
Silverlight 4 : Uploading file to server

Hi Guys, Here is an easy one: I need a stable simple file uploader with a progress bar, I have found lots of fancy ones from the search. However, I need the community opinion on which ones to go with? Tutorial links would be appreciated. BOUNTY: I have a FileStream which I would like to upload to a server, below is a sample server se...

Changed Background Color of Element when Disabled

How would I change the background color of a TextBox Control in the Default Style Xaml to be a different color when the control is either Disabled or ReadOnly ? ...

Silverlight RIA Services encryption issue

Hi all, I have a silverlight application with classic User Login process.My problem is that when I listening the browser with Fiddler application,i see request uris clearly which means: myriaserviceurl/binary/?username=asd&password=12345 this isnt secure isnt it? Do RIA Services have an encryption? How can i encrypt data between clien...

How to display a 3D object in browser?

Hello all, We have a project that requires to display a 3D object on the browser and get user's feedback from the mouse click. For example, if the user clicks one part of the 3D object, we should display an annotation text, etc. What kind of technique we have to use? ASP.NET? SilverLight? Thank you // updated based on one of comm...

Browser-neutral way to start local process from intranet

We currently have a corporate intranet built with ASP.NET and originally designed for IE. One of the purposes of the intranet is to manage file versioning and to launch programs with the current file version. This requires the intranet to start processes on the machine locally, and is done using ActiveX. We are now reworking the intra...

Spurrious MouseEnter/MouseLeave events in Silverlight 4 TreeView

I was trying to use the MouseLeave event to hide a Popup control that contained a TreeView object. It didn't take long to stumble upon the first nuance, that the Popup control doesn't emit a MouseLeave event. So I went with the prescribed hackaround and captured the events from the Child object. Then I came across the second nuance. ...

Debugging Silverlight applications with IE9 beta

I spent some time debugging a SL3 application with VS 2010 in IE9 beta today and noticed a few quirks. Sometimes when launching the Silverlight app in VS it fails to load in the browser, but refreshing with F5 tends to fix the problem. Also, there are sporadic scripting errors that pop up a debug dialog - these also seem to be fixed by...

How to replace a ResourceDictionary of a 3rd Party UserControl (in this case PivotViewer)

The current version of the Microsoft Live Labs PivotViewer control for SilverLight 4 has no way to style the elements of the control. Looking at the control in Reflector, I can see much of the style info is set in a ResourceDictionary in the assembly (assets/defaultcolors.xaml). What I would like to do is create my own copy of this fil...

Silverlight horizontal carousel for thumbnails?

UPDATE: I have found this solution... modified it, but am struggling to get it to do a continuous cycle (1st item pops to last in list/array) Any help is much appreciated! using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Docum...

ItemsControl, ItemsPanel and ItemsPresenter (Silverlight, XAML)

I'm utterly confused by these 3 terms, when to use which? What's the relationship and they are children of which controls? Is it correct to say this is the tree: ItemsControl > ItemsPresenter > ItemsPanel ...

Command Parameter is null in a Command of CustomDataGrid.

This code works fine : <sdk:DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}" SelectedItem="{Binding MySelectedItem,Mode=TwoWay}" x:Name="dataGrid"> <i:Interaction.Triggers> <i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged"> <i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding CommandName}" CommandParameter="{Binding ElementNa...

Is there an easy way to make anything draggable in Silverlight XAML?

My target is an entire listbox clipped in a canvas, but I guess there should be something that can work for all controls? How to make a control draggable and even attached x or y constraints? ...

Upgrading Silverlight Runtime for an Application installed Out-Of-Browser

For our current project we are leaning towards a Silverlight 4 Application installed Out-of-Browser be default on the client machines. Now I am wondering about the best possible approach to get the user to upgrade to a new Silverlight Runtime when our Application makes the switch to lets say Silverlight 5. Please hesitate from responding...

passing value from one page to another

i m new developer to mobile apps and working on silverlight. i want to knw how to pass value from textbox on one page to textbox on another page in mobile windows apps not in web apps using silverlight in c#. ...

CS0012: The type 'System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo' ...

I have an .aspx page (using MVC 2) When i'm trying to make an actionlink i get an error (you can see below). This code worked already, but since i updated my project (it's a silverlight project) to .net 4.0 it gives me that error.. Error: CS0012: The type 'System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You ...

[silverlight 4]OpenFileDialog: How to copy files in a local folder?

Hello everyone, In my silverlight application I would like to be able to select a file from an OpenFileDialog window and upload/copy it to a local folder in my Silverlight project. I am already able to setup a OpenFileDialog window and set some options to it, but unfortunately I can't find a way to create a filestream and then copy it t...

Silverlight 4, image to byte array

Let say I have application menus in a database with their icon images (binary data). I extract those menus with the icons being byte[] type. However if there's no icon set, then I would like to use default icon which comes not from database, but from xap (inside Resources folder). To display icons coming from database I use IConverter (b...

Confirm dialog from silverlight crashes firefox

Hi all! I've found some strange behaviour of firefox 3.6 - when I call HtmlPage.Window.Confirm() method from my silverlight 3 app it crashes the browser. This behaviour, I think, begins from the version when plugin container became separate process. Maybe it is cross-thread issue of firefox. Did anybody face this problem? Thanks a lot...

Silverlight Textblock set lines...

Hi All, I have to develop a control having one datagrid. now datagridtextcolumn have to be binded with one property of collection created in viewmodel. based on data i have do one thing... if for a row no of lines is more than 3 in last column's cell then show a button having text "More" with last cell else with text "Less" and on click...

Silverlight 4 OOB App with elevated trust and signed cert does not update? Need to re-install?

I have a OOB app that did not require elevated trust and was not signed. Many people have downloaded it and use it OOB. I then needed to use elevated trust features, so I bought a legitimate certificate from Comodo and I now sign it. Everything works great on localhost - it is trusted and recognises the certificate. However, once I upl...