to make it visible for anonymous users

I have a portal based on a publishing portal. The portal (SPSite) contains has two websites (SPWebs) one is anonymously accessible and other one isn't. This works as expected. Now I want to set the permissions for some aspx page of the anonymously accessible website so that they are not visible for authenticated users. So it's actually ...

How to change type of information for a Title column in SharePoint MOSS 2007 List?

I created a calendar in SharePoint MOSS 2007 that is connected to my Outlook. I added a custom column “Person” to this list and the type of information in this column is: Person or Group. In SharePoint I can hide Title column and in Calendar View show this Person field as Month View Title. So I can see on the calendar who is working th...

Maximum Upload size?

The Maximum Upload size is '50MB' for a web-application, will it be the same for the site-collections underneath of that web-application? ...

Add Today's Date to SharePoint Master Page

Surely there must be a simple way of putting a simple code block into a master page :( I've tried using the obvious <%= "Hello, World!" %> syntax but code blocks aren't allowed. Then tried a site column, but don't know how to use them. Then tried web zones but master pages can't use them. Tried putting a web part (which are super diffi...

Sharepoint: Customizing the office dialog "choose document type"

Hi all When saving documents to a Sharepoint document library having multiple content-types, office asks which content-type should be used: Is there a way to customize this dialog to some degree? I have seen that UI elements within Office such as the sharepoint document information panel can be customized using infopath. Is there a ...

Is using SharePoint as a intranet/extranet portal a good idea?

I work for a fortune 500 company in IT and we have developed many systems/applications to do a variety of things. We are in need of some commonality of these applications and a better portal/dashboard/landing page for these applications. So, our customers and employees would log into this portal and see all the "things" that they can do ...

SharePoint : https area in a public website

I'm working on a public website that was built using SharePoint (WSS). We need to add an area in the site where people will be able to purchase items with their credit cards and obviously the area needs to be secured. The website is using Form Based Authentication and the users need to stay logged in when they are moved back and forth f...

Sharepoint item locking after getting approved

I have a sharepoint custom list which has 5 columns ..the user should fill in first three columns and the other two should be locked for filling ..when the user enters the items and start the workflow if the workflow gets approved the 3 columns should be locked for editing and then the other two should be available for editing . Can som...

Which parts of Sharepoint do I need to understand to build a publicly facing website?

I am building a publicly facing website that does the following. Users log in. And then view a list of their customers. They click on a customer to view their past purchases, order them, change them etc. This is not a shopping site by the way. It is a simple look up tool. Note that none of the data accessed by the website is in anything...

Get page URL by using a program within a pageviewerwebpart in SharePoint

Hello, I have a simple hit counter written in c# .net. I placed that counter to many pages using the pageviewerwebpart. What I want to do is, not only counting the hits, but also which page triggered the hit counter. So how can I retrieve the page URL with my hit counter ? Thanks. ...

MOSS 2007 team site page title

Hi, I'm trying to display the page title (html title) on the default.aspx page of a custom site template. The template is based on a MOSS team site template. But the html page title is rendered empty. Can I change the code in the default.aspx and/or the sites master page to define the title myself? Details of the deafult.aspx and defau...

Webservice to add users to SharePoint (like SPWeb.EnsureUser)

Hallo, i need to add a user to a SharePoint-Website (WSS 3.0) via a Web Service. Using the API i would use the SPWeb.EnsureUser method, but i can't run my own code on the server. I was hoping the Users and Groups Web Service could help, but it does not provide a suitable method. So, is there a Web Service equivalent to SPWeb.EnsureUs...

Sharepoint isn't accepting new Credentials initially when switching users.

Hi all, I have a standard website (one webapplication and one site collection) with some custom pages and webparts. The issue I'm having is that when I try to switch users, using the "Sign In As a Different User" and entering new credentials (even for another site collection admin account), IE tries the account three times, and then i...

Programmatically retrieve a form template from a SharePoint library.

So an InfoPath form is deployed to a SharePoint server. It gets deployed through central admin and then activated to a particular site collection. This site collection has a forms library with the appropriate content type for the activated InfoPath form. Using the object model, how can I retrieve the form template back out of SharePoint...

How can I tell if an SPField is a rich text box or a normal text box

Can anyone tell me how i can find out if an SPField object is a rich text box or a normal text box. If its a rich text box then i want to use the GetFieldValueAsHtml otherwise i want to use the GetFieldValueAsText methods. I have looked at SPField.Type but i am either blind (very possible) or it just has a Text option that represents al...

sharepoint (web part filtering) help

I have a Sharepoint question. For our web site we would like to be able to have a combo box from which the end user selects a “Province/State” where they are from. Depending on which “Province/State” he selects, some web parts will be shown (content) and some parts will not be shown... Is there any way to do this easily with Sharepoint? ...