
Storyboard.GetTarget in Silverlight for Windows Mobile

I have a problem with WP7 app. I'm trying to write WP7 app form WPF sample code. private void storyboard_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClockGroup clockGroup = (ClockGroup)sender; // Get the first animation in the storyboard, and use it to find the // bomb that's being animated. DoubleAn...

Silverlight HTML-JS-DOM Bridge : Real world use cases?

I've seen a lot of stuff online that shows proof of concept tutorials of how Silverlight can be used to enhance web pages by handing tasks off to it to make use of threading, manipulate the DOM, achieve Comet-like functionality etc. It all seems very interesting, however, has any one got any real world use cases to share as I can't seem...

What does the >> operator do in C#?

Hello, I'm quite new to C# and trying to do a basic image processing software. I understand this snippet extracts A,R,G,B from an ARGB int value of a WriteableBitmap pixel "current" for(int i = 0; i < bitmapArray.Length; i++) { var current = bitmapArray[i]; var alpha = (byte)(current >> 24); var red = (byte)(current >> 16)...

Do you do client-side logging?

How do you capture errors that happen on client side when building RIA apps using Flex and Silverlight? What are the common practices? I have seen some asynch js calls to a web service implemented but would like to know how the community is dealing with it. ...

Silverlight desktop browser?

Is it possible to build a silverlight desktop web browser? (just for fun, to see if it works etc) :) ...

DataSet and formatted object passed to Silverlight Grid

I have a silverlight Grid. I have a raw dataset object that is being returned by my DataAcess component. I am taking this raw dataset and formatting it to a shorter IList<> return type which can be consumed by the Grid. When there is Grid manipulation ( Edit / Delete / Update ), I need to persist this change and update the Raw dataset ...

DomainService only works with EDMX file?

I want to add a new domain service class within vs2010. I choose my entity framework database context in the dialog "Add New Domain Service Class", but it doesen't show me the available entities. If I click "ok" VS2010 gives me the following error message: --------------------------- Microsoft Visual Studio --------------------------- V...

ASP.NET Silverlight online trading simulation game implemenation

Hi, I am going to start a new online trading simulation game. Server Page: A game will be loaded with an xml which contains the instruments for this game and each instrument initial and changing factor price(which determines the price for the next interval ex: 1 min). User Page: After the game is loaded successfully, Users can laun...

How to hookup TextBox's TextChanged event and Command in order to use MVVM pattern in Silverlight

Recently, I realized that MVVM pattern is so useful for Silverlight application and studying how to adopt it into my project. BTW, how to hook up the textbox's textChanged event with Command? There is Command property for Button, however Textbox has no commapd property. If Controls don't have command property, how to combine ICommand an...

Set culture globally for a Silverlight 4.0 client

Date formatting has always been a pain because it defaults to the American MM/dd/yyyy. How do I set the default culture for a Silverlight 4.0 client? It would be best, but not essential, if this was based on the user's regional settings. Applying a format string or converter to every date field is not ideal. ...

Silverlight and

I have a very huge Asp.Net application using 3.5 with aournd 3000 pages. Now we need to integrate some Silverlight controls in it. For e.g we need to change the dashborad to incorporate new SL UX. My question is that easy to use these 2 technologies i.e. Asp.Net and SL and both have different projects. Will that be difficult for ...

Are Extension methods too expensive?

How much will it cost for my programs performance if i add Extension methods to it? Will it work slower or may be will load slower? Thanks. ...

Silverlight HTTP POST few variables, SIMPLEST example (least code)

Hello I want to post some data from silverlight to a website. I found the following link and it works... However.... This example was so elaborate it made my eyes hurt. Also.. the flex example was much cleaner/less code.. I'd say there must be a better solution... For reference.. We post 2 variables (strings) and read out the result (s...

Silverlight Combobox Issue

I am trying to use a combobox inside a datagrid, but I am running into an issue. Here is the code: <sdk:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Margin="6,71,6,0" Name="dgridDeptNums" Loaded="dgridDeptNums_Loaded" Height="226" VerticalAlignment="Top"> <sdk:DataGrid.Columns> <sdk:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="S...

Silverlight: Individual visibility of a RowDetailsTemplate for each data row

Dear Stackoverflowers :) I'm trying to achive displaying the RowDetailsTemplate of a Silverlight DataGrid depending on a bool Property, bound to a CheckBox Control's IsChecked Property. Insinde of my RowDetailsTemplate there is a single custom UserControl, containing further Controls. Since the DataGrid only allows a global setting (Ro...

The file is not part of the project or its build action property is not set to resource.

Here's a screenshot: How can I display the 'no.png' image? It seems changing it to Resource worked. How can I change the image in my code-behind c# file? imgStatus.Source = new ur??? ...

Setting an Image to my Image control.

private void SetShipmentStatus(bool status) { if (status) { txtStatus.Text = "Su envio fue entregado!"; imgStatus.Source = ??? } } How can I give my XAML Image control a source programatically? I have the image in this location as Resource: ...

Are these Startup event handlers identical?

I'm working on a Silverlight project and I'm trying to understand the differences between the following: this.Startup += new StartupEventHandler(this.Application_Startup); this.Startup += this.Application_Startup; ...

Can't use an XDocument in Silverlight?

I'm creating a Windows Phone 7 application that will consume an exposed webservice. For now, I want to load a dummy xml file and parse information from that. I'm used to using XDocument for things like this, but it seems I can't type in the using namespace in my code. Any other ideas? ...

How to use NHibernate and DTOs with RIA Services

I’m using NHibernate with RIA Services and Silverlight 4. I create DTOs for transferring the data via RIA Services rather than distributing my domain layer objects (as per Martin Fowler’s First Law of Distributed Object Design: “Don’t distribute your objects!”). The DTO objects are flattened down to two layers from five corresponding ...