
Is there a book about using the MOSS API from an external .NET web application?

As the title says, I'd like to know if there's a good book about using the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 API from an external .NET web application? I mean.. assuming that it's possible to do that without deploying the application to the SharePoint server..? Or I can do that if I have to, but I just want to use certain SharePoi...

How do you create a new site template for my sites?

We've created a new site template for sites in general. However how do we implement the same site template for users my sites? They appear to work completely differently. Does anyone how pointers on how to do this? Extra Detail: This is for Sharepoint 2007, standard edition. ...

Sharepoint - how to set permission level to add item but not view?

I want to allow a certain group of users to add items to a list, but not be able to view all items. This is so I can set up a workflow with certain parts of it private. I thought it'd be possible by defining a new permission level in: http://servername/_layouts/addrole.aspx ('Add a permission level' page) However, when you select the "...

Backup and Restore SSP on MOSS 2007 fails due to missing .mdf files

Hi, I've used the central admin backup facility to backup our Shared Services Provider. The backup location was a drive on a new server. I then try to restore the SSP via central admin on the new server. It fails with an error relating to the fact that it cant find the .mdf files that it requires. It is looking in the location that the...

error while sending mail

I'm getting following error message when I'm trying to add a new user to site and trying to send mails to him. The Site is Intranet site as well exposed on internet via alternate URL mapping while adding users of local exchange group it does not give any errors but suppose that I add a user having gmail id expressed in his AD that throws...

How to display a standard SharePoint "Access Denied" message

How can I re-direct the user to the standard SharePoint "access denied" page, similar to the image below? Currently, I am throwing an UnauthorizedAccessException, but this error message is not as elegant as SP message. throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("User does not have permission to access this list"); Any help will be highly ...

Infopath Form Template Conflict

We have a bunch of story libraries in Sharepoint 2003 for all of our different projects. We created a nice Stories Library with a bunch of useful views in Sharepoint. Then I exported it from Sharepoint designer and I use that template to create a library for each new project. The problem is, the Infopath template always has the same ID. ...

Dated reminders in sharepoint calendars

I have a departmental maintenance that needs to be done roughly every 3 months. The maintenance itself can't be automated (it involves physically swapping a primary and spare piece of networking hardware to verify the spare is still working correctly). I could put this as a recurring event in Outlook and give it a two week reminder win...

SharePoint: Content Type ID differs form content type id attached to a list instance

Hi, I got a question regarding content types and their IDs and how to use them with the object model. First of all, I defined some site columns, a content type using these columns and a list definition using this content type via CAML. Each of the three components is realized as a feature. Another feature creates a list instance of th...

Sharepoint SSL Web.Config access issue.

I’ve got a strange scenario: I’ve got a webpart that calls into a dll in the GAC, which is trying to read a section from web.config file. This works fine normally, but under SSL it fails, saying it does not have access to the path (of the config file). However, it’s under the mosssvc account, which has full control over the webconfig fi...

How to enable "Connect to Outlook" function in your custom list?

How can I enable the functionality to sync my custom list with Outlook 2007 todo or calendar list? I assume it's possible with custom lists too, but I cannot find any documentation on it. ...

MOSS Web Solution Package breaks when moved

Hi I have moss .wsp that is installed on a single sharepoint server and works correctly when in preview mode. I have now moved the SharePoint site to another server and added/deployed the same .wsp but on this new server I get the following error when trying to preview the web part in the gallery: An error occured when previewing the ...

Innovative uses of social networking in a commercial environment

I am looking for some examples of innovative uses of social networking for a purely commercial environment. I can see the uses that Twitter might have for micro blogging for anything (application event logs springs to mind amongst other ideas). Does anyone have any further examples or ideas they may want to share for ways that we can e...

SharePoint through Web Client Service (webclnt.dll). CreateFile fails

I have an application that creates and edits documents. I need to integrate it with SharePoint, so that users can edit files on SharePoint servers using my application. My environment is Visual C++, non-MFC Windows application. I'm trying out the Web Client service (webclnt.dll) to see if I can get my app to work with a minimum of co...

Web Part Not Showing In Add Web Parts Dialog...

I created a couple of web parts using the Visual Studio 2008 SharePoint Web Part template. However, when I deploy it says everything has deployed successfully but, when I try to add the web parts they are not available in the add web part dialog from within my portal... Any thoughts..? I did this with another web part project and didn't...

app pool identity - farm admin

The userid that is the identity of the application pool is also in the Farm Administrators group. Is that a bad thing? We started seeing some weird permission errors after this change was made (that userid was added to the farm admin group). ...

Configure Tomcat for AD Kerberos + Impersonating

I would like to configure Tomcat to use Kerberos authentification against Active Directory, but also to use Impersonating (i.e. the Java's worker thread should be running under the credentials of the authentificated user, so that I can then call some SharePoint webservices and pass them the Kerberos ticket with the delegation right) ...

SharePoint for a C# ASP.NET Developer

I've been asked to create a website in SharePoint within the next couple of weeks or so and I'm entirely new to SharePoint. Does anyone have any good examples/tutorials on how to do some basic operations such as creating custom forms, using basic CRUD operations, with a custom SQL Server database? Also is there any way to code in ASP.N...

How to find default crawling account for all shared service providers in MOSS

what is the best way to find which are the default crawling accounts used for crawling for all the shared service providers in a Farm in MOSS i would prefer if any one can tell me using Shared Service Provider Database ...

Should we use the SharePoint WF host for workflows that include external (to SharePoint) data sources?

We need to build a couple applications that require fairly advanced workflow functionality. The plan is to store the data in SQL Server, use Windows Workflow Foundation as the workflow engine, and build the frontend using an RIA technology such as Flex or Silverlight. We already have Sharepoint 2007 set up, and some of us (including me)...