
provision a webpart

how do you provision a webpart in sharepoint? ...

How to deploy manually?

I'm using the SSRS 2005 Web parts to display my reports in a MOSS 2007 SP1 Portal. I have successfully installed the Web parts in my development, testing, and UAT servers using the following command: stsadm -o addwppack -filename path/to/ But when I tried running the same command in the production server, it will give me t...

How to manage column based access control in Sharepoint lists?

Hi, I'm making issue tracking portal based on Sharepoint. Users should be able to add entries, but in the entry itself i want one column be only visible to specific group of users (Administrators). Is there a way to set column based access control? Thanks in advance ...

BDC Web Part connection Interface error.

I want to provide "Query Value" to the BDC List WebPart from (Provider) businessdata filter webpart. I get fllowing error when i try to connect. "The provider connection point (BusinessDataFilterWebPart) and the consumer connection point "BusinessDataListWebPart" do not use the same connection interface." Following is my code snippet. ...

SharePoint availability

I want to create a SharePoint Server setup that will allow applications to be highly avaliable. Say if we have a portal in SharePoint, and I wanted to make it available always. I know it has to do with WFE. Someone guide me with article or Arch that need to be set for this. ...

DefaultNetworkCredentials has null values. Need to prompt user... how?

Under certain circumstances my desktop app using SharePoint web services ends up with DefaultNetworkCredentials having null values, and so the call fails. I need to then obtain the users credentials, but I haven't found a straightfoward way to do so. I'm considering implementing the solution outlined in

How to configure SharePoint forms based authentication

Can someone please tell me how to do the following in SharePoint (WSS 3.0): Have a user log in (user name and password) on a page and then if correct display the home page of a WSS 3.0 site? I think it's called forms based authentication. ...

MOSS 2007: Displaying data from SQL Server Database

I have a requirement to select some data from a table in a database (SQL Server) and display it on a page in a SharePoint site (MOSS 2007). I have a little bit of experience of MOSS, so I know I have a couple of options: BDC SSRS or possibily even a custom ASPX page. I've never really worked with any of these. Can anyone advise on ...

Implement fuzzy search in a sharepoint portal

I am developing a sharepoint portal for a suggestions and rewards system and need to alert duplicate suggestions. Suggestions will be in free text format, hence need fuzzy search. I understand that “Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm” does fuzzy search, but how do I implement in Sharepoint portal? Can Microsoft Search Server help? If yes, how...

How to find the error detail on Sharepoint Services 3?

Hi there I remembered that there is a log file that you can check for Sharepoint Services 3.0. I don't remember where I can find this. The reason I ask this I have an error when implementing the new template and it works on one, but not on the other machine. The error on the page is very generic: "The template you have choosen is inval...

Getting SSO credentials through code on SharePoint fails

Hi, The following code is used in a custom WebPart, and for some reason it only works the first time it's executed on a page. After that it throws a SingleSignonCredsNotFoundException Any help or suggestions to how to solve this problem is much appreciated. public static SsoIdentity GetCredentials(string applicationName) { try ...

Custom List Definition using Document LIbrary

Hi, I have created a Custom List definition based on the Document Library list. My List definition appears under the Custom Lists group in "Create Page" but when I try to instantiate a new List based on the custom definition by entering the Name and the definition and clicking Create- It displays the Error Page with error message "Fil...

sharepoint - add custom column to list via object model

I'm having trouble figuring out how to add a custom column type to a list with the object model. SPFieldCollection.Add() has a parameter SPFieldType, but that must be one of the enumerated values in the Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType enumeration, thus it cannot be used to create columns of a custom type. I next attempted using SPFiel...

Sharepoint - Information Rights Management error

When navigating to a layouts page, I receive the following error: Information Rights Management (IRM): Protector {GUID} could not be created as a generic COM object (IUnknown). Protector: {GUID} A similar issue was reported here Has anyone encountered this? ...

SharePoint: "Failed to extract the cab file in the solution"

Hi I'm receiving a "Failed to extract the cab file in the solution" error when I try to deploy my wsp using stsadm -o addsolution -filename... I've open the wsp as a cab and checked that there are no duplicate files in there as I understand that can sometimes cause this issue. The issue only started when I tried to include a custom fi...

ASP.Net Session Sate , Sharepoint, GAC & Bin deployment

Does the same process apply for session state when a dll is placed in the bin as when placed in the GAC? Or is there some type of esoteric change that take place under the hood? I’ve got a test solution deployed to the bin directory of my sharepoint site that uses session state. I made sure that session state is configured in my web.c...

Customizing breadcrumb in sharepoint publishing site with variations

I have a Sharepoint publishing site with variations. The breadcrumb by default shows this: Variation Root > English Site > Some Page What I want to display is: "Home" > Some Page, where Home points to the English site root. Is there a way to achieve this withouth creating a custom server control to do that? ...

Complex form design in Sharepoint

I'm trying to build a form for WSS 3.0 which has the following two characteristics: Have several sub-records in each records which contains few specific fields. Can export to HTML or something similar which can be viewed in every browser. I realize (unless I'm mistaken) I can achieve 1 only by using InfoPath and RepeatingSection/Repe...

How did I get multiple lists with the same name in my SharePoint site?

I have a SharePoint site that's being created from a custom site definition. The site definition has the following Features: A custom content type. A custom list template whose schema.xml file refers to that content type. A list instance feature which refers to my above list template feature. During the site provisioning process, I...

Sharepoint Search Property Weighting

I'm using the code listed here: With an additional line added as a call to .update() after the property is set in order to save the changes, but even with a weight of 10,000 the search results for my property are still at the bottom, particularly below title. Is there some other thi...