
SubSonic SimpleRepository - Foreign Objects

SubSonic SimpleRepository doesn't seem to have a lot of support for foreign relations. How can I have foreign relationships in my code models that persist and load from the database naturally? ...

[Subsonic SimpleRepository] - Columns not created

Hello, I'm using Subsonic (SimpleRepository) in my new project and enjoy using it but... With one, and only one of my table, it does not create all the columns and i don't understand why. Here is the code : public class Rating { public Rating() { UsernameVotant = ""; UsernameEvaluate = ""; Note = 0.0; ...

SubSonic SimpleRepository Int64/BigInt issue

I have a Class called Project that has ID property with a data type of long/Int64 but with Auto Migrations the ID column in the Projects table is not a bigint column. Is this a bug or am i missing something? Any help would be appreciated ...

Subsonic SimpleRepository upload image

Hi There I have been using SimpleRepository for months now, and for the first time i have to upload and store an Image/Document in the database My Class looks as follow: public class Document: ObjectMetaData { public string FileName { get; set; } public Guid UserId { get; set; } public DocumentType DocumentType { get; set;...

Lambda Contains in SimpleRepository.Find

In SubSonic 3.04's SimpleRepository, I cannot seem to perform a Contains operation within a lambda expression. Here's a trivial example: SimpleRepository repo = new SimpleRepository("ConnectionString"); List<int> userIds = new List<int>(); userIds.Add(1); userIds.Add(3); List<User> users = repo.Find<User>(x => userIds.Contains(x.Id))...

SimpleRepository auto migrations with indexes

I am using subsonic simplerepo with migrations in dev and it makes things pretty easy but I keep running into issues with my nvarchar columns that have an index. My users table has an index defined on the username column for obvious reasons but each time I start the project subsonic is doing this: ALTER TABLE [Users] ALTER COLUMN Userna...

Subsonic Simple Repository - Persist Private Property

I am making use of Subsonic SimpleRepository i have a class: public class X{public string abc {get; set;}private string def {get; set;}} property "def" is only set within that class and i don't want the property to be visible externally, but for some reason when i save the object using Repo.Save(x) the private property is not persist...

Invalid Objet Name Exception Thrown on Update

I have a project using Simple Repository which was working before I rebuilt my dev machine. This may just be coincidence but I am now using SQL Server 2008 Express to develop against rather than 2005 and now when I run my project I get the exception "Invalid object name 'TableName'". the table exists as records are inserted fine but when...

Stored Procedure with SimpleRepository

Hi, How to I execute a Stored Procedure with SimpleRepository and get a Typed List as a answer? I'm using SubSonic 3. Thanks. ...

Get Id back when using SubSonic SimpleRepository AddMany

How can I get the Id back to the object when I'm using the AddMany function with SubSonic SimpleRepository. All my objects still get Id=0 when after using it. SimpleRepository repository = new SimpleRepository(ConnectionStringName); repository.AddMany<T>(insertList); When looking at the source I can see that: public void AddMany<T>(I...

With Subsonic's SimpleRepository is it possible to store a list or array of Guids

Can I have a class such as the one below, stored in a subsonic's simple repository that has a array of guids? public class TestObject { public Guid Id { get;set; } public Guid[] SomeOtherGuids { get;set; } ... } repo.Add(new TestObject { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), SomeOtherGuids = new Guid[] { Guid.NewGuid() } }); ...