
Silverlight formatting text from XML source

I have a large chunk of customer relevant information that I am storing in an XML file. Each XML element requires some sort of rich text formatting (bold, italics, new line, paragraphs, etc...). I have complete control over the XML file (i.e. I can wrap the text in other XML elements if required), and it is static (which makes life a bi...

can I convert windows forms based desktop app to silverlight ?

Hello! What is the simplest way of converting my .NET C# windows forms app to a silverlight app? Thanks! ...

C#/Silverlight: I want to pass a variable that I want to use in the async callback function

Ok I am using the HttpWebRequest BeginGetResponse and I pass in the async callback function, now I want to pass in a variable/context as well that I want to my callback function to get. How do I do this. I am fairly new to the C#/.Net/Silverlight world. HttpWebRequest absRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(new Uri(urlToFetc...

silverlight datgrid doesnt gets updated while using datapager

i am using silverlight data pager with the devexpress silverlight datagrid and have the following code to implement paging for the silverlight datagrid. PagedCollectionView itemListView = new PagedCollectionView((System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<ServiceReference1.SafetyPADDTO>)e.Result); datapgr.Source...

How get data from Microsoft Outlook with Silverlight?

Hi all. I need to get information from Microsoft Outlooks calendar to show it on calendar application which I made with Silverlight. I can get all needed information with Silverlight 4 but in trusted mode and my application must be installed on users computer and work as Desctop application. But I need for my application to work on brows...

Is it possible to make a WebSocket connection in Silverlight?

Is it possible to make a WebSocket connection in Silverlight? Or if not, does anyone know whether this is scheduled for future versions? ...

Silverlight HTTPRequest thread problem

I use the following code for handling an async response: private static void RespCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { // Get the RequestState object from the async result. RequestState rs = (RequestState)ar.AsyncState; // Get the WebRequest from RequestState. WebRequest req = rs.Re...

StreamedResponse with Silverlight 4 polling duplex not sending updates

I'm trying to enable a streamed response using Silverlight 4 and polling duplex, but I'm getting strange behaviour when the rate at which updates are sent to the client is greater than the maxOutputDelay, which results in no updates being sent. For example, with a maxOutputDelay of 7 seconds, and 1 update sent every 10 seconds, everythi...

Silverlight: Adding transparency to images

Hi there, I hope someone can help us. We’re trying to put together an image editor, with similar functionality to Photoshop in Silverlight (but nowhere near as intricate). We’ve hit a weird problem when it comes to creating layers (several independent images in a z-index stack). Layering images on top of each other seems fine, but we wan...

Algorithm to detect if a pixel is within a boundary

Hi there. We're currently creating a simple application for image manipulation in Silverlight, and we've hit a bit of a snag. We want users to be able to select an area of an image (either by drawing a freehand line around their chosen area or by creating a polygon around it), and then be able to apply effects to the pixels within that s...

In Silverlight, having refresh problem on a datagrid and a tooltip on a cell when grid is sorted.

Using SL4, I have a DataGrid defined as follow (simplified) <UserControl.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <DataTemplate x:Key="MyDataTemplate"> <Grid> <TextBlock Text="{Binding SomeField}"> <ToolTipService.ToolTip> <ToolTips:ToolTip> ...

Silverlight 4 screenshot OOB

Hi ya'll, Currently I'm trying to do create an out of browser application that captures the whole screen. Not just the Silverlight application. Now I know that this is not possible with plain Silverlight & C#, but you need to do some dllimports and stuff, it needs to run OOB and you need an elevated application. That is no problem at ...

MVVM - Difference between Model and ViewModel

I've never used MVVM before, so I'm probably missing something obvious. When I create a new Panorama application, there's already a ViewModel folder containing ItemViewModel and MainViewModel. I thought "MainViewModel.cs" is the file that organizes the panorama. However, within MainViewModel, it has this line: public MainViewModel...

Silverlight Inkpresenter in a childwindow

I have an image that I draw on using an ink presenter. When its on just a normal silverlight page and the browser zoom is changed everything works fine. If I use the same code/image/ink presenter within a child window and the browser zoom is set to anything other than 100% the ink that gets drawn does match up with the mouse. Thoughts...

Unit testing in silverlight and entity framework

Could someone point me to any document, where I can test my silverlight application which uses entity framework as the backend data store? I found bunch links where they talk about only silveright UI testing not entity framework integration. One thing I am not able to do is, mock the data model that we use in silverlight that comes from ...

DataGrid UI virtualization

Hello, i have a DataGrid. And a bind a List<> to it and add at runtime in the code a few columns. After adding this columns the vertical scrolling isn't very good. The added columns in code are dynamic created, i think between 10 - 50. And there are about 140 rows. How can i fix it? I read something about ui virtualization, but i dont ...

Silverlight app not loading on production server

Hi New to Silverlight, I have an app that I am trying to test. Works fine on DEV machine, when I upload to the server, no errors are returned, but no app either. I have uploaded: TestMySilverlightApp.aspx ClientBin/MySilverlightApp.xap silverlight.js Have I missed something? Many thanks EDIT: Firebug tells me that I have a 404 ...

Security Exception when Uploading From Silverlight to PHP

I am using the official Microsoft example and this example as the basis for my code to upload a file from Silverlight to a PHP script. I am calling **HttpWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream()**, writing the file over a file stream, and then calling **HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse()** to get the response. When I call HttpWebResponse.End...

Silverlight 3: Change ListBox items layout based on current ScrollViewer position.

Is it possible to update the layout of ListBox items (maybe using a custom ItemsPanel) based on the current position of a ScrollViewer? I'd like to provide some custom animations for the items to move around based on the ScrollViewer position. ...

Why is args.xamlFile blank in Silverlight debugging

In the standard error handler for Silverlight apps, there is reference to args.xamlFile: if (errorType == "ParserError") { errMsg += "File: " + args.xamlFile + " \n"; errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n"; errMsg += "Position: " + args.charPosition + " \n"; } For some reason, lineNumber and charPosition get populat...