
Trying to test space in filesystem on Unix

I need to check if I Filesystem exists, and if it does exist there is 300 MB of space in it. What I have so far: if [ "$(df -m /opt/IBM | grep -vE '^Filesystem' | awk '{print ($3)}')" < "300" ] then echo "not enough space in the target filesystem" exit 1 fi This throws an error. I don't really know what I'm doing in shell. My highes...

Safe way to set computed environment variables

I have a bash script that I am modifying to accept key=value pairs from stdin. (It is spawned by xinetd.) How can I safely convert those key=value pairs into environment variables for subprocesses? I plan to only allow keys that begin with a predefined prefix "CMK_", to avoid IFS or any other "dangerous" variable getting set. But the si...

How to print ASCII value of a character using basic awk only.

I need to print the ASCII value of the given charecter in awk only. the below gives 0 as output. echo a | awk '{ printf("%d \n",$1); }' Help please. ...

shell script pattern matching?

I think I've written maybe one shell script my entire life, and I'm not even sure if it's possible to do this, but I'm trying to write a script that will ftp the contents of a directory, one at a time. That is, it'll ftp one and then close the connection, then ftp the second, and close that etc. This is because there may be up to five ...

Is there any way to run "dir" directly?

In my answer to this question, where the asker needed a fast way to get a directory listing of a folder on a network drive, I suggested using the DOS "dir" command. Unfortunately, it's a command, not a program, so you can't execute it with CreateProcess and so I had to put it in a batch file. I don't really like that solution. It feel...

"/bin/sh 'ls -l -R'" vs "/bin/sh -c 'ls -l -R'"

What is the difference between the following two commands, when run on AIX? /bin/sh 'ls -l -R' /bin/sh -c 'ls -l -R' ...

bash - how to filter java exception info

Hi all: We've got a multi-agent Java environment where different agent would most likely produce all sorts of exceptions thrown to stderr. Here is a sample taken from the huge exception log ** access denied ( ..\tournament\Driver\HotelRoomAnalyser.class read)** at java.sec...

Can I get an integrated shell (command prompt) in Eclipse?

Is there any plug-in that provides an integrated shell (i.e. command prompt) in Eclipse? The console only seems to be for interaction with a running program. I've found a reference to the plug-in Open extern but that opens an external command window, and I'd rather have it integrated with Eclipse. ...

How can I make this if's work in Bash ?

In bash how can I make a construction like this to work: if (cp /folder/path /to/path) && (cp /anotherfolder/path /to/anotherpath) then echo "Succeeded" else echo "Failed" fi The if should test for the $? return code of each command and tie them with &&. How can I make this in Bash ? ...

Unix substr in shell script?

I have a string like sample.txt.pgp and I want to return sample.txt in a shell script (but, the string length will vary, so, basically all of the characters before the ".pgp"). Is there a substr function? Like, if I did substr('sample.txt.pgp', -4, 0), is it supposed to return sample.txt? Right now it isn't, so I'm wondering if I have...

Get the last day of the last month in csh?

How do you get the last day of the last month in csh? Here is the code so far. The cal command below almost works if you execute it from the (FreeBSD sh) command line, but I'm having trouble escaping it properly to run within a script. By almost work, I mean it returns 31, when the last day of February 2010 is 28. #!/bin/csh set last...

Shell script to decrypt and move files from one directory to another?

So, I have a directory, and in it are several files. I'm trying to decrypt those files and then move them to another directory. I can't seem to figure out how to set the output filename and move it. So, the directory structure looks like this: /Applications/MAMP/bin/ /Applications/MAMP/bin/passtext.txt /Applications/...

Cygwin bash syntax error - but script run perfectly well in Ubuntu

#!/bin/bash if test "$#" == "4"; then echo "$*"; else echo "args-error" >&2; fi; This little code snippet troubles me a lot when I tried to run it on both Ubuntu and Cygwin. Ubuntu runs bash version 4.0+ whereas Cygwin runs 3.2.49; But I reckon version collision shall not be the cause of this, this code runs well under fedora 10 which...

replace a particular text in all the files using single line shell command

i have a renamed js file which i have to call in each of my php page. Now i want to replace that old name with the new one using shell. what iam using is this :- sed -i ’s/old/new/g’ * but this is giving the following error :- sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: now how can i do this replacement?? ...

shell script stopped working --- need to rewrite?

The script below worked on my Mac OS X. I'm now using Ubuntu OS, and the script is no longer working. I'm wondering if there's something that I need to change here? I did change the first line from #!/bin/bash to #!/bin/sh, but it's still throwing up an error.... Essentially, I get an error when I try to run it: Syntax error: end of ...

GnuPG Shell Script - Refuses to read password

The script below used to work on Mac OS X, but, since moving it to Ubuntu, it doesn't seem to read from the password file at all. Even when I run it from the command line, no matter what I do, I get a popup prompt asking me for the password. As this will run via cron, I don't want this to happen... I want it to read the password from ...

How can I get the associated ref path for a git SHA?

Hi, I want to be able to pass anything to a git command (maybe its a SHA, maybe it's just something like "origin/master" or "devel/epxerimental" etc.) and git tells me the ref path of the branch that the passed something lives in, e.g. <git_command> 0dc27819b8e9 => output: refs/heads/master <git_command> xyz/test => output: refs/remote...

Shell complains 'cannot execute binary file'

Hi everyone, I've playing around with linux and noticed that for some mysterious reason commands like '/bin/sh ' just will not work. Each time I'm trying to start a process it yields 'cannot execute binary file' error message. m@sanctuary:~$ sh sed /bin/sed: /bin/sed: cannot execute binary file When I first launch sh and try to exec...

What is the role/responsibility of a 'shell'?

Hi, I have been looking at the source code of the IronPython project and the Orchard CMS project. IronPython operates with a namespace called Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.Shell (part of the DLR). The Orchard Project also operates with the concept of a 'shell' indirectly in various interfaces (IShellContainerFactory, IShellSettings). No...

Get part of a string of part of regular expression?

Im trying to make a script that will go into a directory and run my own application with each file matching a regular expression, specifically "Test[0-9]*.txt". My input filenames look like this "TestXX.txt". Now, I could just use cut and chop off the Test and .txt, but how would I do this if XX wasn't predefined to be 2 numbers? What w...