
XML library similar to simplejson/json? - Python

Hi folks, is there a similar library to simplejson, which would enable quick serialization of data to and from XML. e.g. json.loads('{vol:'III', title:'Magical Unicorn'}') e.g. json.dumps([1,2,3,4,5]) Any ideas? ...

Removing fields from json

I have a view function which renders json. I am able to specify which columns I want in my json but I don't know how to change the name of the key fields. Like the field "pk" should be "id". I am using this autocomplete control ( and it requires the json to h...

Why are Google API queries through simplejson returning "responseData": null?

I'm trying to screenscrape the first result of a Google search using Python and simplejson, but I can't access the search results the way that many examples online demonstrate. Here's a snippet: url = '' % (query) search_results = urllib.urlopen(url) json = simplejson.load(...

Why am I getting this simplejson exception?

Why does Django give me this exception [(7, u'Acura'), (18, u'Alfa Romeo'), ...] is not JSON serializable When I try data = VehicleMake.objects.filter(model__start_year__gte=request.GET.get('year',0)).values_list('id','name') return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False), mimetype='application/json') ? It's just ...

Geopy in Django: JSONDecodeError

Hello, I have followed the tutorials in This works fine: g = geocoders.Google(resource='maps') I want to use json as the output format because I want to handle the results in javascript. BUT everytime I use: g = geocoders.Google(resource='maps', output_format='json') I get the e...

How do I fix a "JSONDecodeError: No JSON object could be decoded: line 1 column 0 (char 0)"?

I'm trying to get Twitter API search results for a given hashtag using Python, but I'm having trouble with this "No JSON object could be decoded" error. I had to add the extra % towards the end of the URL to prevent a string formatting error. Could this JSON error be related to the extra %, or is it caused by something else? Any suggesti...

Writing a list to a file and reading the contents back into a list using simplejson

Hello, I would like to write a list to a file and read back the contents of the file into a list. I am able to write the list to the file using simplejson as follows: f = open("data.txt","w") l = ["a","b","c"] simplejson.dump(l,f) f.close() Now to read the file back i do file_contents = simplejson.load(f) But, i guess file_conten...

SimpleJSON and NumPy array

What is the most efficient way of serializing a numpy array using simplejson? ...

how can I consume django web service in C# ?

python - django webmethod returns simplejson.dumps, how can I convert the simplejson string into C# 2.0 Object ? for example, dict -> Hashtable string -> String ... is there any JSON Serializable library in existing .NET framework or any 3rd party tool ? ...

Django json dumps help

Hello, I have the following code that I need help encoding to JSON and appending the data to a file, foo.json Here is my code: user = request.user print 'USER ID ', // 83 sour = json.dumps({"toast" : [{"uid" : }]}) print 'Sour Toast: ', sour.toast # I'm getting this error: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute ...

How to include annotation in JSON string?

I've got a view that returns a list of shipments encoded as JSON... def get_new_shipments(request): # ... shipments = Shipment.objects.filter(filter).exclude(**exclude).order_by(order) \ .annotate(num_bids=Count('bids'), min_bid=Min('bids__amount'), max_bid=Max('bids__amount')) return json_response(shipments) def js...

How do I use simplejson to decode JSON responses to python objects?

JSON serialization Python using simpleJSON How do I create an object so that we can optimize the serialization of the object I'm using simpleJSON 1,2 are fixed variables 3 is a fixed dict of category and score 4 is an array of dicts that are fixed in length (4), the array is a length specificed at run-time. The proc...