
Most efficient algorithm to generate a site map?

..given an URL as input (C programming language). (Sitemap specifications from ...

IHierarchicalEnumerable to SiteMapPath ?

Hi, exists any simple method to use my IHierarchicalEnumerable class in SiteMapPath control? Thanks ...

ASP.NET site map configuration error

I have received this error, but don't know what it means: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Exactly one <siteMapNode> element is required directly inside the <siteMap> element. Can you help me? ...

Priority issue in Sitemaps

I am trying to use Django sitemaps. class BlogSiteMap(Sitemap): """A simple class to get sitemaps for blog""" changefreq = 'hourly' priority = 0.5 def items(self): return Blog.objects.order_by('-pubDate') def lastmod(self, obj): return obj.pubDate My problem is..I wanted to set the priority of f...

Hiding ASP.NET SiteMap nodes in TreeView control

I have a SiteMap with All my nodes. I'm using a TreeView control which is linked to the SiteMap for navigation. Now I would like to hide certain nodes from appearing on the TreeView. Is it possible to do this? ...

What is needed in a web site's wireframe?

I'm going to be going to be meeting with a number of programmers and custom software companies to get bids on creating a website for a company that I'm involved with. My question is this: What should I prepare for the programmers so that they can give me an accurate bid, timetable, etc. for the development of the website? I have a clear ...

How do I insert a bit of XML into an XDocument using Visual Basic?

I'm trying to create a sitemap in an ASP.NET MVC project. This code in my Node controller... Function Sitemap() As ContentResult Dim db As New EfrDotOrgEntities Dim Nodes = db.Node.ToList Dim RequestUrl As Uri = Url.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Url Dim AbsoluteRoot As String = String.Format("{0}://{1}", RequestUrl...

Use Site Map for Two Levels of Horizontal Navigation

How do I use the ASP.NET sitemap control to render stacked horizontal css menus with styled UL/LIs? It seems to only want to do trees or flyouts. ...

ASP.NET URL Routing with WebForms - Using the SiteMap

I'm trying to use Url Routing within my existing ASP.NET WebForms site. Thanks to: this link, I got it working. Now I'm trying to use a SiteMap along with my routing. I have a page MyReport.aspx. It is in the SiteMap and accessing the page directly, works fine. I've added a route for /report/{param1}/{param2}. I was hoping the site...

What tool visually maps out existing websites?

I used a tool a few months ago that scanned a specified website and created a visual hierarchy of the website's page links. It also represented each page with its appropriate screenshot. Does anyone know what tool this is? Or maybe something that performs the same basic features? ...

Drupal: xmlsitemap file is not generated

I have chosen XMLSiteMap module from the most popular usage statistics on Drupal site, so I assume the module is not too buggy. But the map file is absent. I've installed this module on my Windows machine into drupal/sites/default/modules. I've activated all the submodules of XMLSiteMap in admin menu. Per docs, I've also run cron.php ma...

how to create google sitemap for mvc site?

Hello there, I was wondering if anyone has done this yet or has any examples on how to create a Google Sitemap for an MVC website. Any help or example would be appreciated. Im talking about this: ...

c# Sql SiteMap Provider security Trimming not working

Hi there, While I was using web.sitemap the security Trimming on my menu was working fine. Now that I have switched to a Sql Site Map Provider, the security trimming just stopped working. <siteMap enabled="true" defaultProvider="AspNetSqlSiteMapProvider"> <providers> <add name="AspNetSqlSiteMapProvider" type="SqlSiteMapProvi...

Binding Label to SiteMap Current Node

What I want to do is something like this: <asp:Label ID="titleLabel" runat="server" **Text='<%# SiteMap.CurrentNode.Title %>'**></asp:Label> Where I can bind the name of the current page node in the Site Map to the title label on that page. We are doing this because, until we get these names finalized, they may change often....

How to use multiple .sitemap files in ASP.NET

I think I'm missing something obvious about sitemaps. I'm trying to use a repeater to generate some navigation for a new sitemap we have on our site. But I don't want to use our normal Web.sitemap file, I want to use our new one...we'll call it "Web.NEW.sitemap". The code seems somewhat obvious to a point... <asp:Repeater ID="rptMyRe...

Add special characters (html encoded) in CRM Dynamics 4.0 SiteMap file

I would like to know if this is possible to add special character into the CRM (4.0) SiteMap entity (SiteMap XML files). I mean when we modify the menu located on the left I would like to have some HTML encoded character. By example or some other special characters. I tried to do the following: <Area Id="MyArea" Icon="/_imgs/resourcec...

sitemap shortcoming

I am constrained to using a SiteMap for authentication. I am an experienced developer that has not had to use the SiteMap previously, so I am probably missing something due to the paradigm shift. in order to get around the url limitation in SiteMap, I <doh!>cleverly</doh!> appended a querystring value:     <siteMapNode url="

Placing a web.config file in a view directory

I am having the standard issue timeout exception in my production environment whereby, after 90 seconds, the thread will be killed. For the vast majority of my site this isn't a problem. However, my sitemap generator is an exception to the rule. Because it relies on the routes created in the application, I have chosen to create it ins...

Is the sitemap.axd accepted by all search engines?

I am currently generating a sitemap file dynamically using a HttpHandler, with a path set to sitemap.axd. This then returns xml content. No one at my office is certain if all search engines accept this extension or if they need .xml to parse. I know that I can submit it to Google through the webmaster tools and use robots.txt to indicate...

Treeview bound to sitemap - object contains no nodes

Hey There. Sorry if this is more obvious to most than it is to me but ... I would be most appreciative of some help. I have a treeview bound to a sitemap. Everything works just fine - so it seems to be set up well. However, I cannot access the nodes in the treeview. Here is the minimum code to demonstrate: .aspx: <form id="form1" runa...