
Errors creating WebPart subclass in another assembly

I am trying to create a subclass of WebPart that will act as a parent to any WebParts we create. If I create an empty class in the same project, I am able to inherit from it as one would expect. However, if I try to place it in another assembly -- one that I've been able to reference and use classes from -- I get the following error: Un...

Using Asp.Net MVC with SharePoint

Hi, Is it possible to use the Asp.Net MCV framework within SharePoint sites? ...

Sharepoint best practices

I am starting becoming a sharepoint developer... I am not sure what I did in a previous life to warrant this, it must have been bad! Anyway I am getting buried in a world of xml and guids that it seems should be automated, each time I add something to a folder I have to add little bits to a number of different xml files, and WOE betide ...

Auto number column in SharePoint list

Hi, In a SharePoint list I want an auto number column that as I add to the list gets incremented. How best can I go about this? All the best Kieran ...

SharePoint Content Query Web Part

Hi, I have a content query web part that queries by content type against a site collection. I have grouped it by content type so I have: -- Agenda (Content Type) ----Agenda #1 ----Agenda #2 -- Report (Content Type) ----Report #1 ----Report #2 I would like to show a second grouping for site, so: -- Agenda (Content Type) ----This Site...

Creating SharePoint 2007 list items via the Web Dav interface

SharePoint 2007 (both Moss and Wss) exposes document libraries via web dav, allowing you to create documents via essentially file system level activities (e.g. saving documents to a location). SharePoint also seems to expose lists via the same web dav interface, as directories but they are usually empty. Is it possible to create or man...

How to move SharePoint sites from one active directory domain to another?

I have a SharePoint virtual machine in one active directory domain (for example domain1) and I want to transfer all the sites it has to another active directory domain (domain2). I don’t know which could be the best procedure to do this, if I detach and attach my virtual machine from domain1 to domain2 it probably didn’t work since all t...

Sharepoint: Best way to display lists of non-Sharepoint content with "compatible" UI?

I've built a web part for Sharepoint that retrieves data from an external service. I'd like to display the items in a way that's UI-compatible with Sharepoint (fits in with its surroundings.) I'm aware of the "DataFormWebPart" but was unable to get one working properly. It requires a valid DataSource and I was unable to build one from...

Is there a list of Sharepoint 2007 WebParts, Features and ContentTypes that Sharepoint installs with?

Does anyone know where I can find a list of all the WebParts, Features and ContentTypes that are available to a regular Sharepoint installation? What I need to do is identify any of the above in a sharepoint site that are not part of the standard Microsoft family that pack with Sharepoint- as far as I can tell the most reliable way to d...

How do you customize the RSS feeds in SharePoint

In the early days of SharePoint 2007 beta, I've come across the ability to customize the template used to emit the RSS feeds from lists. I can't find it again. Anybody know where it is? ...

How do I use calculated value date in Sharepoint lists field to find a date+30 days?

I have a list I've built in Sharepoint, where one of the fields is a date that the user enters. I want to add another field, which is a calculated value field that needs to be the date provided by the user + 30 days. What formula do I need to pass to the calculated value field to achieve that? ...

How do I use the same field type in multiple lists on SharePoint?

I have a SharePoint site with multiple lists, some of which have the same fields - a choice of products or countries. How can I build the lists in a way that I configure the choice field once and use it in multiple lists, so that in the future, if I add a value to the choice, I add it only once? ...

Placing Share Documents subfolder as a webpart in SharePoint

I want to place a Webpart on a page that holds a subfolder of the Document Library in SharePoint, but somehow, the only thing I get is the root folder of the document library. Is there a Webpart that fills this need? ...

Sharepoint UserProfileManager without Manage User Profiles right

I have an issue that is driving me a bit nuts: Using a UserProfileManager as an non-authorized user. The problem: The user does not have "Manage User Profiles" rights, but I still want to use the UserProfileManager. The idea of using SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges does not seem to work, as the UserProfileManager authorizes against...

What are the best methods to ensure our SharePoint implementation is accessible?

Are there any blogs, guides, checklists, or controls we should be using to ensure our SharePoint implementation is accessible? Preferrably to the W3C double A standard, or as close to that as we can get. We're implementing an extranet solution. ...

What files are you allowed to modify in SharePoint 2007?

What files can we modify so that our solution is still supported by Microsoft? Is it allowed to customize error pages? Can we modify the web.config files to use custom HTTPHandlers? ...

Uninstall Sharepoint Infrastructure Update

Hello, I installed WSS Infrastructure Update and MOSS Infrastructure Update ( and now I can't restore the content database on an older version. Do you know if there is a way to uninstall it ? ...

How do you disable a SharePoint webpart temporarily?

Can this be done by setting a property? I'd prefer that approach then to remove all security before re-adding it. (As this may have other consequences.) Another option I can think of is to replace the particular webpart dll with a temporary one, and restart the .net process, but that's not an approach I like at all. What other optio...

Customizing Search Results Display in Sharepoint Services 3.0 Wiki

I'm looking at using a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 wiki as a metadata repository. We basically want a community-driven dictionary and for various reasons we're using Sharepoint instead of say MediaWiki. What can I do to customize or completely replace searchresults.aspx? Features I'd add if I knew how: Automatically load the #1 ...

SharePoint - How do insert new items using the list web service?

I have a list with 2 text fields, and a choice field. How do I use the Lists.asmx web service to insert a new item? I can make a web reference to the lists.asmx service, so you can assume that this is known. I would like a complete example including code and the XML for the CAML query. Ideally the sample would use C#. ...