
An script that accepts a command

#!/bin/sh #My script echo "Are you sure you want to reorganize your files?" echo "Type y or Y to continue. Anything else will stop the process" read response if [ "$response" = "y" ] || [ "$response" = "Y" ]; then mkdir video mkdir audio mkdir text mv -v *.txt text >> log.txt mv -v *.wmv video >> log.txt mv -v *.mov video >...

Delete all files if another files in the same directory has a matching occurence of a specific word

I have several files in a specific directory. A specific string in one file can occur in another files. If this string is in other files. Then all the files in which this string occured should be deleted and only 1 file should remain with the string. Example: file1 ShortName "Blue Jeans" price 89.47 cur EURO file2 ShortName "Blue Jea...

LINES and COLUMNS environmental variables lost in a script

Consider the following: me@mine:~$ cat #!/bin/bash echo "Lines: " $LINES echo "Columns: " $COLUMNS me@mine:~$ ./ Lines: Columns: me@mine:~$ echo "Lines: " $LINES Lines: 52 me@mine:~$ echo "Columns: " $COLUMNS Columns: 157 me@mine:~$ The variables $LINES and $COLUMNS are shell variables, not environmental variables, and ...

Bourne Shell Scripting -- simple for loop syntax

I'm not entirely new to programming, but I'm not exactly experienced. I want to write small shell script for practice. Here's what I have so far: #!/bin/sh name=$0 links=$3 owner=$4 if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo "Usage: $0 <directory>" exit 1 fi if [ ! -e $1 ] then echo "$1 not found" exit 1 elif [ -d $1 ]...

sh - Build string containing paths

I'm building a small shell script for finding cat/man pages on a wide range of unix systems... in bash, I could build all possible paths by doing this: # default search paths default=$(echo /usr/{share, local, dpkg, XR11}/man/{man, cat}{1..8}) for path in $default do ... done Unfortunately, I'm forced to use sh... I could build th...

In bash shell script how do I convert a string to an number

Hey I would like to convert a string to a number x="0.80" #I would like to convert x to 0.80 to compare like such: if[ $x -gt 0.70 ]; then echo $x >> you_made_it.txt fi Right now I get the error integer expression expected because I am trying to compare a string. thanks ...

How do I find out what options git-diff uses when it invokes less?

I want to reproduce the pager behavior that git-diff uses but I don't know how. Is there a way I could find out what options it uses with less? I already tried this: strings "$(dirname $(which git-diff))/*" | grep 'less ' And this (while less was running): ps aux | grep less <= Didn't show me which options it was using. I'm on Darwin....

global scope of variable

The following shell scrip will check the disk space and change the variable "diskfull" to 1 if the usage is more than 10% The last echo always shows 0 I tried the global diskfull=1 in the if clause but it did not work. How do I change the variable to 1 if the disk consumed is more than 10% #!/bin/sh diskfull=0 ALERT=10 df -HP | grep -...

How do I get the latest updated revision via SVN?

Hi, Just a quick question I haven't found an answer for by searching... How do I get the current checked out revision number from my SVN-dir? More clearly: I don't want the latest revision number since that can be my own commit, but the revision number of the latest update I made in my local repo. Or, if that is easier, I want to be a...

naming convention for shell script and makefile

hi, yet another newbie question i have a few makefiles that store shared variables, such as CC=gcc , how should i name them ? candidates are Make.common Makefile.common which is more classic? similarly, i have some shell scripts, which should i choose among the following: ...

What does explorer use to open a file?

I'm attempting to hook into whatever explorer calls when a file is opened (double-click, context menu open, etc.), however I can't figure out which function that is. Originally, I thought it was ShellExecute, as that does the same thing as far as I can tell, but after hooking into it I learned that it's only used when a new explorer win...

How do I change the shell for php's exec()

Hey, I want to use php's exec() function on an ubuntu server. The problem is, I alway get an error, that the command is not found. For example using exec("echo 123"); prints sh: /echo: not found To me, it looks like php is using the sh shell, when I want to be using bash. I tried changing the shell for www-data in /etc/passwd,...

Can AppleScript take output of shell script and put in paste buffer?

Can AppleScript take the output of a shell script or variable and put it in the paste buffer? I have a file with a password for every day (formatted "date,password") and I want to write a script that when run will look up the date and output the password for that date. That part is not a problem, I'm just wondering if there is a way ...

Bash Shell Script error: syntax error near unexpected token '{

Below is the snippet of code that keeps giving me the problem. Could someone explain to me why my code isn't working. # Shell Version of Login Menu Administrator () { clear ./ } # ------ Student User Menu ------ Student_Menu() { clear ./ } # ------ Borrow Menu ------ Borrow_Menu() { c...

Setting file permission for Files and Directories

I need to below permission policy to my files under www folder 664 to all files www recursively 755 to all directories under www recursively I tried find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ; find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ; But always getting error find: missing argument to `-exec' What is the solution? ...

rsync synchronisation omitting directories

OK, I'm probably not the first person to attempt to put together a PHP web-based interface to rsync to ease deployment, but there goes. We have a 'QA' server locally and a 'Staging' server at Rackspace. I've set up SSH key pairings so I can rsync between the two servers and it all works great. The problem is that rsync is a bit flaky as...

Linux shell bug?

How come FILE_FOUND is 0 at the end of this bugger : FILE_FOUND=0 touch /tmp/$$.txt ls -1 /tmp/$$.* 2>/dev/null | while read item; do FILE_FOUND=1 echo "FILE_FOUND = $FILE_FOUND" done echo "FILE_FOUND = $FILE_FOUND" rm -f /tmp/$$.txt 2>/dev/null ??!! On Unix FILE_FOUND stays at 1 (as it should), but on Linux (RedHat, Cygw...

ssh issue in a loop

I have a script that connects to a server using ssh. While in a loop, it fails to connect to the second server after connecting to the first one. I guess I have to quit from that server to come back to the calling script. How do I quit the ssh session? while read dbname myip do ssh root@$myip "mysqldump - some command " | mysql -hhost -...

Shell scripting book

Please recommend a good book to start with the shell scripting and then going ahead to have in depth and precise knowledge of shell scripting. ...

shell script purpose of x in "x$VARIABLE"

I'm peeking through some shell scripts - what's the purpose of the x in the comarison shcu as if [ "x$USER" != "x$RUN_AS_USER" ]; then su - $RUN_AS_USER -c "$CATALINA_HOME/bin/" else $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ fi ...