
jQuery Simple Modal used with Scrolling

I just started getting into jQuery and I'm trying to use the SimpleModal library along with some scrolling features. I have a navigation list and each link opens it's own modal window with a set height and width. However, for link2, after you click it I want it to open a modal window and the user has the ability to scroll up or down dep...

Several modal windows with jQuery simplemodal plugin

Is it possible? For example my first modal window appended to 'body' and has z-index: 1002 if I'm trying in FireBug open new modal window (appended to 'body' or existed modal window) with z-index more then 1002. I've just see 'false' as the result for example: $.modal('<h1>First modal</h1>'); and then in console $.modal('<h1>Next ...

JQuery addon SimpleModal keeps reopening dynamically loaded iframe

Hi! I've found a similar question, but the accepted answer is not what I want: I want to first load content into an iframe dynamically, then when it has finished loading, use SimpleModal to display it. My problem ...

Simplemodal jquery problem

Hi Eric, I was using simple module jquery plugins, its great but I have one small issues regarding this. I want to close the current module window and open same after executing some ajax, but it does close and open. I used the following code. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" > jQuery(document).ready(function() ...

simple modal resizing and centering?

I am using simplemodal to bring up a modal with some content in it. Inside that content i am making a ajax call to some other content which is a different size from the original content (quite a bit smaller) what i'm doing that is kind of working is using jQuery to change the size of the modal container. in the oncomplete section of ...

SimpleModal Jquery plugin position problem...

Hi all. I have the same problem of this thread: I tried the possible solution, but no success. My page have a scrollbar and after I open the modal, I have some action that resize the div. But when the div exceed th...

Resubmitting form data when closing simple modal.

I'm opening a simple modal and making an Ajax call with the following function. function TransactionModal($id, $s) { jQuery("#dialog").load("/chat/rejoin", { 'id': +$id, 's': +$s }, function() { jQuery("#dialog").modal({ overlay:80, autoResize:false, containerCss: {width: "490px"...

Jquey SimpleModal maxHeight and maxWidth don't work

I have the following script: jQuery(function ($) { $('#basic-modal .basic').click(function (e) { $('#basic-modal-content').modal( { autoResize:true, maxHeight:1000, maxWidth: 1000, minHeight: 1000, minWidth:1000, escClose: false, overlay...

Simplemodal: How to attach an event to to the modal that is in an iframe?

Hello, I have an iframe loaded and I want to attach a click event to every anchor. The modal is triggered from a link. UPDATED: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title...

Automatically reposition Jquery SimpleModal to center of page when modal div is resized

I'm using the SimpleModal Jquery plugin and it works great! However, there are times that the width and height of the modal div need to be changed, so I need the modal to automatically re-position itself in the center of the page. I found out that SimpleModal uses its setPosition() function to do this. It is automatically called when th...

jQuery.simplemodal-1.3.5 plugin: class selector disappears mysteriously

Hi I have encountered the following issue: A class definition added (programmatically) to an element inside the modal popup while the modal is active, is not retained after the model is closed. This is in contrast to a situation where the class definition is retained on the element after “hiding” and “showing” it via standard jQuery m...

Passing a Value from PHP to the SimpleModal Contact Form

What is the simplest way to pass a value from the "index" page to the SimpleModal Demo Contact Form? For example, if a user is logged in and their email address is stored in the variable $email, what is the most straightforward way to have that info available in the Demo Contact Form? Thank you. ...

simplemodal iframe with close (X) icon?

Hi, I'm using simplemodal to display an external web page in an iframe. It works perfect. But I'm not sure my users are going to get the Esc key, or clicking outside the modal to close the modal window. I'd like to add a close icon "X" in the corner but i cant get it to appear. Is this supported for iframe? I could sure use and example. ...

jQuery simplemodal not working well in Safari for Windows

Hi all, I am using Safari 3.0.4 on Windows, and when I go to the simpleModal examples,, they don't work. Specifically, they do make everything go grey and disabled, but no modal div appears. I can't find it by scrolling up and down the page, either. I can "close" the modality though by hit...

Why I must use jQuery definition instead of $ ?!

I'm a newbie in jQuery... I've used one jQuery plugin (Actually SimpleModal Plugin) in my page. It didn't work until I replace $ with jQuery! $(document).ready(function() { --> jQuery(document).ready(function() { It is working now, but I still have a problem! I want to close this modal window by click on my cancel button on th...

iframe + simplemodal + accordion = broken ESC key

The escape button seems to be broken when you expand/collapse any of the content at least once. The escape button triggers fine if you do not expand/collapse any of the content. This issue holds true when using jQuery-UI dialog as well. Is there a way to resolve the issue with the escape button not closing the dialog/modal? <iframe src...

Changes does not affect on modal box height and weight

Hello, I am a simplemodal 1.3.5 user. I am currently using 2 different modals in my project. One is OK with default sizes but one must be bigger. I want to change modals width and height but script does not work somehow. What can be the problem? Here is my script... $('#user_picture').modal({ opacity:80, overlayCss: {background...

DOM manipulation inside SimpleModal box

I'm having issues trying to append dynamically created html inside a SimpleModal box (OSX style). <div id="osx-modal-content"> <div id="osx-modal-title">Foo Modal</div> <div class="close"><a href="#" class="simplemodal-close">x</a></div> <div id="osx-modal-data"> <a class="dynamic">Click</a> <span class="...

Simple Modal on a hidden div

I want to have a hidden div on the page with the elements of a SimpleModal dialogue, but when I set the CSS visibility to hidden and fire the modal, it is empty. How can I use a DIV in this fashion without making it visible on the page? ...

SimpleModal and mvc, calling page twice when opening in IFrame

Hi, i'm using mvc 2 and Simplemodal with iframe it works great but my controller is being called twice when opening in iframe when i call the page directly, the controller is called only once $.modal('<iframe id="frmDetails" src="' + src + '" >', { containerCss: { height: "90%", width: "90%"} }); is there an option that i'm ...