
Can I start up terminal, make it open the python interactive shell and run a few python statements with the same command in os x?

I often do this to prepare for some django debugging: Open up a terminal window in os x (10.6) start the python interpreter run these commands in python: from import setup_environ import settings setup_environ(settings) Is it possible to automate these actions and make a shortcut that I can doubleclick to in...

Optimizing grep (or using AWK) in a shell script

Hi - In my shell script, I am trying to search using terms found in a $sourcefile against the same $targetfile over and over. My $sourcefile is formatted as such: pattern1 pattern2 etc... The inefficient loop I have to search with is: for line in $(< $sourcefile);do fgrep $line $targetfile | fgrep "RID" >> $outputfile done I ...

[bash] files indexed by production date

Each day an application creates a file called file_YYYYMMDD.csv where YYYYMMDD is the production date. But sometimes the generation fails and no files are generated for a couple of days. I'd like an easy way in a bash or sh script to find the filename of the most recent file, which has been produced before a given reference date. Typic...

SSH login with expect(1). How to exit expect and remain in SSH?

So I wanted to automate my SSH logins. The host I'm with doesn't allow key authentication on this server, so I had to be more inventive. I don't know much about shell scripting, but some research showed me the command 'expect' and some scripts using it for exactly this purpose. I set up a script and ran it, it worked perfectly to login....

Saving current directory to zsh history

I wanted to achieve the same as asked here but within zsh shell. I haven't done any zsh trickry before but so far I have: function precmd { hpwd=$history[$((HISTCMD-1))] if [[ $hpwd == "cd" ]]; then cwd=$OLDPWD else cwd=$PWD fi hpwd="${hpwd% ### *} ### $c...

fIltering email addresses in a mysqldump file

I would like to scramble all email addresses in a mysqldump file and make all the scrambled email addresses unique. Any recommendations? ...

Cocoa: Using UNIX based commands to write a file

I'm looking for help with a program im making. I create a *.sh file as follows: SVN_StatGenAppDelegate.h: NSWindow *window; NSTask *touch; NSArray *touchArguments; NSString *svnURLStr; NSString *SVNStatStr; NSString *destDirStr; SVN_StatGenApplDelegate.m: NSString *locationStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%...

What is the most robust way to determine the current codepage from a shell script?

Hi all, I'd like to determine the environment's current codepage at runtime from a Unix shell script. What's the most reliable way of doing this? I'm looking into parsing environment variable $LC_ALL, but it isn't always set to a useful value, and its format seems to vary (can be <locale>, or <locale>.<code page>, or <locale>.<code pag...

Editing Multiple files in vi with Wildcards

When using the programmers text editor vi, I'll often using a wildcard search to be lazy about the file I want to edit vi ThisIsAReallLongFi*.txt When this matches a single file it works great. However, if it matches multiple files vi does something weird. First, it opens the first file for editing Second, when I :wq out of the fil...

How do I get the name of the newest file via the Terminal?

I'm trying to create a macro for Keyboard Maestro for OS X doing the following: Get name of newest file in a directory on my disk based on date created; Paste the text "newest file: " plus the name of the newest file. One of its options is to "Execute a shell script", so I thought that would do it for 1. After Googling around a bit I...

Linux standard input issue

Hello everyone, I am new to Linux. And I am using Red Hat Enterprise Version 5. There is a ruby program which use standard input as its input (e.g. the Ruby program process input from standard input). I think standard input should be keyboard, correct? So, I think other kinds of input (non-standard input) should not work (i.e. the ruby...

Equivalent to unix "less" command within R console

Is there an equivalent to the unix less command that can be used within the R console? ...

shell script output in html + email that html

Using Solaris I have a monitoring script that uses other scripts as plugins. Theses pugins are also scripts which work in difffernt ways like: 1. Sending an alert while high memory uilization 2. High Cpu usage 3. Full disk Space 4. chekcking the core file dump Now all this is dispalyed on my terminal and I want to put them in a HTML f...

unix shell, redirect output but keep on stdin

I'd like to have a shell script redirect stdout of a child process in the following manner Redirect stdout to a file Display the output of the process in real time I know I could do something like #!/bin/sh ./child > file cat file But that would not display stdout in real time. For instance, if the child was #!/bin/sh echo 1 sl...

unix shell, getting exit code with piped child

Let's say I do this in a unix shell $ | grep mytext $ echo $? this will give me the exit code of grep but how can I get the exit code of EDIT Assume that the pipe operation is immutable. ie, I can not break it apart and run the two commands seperately ...

unix `tee` - chain of commands

In a unix environment, I want to use tee on a chain of commands like so $ echo 1; echo 2 | tee file 1 2 $ cat file 2 Why does file only end up as having the output from the final command? For the purpopses of this discussion, let's assume I can't break them apart and run the commands seperately. ...

Iterating over each line of ls -l output

I want to iterate over each line in the output of ls -l /some/dir/* Right now I'm trying: for x in ls -l $1; do echo $x done, however this iterates over each element in the line seperately, so i get -r--r----- 1 ivanevf eng 1074 Apr 22 13:07 File1 -r--r----- 1 ivanevf eng 1074 Apr 22 ...

Bash: any command to replace strings in text files?

I have a hierarchy of directories containing many text files. I would like to search for a particular text string every time it comes up in one of the files, and replace it with another string. For example, I may want to replace every occurrence of the string "Coke" with "Pepsi". Does anyone know how to do this? I am wondering if there i...

Shell script task status monitoring

I'm running an ANT task in background and checking in 60 second intervals whether that task is complete or not. If it is not, every 60 seconds, a message should be displayed on screen - "Deploy process is still running. $slept seconds since deploy started", where $slept is 60, 120, 180 n so on. There's a limit of 1200 seconds, after wh...

extract payload from tcpflow output

Tcpflow outputs a bunch of files, many of which are HTTP responses from a web server. Inside, they contain HTTP headers, including Content-type: , and other important ones. I'm trying to write a script that can extract just the payload data (i.e. image/jpeg; text/html; et al.) and save it to a file [optional: with an appropriate name an...