
CSS in sharepoint

I need to apply a CSS to a Sharepoint site (WSS3.0) based on the theme applied to a site. The CSS would be saved at root site in 'Document Library'. How do I apply the CSS programmatically on the page? Thanks! ...

Multiple hostnames on a single MOSS site

I have been asked if it is possible to have a sub-site of a MOSS site running a different hostname from the parent. Say I had the following site hierachy: Home News Article 1 Sub Site Pages Some sub page Some other sub page Would it be possible to have the site running of but 'Sub Site' running off

How do you Read SharePoint Lists Programatically?

I currently use the Linq to SharePoint to retrieve data from several SharePoint lists. This is my current preferred method of coding my way from ASP.NET and WinForms to retrieve this data. My only issue with this project: I have to manually generate the SPML file and add this to the development environment, compile it in the project...

SharePoint/MOSS - Deleting other people's un-checked-in items from a list

A simple scenario: I want to delete a pagelayout that is out-dated from our MOSS publishing site. An ex-colleague has created a new page using this page layout and he has not checked it in. I can't delete the pagelayout because his file is referencing it. I can't 'see' the file because it hasn't been checked in, to remove it. I've trie...

Maximum lookup fields in a list

In SharePoint 2007, is there a limit to the number of lookup-fields that you can have in a list? ...

Is Sharepoint the right platform for large ERP applications?

I have been tasked with developing some large ERP applications (some legacy apps being rewritten and some new apps) in Sharepoint. As I've come up to speed in Sharepoint, I see the value and ease of creating team sites, and the examples I've found online and in books are all tailored to intranet department portals, or simple line-of-bus...

Exception error message with incorrect line number

When an exception occurs to in an Asp.Net web page, an error message is displayed with the complete stack trace. Example below: Stack Trace: IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. MyNameSpace.SPAPP.ViewDetailsCodeBehind.LoadView() +5112 MyNameSpace.SPAPP.ViewDetailsCodeBehind.Page_Load(Obj...

How to access the uiserID of the user who initiated a workflow

DUPE: See link below I have a SharePoint Designer workflow and I need to send an email to the user who initiated the workflow. It is set for manual start only so it should always be running in the context fo a particular user. I cannot see a SharePoint Designer action to let me do this, only to get the user who created the list item...

stsadm differential backups when directories are renamed?

Hi there, currently I have a full backup running daily in SharePoint. The automated process for further copying, renames the full backup directory to backup_((date in yyyymmdd))_full. I'd like to rework to a daily incremental/weekly full schedule, but the differentials can't seem to find the last full backup to work with. I was thinki...

Reduced functionality using forms authentication (FBA) in SharePoint

I’ve got a moss document centre website with FBA and AD authentication enabled. After creating a picture library I seem to have reduced functionality when accessing the site through the FBA URL. I’ve compared the web.config files from each IIS website and they are the same (apart from added FBA information that's required). Here's two...

Could not find assembly System.ServiceModel

I'm deploying a webpart on sharepoint and getting some errors. The webpart consumes data from a Web Service and displays a chart using Microsoft Chart (Framework 3.5). When I try to acces it, I get the folowing error: Could not load file or assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0...

How is SharePoint (MOSS 2007) perceived in your company?

UPDATE: Our implementation is now kicking into high gear with some high profile projets going live in the coming weeks, so I am quite interested to see if the environment has changed out there. Original Question We have an issue within our working environment where the perception of SharePoint is either: a) The golden bullet, the answ...

Sharepoint Workflow Vs. WFF

The title is not very accurate. I am currently developing an addition to a site that allows multiple people to enter data. I need/want to use WFF, because the people will enter the data in a certain sequence. It is a customer complaint form. A salesman will fill out the initial form and submit the complaint. The complaint will be r...

How to create a lookup column that targets a Doc Lib and uses the 'Name' of the document?

How do you create a lookup column to a Document Library that uses the 'Name' of the document as the lookup value? I found a blog post that recommends adding another custom field like "FileName" and then using a item reciever to populate the custom field with the value from the Name field but that seems cheesy. Link to the blog in case p...

How can I upload a document to SharePoint with Perl?

I have a Perl app that runs some perforce operations, in the end I would like it to upload the results to SharePoint website. What is the simplest Perl script that can accomplish a task of adding a document to SharePoint? The script would need to run on Solaris and use as few as possible external libraries as possible (definetely pur...

How to edit 'People and group' navigat url in Site Actions-->Site Settings

How to edit 'People and Group' navigat url in Site Actions-->Site Settings-->People and Group. or how to retrieve the list of all items in sub menu of Site Actions-->Site Settings using ? ...

Object Model Permission

I'm trying to confirm my findings on permissions. In order for the SharePoint object model to be accessed from a console application or for that matter a WinForm application, the user running the application must have db_admin permission to the content database for the web application in question. In order to use Microsoft.SharePoint.A...

Migrating a SharePoint Designer Workflow into Visual Studio Workflow

Under normal circumstances you cannot move a workflow designed in SharePoint Designer to another site, or into Visual Studio for further customisation/development. I believe it is possible but was looking for some pointers on approach/technique and maybe some links to more information. I know some MVPs (Todd Bleeker and others) have ...

Sharepoint: How to find out whether an realtive URL is available or already used by a site

How could I find out if a URL is available and usable to create a new site within a site collection or whether it is already in use by an other site, list or library? Assumed that the relative URL "/newUrl/ is not yet in use, the following code won't actually throw an exception until you try to access any of the SPWeb's properties. us...

DIsplaying SSRS reports in SharePoint?

I have a series of reports served by SSRS. They are great and the users like them. That being the case, upper management wants to throw a wrench in the works and serve the reports from the Sharepoint server. Is there a realtively painless way to let users access the reports from sharepoint? How would somebody go about doing such ...