
Decode/extract smime.p7m file contents (email with embedded files) with OpenSSL?

We have an old process (VBScript) that reads a common mailbox and processes certain emails into a database. New regulations have all messages with attachments now being digitally signed. The process now only extracts one file (smime.p7m). Using a GUI-based viewer, I can see the embedded files and extract them with no problem. However...

Which is the best managed .NET e-mail component with support for S/MIME?

I need a replacement for System.Net.Mail.MailMessage that is able to send signed and/or encrypted e-mails. Is there an open source library covering that? Or do you have some experiences with some of those: Chilkat Mail Easymail Dart Mail for .NET You got more? ...

S/Mime Encrypting a string

I have been tasked with encrypting a string using S/Mime encryption. Eons ago, the firm I work for bought a component for this (from IPWorks) but we have had untold bundles of grief getting their component to play nicely on our servers. Not a functionality issue, more licensing. So in short, I must do it myself. I have trawled the MSDN ...

Get enveloped data from MIME

Hello all I am receiving some encrypted data on a S/MIME message (not an e-mail, but SOAP request over SSL) and I need to get it out of the package. Does anyone know of any C/C++ interface to do it? I need something that just strips the SMIME headers and leaves me with the enveloped data, which I would then decrypt to get the MIME ...

Toggling digital signing in Outlook.MailItem

In Outlook 2007, I have written an Application_ItemSend handler which needs to turn off digital signing for selected messages, even though signing is normally on by default for all messages. How can I activate/deactivate signing for MailItem objects? ...

S/MIME in Java without JCE

I'm trying to write an applet that would sign e-mail with S/MIME. Obviously I want to make one small jar with only the required stuff. Obviously the Java way of doing that involves having a huge sacred signed Bouncy Castle JCE jar around. The question is: What's the easiest way of getting S/MIME without touching JCE and having it compl...

Secure messaging using Secure MIME is it reliable?

We have an automatic reporting and notification system written in .net that sends emails with plain text. We are having to encrypt the messages that we send our clients. The possible implementation approaches we have: Send messages as S/Mime email with attachments. Plain text email with that just contains a link to a web site that wil...

s/mime v3 with M2Crypto

Dear list, I would like to send a mail with a s/mime v3 attachment through SMTP. The excellent HOWTO below describes the procedure in detail for s/mime v2. I would greatly appreciate any help in doing the same for s/mime v3. Arye. ...

Digitally sign email in ruby with S/MIME

Is there a ruby way to digitally sign email messages via S/MIME? Our group uses PKI and our users are conditioned to expect digital signatures for important messages. I know I can invoke the openssl command line tool: openssl smime -sign -signer $CERT_FILE -passin pass:$CERT_PASS -in $UNSIGNED_MAIL -out $SIGNED_MAIL -certfile $CERT_...

Multiple signatures in S/MIME

Is it possible to sign a MIME email (RFC 2822) multiple times using S/MIME, so that all signatures are verifiable and retrievable? ...

wrong behaviour of m2crypto compared to openssl

hello everybody, I have to consolidate and possibly rewrite a bunch of bash scripts that verify that incoming smime messages are valid (i.e. encrypted with company's private key and signed a certain set of public keys) This bunch of bash is going to be replaced by a small application, written possibly in Python with the help of M2C...

Email Security: TLS and S/MIME

My understanding is that TLS is an encryption technique that allowing two STMP servers to communicate with each other securely. If HTTPS is used to connect to an STMP serve is that the same as using S/MIME? ...

OpenSSL smime verify failed with right certificate and signature

I receive encrypted and signed smime message. Decrypting is ok, data seems to be correct. openssl.exe smime -decrypt -in %1 -out %1_signed.txt -inkey myPrivate.pem But on verifying signature stage I get error. openssl.exe smime -verify -CAfile senderCACert.pem -certfile senderCert.pem -in %1 -out %1_plain Verification failure 7600:...

OpenSSL treats smime message with Content-type 'Application/EDI' as text and changes line breaks.

I receive smime message with content-type 'Application/EDI'. It is non-standard mime type and content should be interpreted as binary. But OpenSSL during verifying signature treats it as text and changes line breaks from '\n' to '\r\n' (as needed by spec for content-type 'text'). So digest becomes wrong and verification fails. Is there ...