At the start of any project, once you've got your object model there then comes a period of tedium as you crank out the skeleton code required.
Are there any tools that will help me with this task (including unit test skeletons if possible), a bit like the scaffolding feature in Rails?
Many python IDE's will start you with a template like:
print 'hello world'
That's not enough... So here's my skeleton code to get this question started:
My Module Skeleton, Short Version:
#!/usr/bin/env python
Module Docstring
## Code goes here.
def test():
"""Testing Docstring"""
if __name__=='__main__'...
In Xcode, for Obj-C programs, is there a way to generate skeleton method body in the .m file if I add a new method or implement an interface in the corresponding .h file? Like in Eclipse, if you implement an interface, it will bring in the method skeleton according to the definition of the interface.