
Can't get the full public key for 4.0 beta 2 assemblies

I'm having an issue getting the public keys for some of the .net 4.0 beta 2 assemblies so I can make my internals visible to them (gross). Normally, I'd just pop into SN.EXE and poof I'd have them. But instead of getting what I'd normally expect I'm getting a bogus public key, and I'm not sure exactly why. I'm using the 64bit version ...

Does AL.exe work with X.509 Certificates

I would like to delaySign and later fully sign .NET assemblies with X.509 Certificates. How would I do this? ...

Snk file & Delay Signing

I am working with a set of delay signed assemblies which I am able to install and load from GAC after skipping verification (sn -Vr * ... Since Delaysigning as a process requires only the public key file sn -k keys.snk (both Public & Private keys) sn -p keys.snk pkey.snk (only public key) Add pkey.snk to project properties and chec...

How to import an .snk file generated with sn.exe in .NET?

I have created a key file with this command: sn.exe -k 2048 Build.snk I would like to read in this key with .NET. I haven't been able to find any document as to the format of the .snk, so I'm wondering if there's a way in C# to read in an .snk file? My original reason for asking the question was to use the .snk file for purposes...

Strong name validation failure on Import-Module

I'm unable to import an assembly, supposedly because strong name validation is failing, though this occurs even when I register the assembly to not be checked. Can somebody spot what I'm doing wrong here? Below is a transcript. For reference, the switches to sn.exe are: -v: Verify signature. -Vr: Register assembly for verification sk...

How to sign a binary as part of post build step using sn.exe from Windows SDK?

Hi all, I am a totally unfamiliar in this C# Visual Studio programming environment but I am required to finish a task. I am sorry if my question seems silly. But I really could not understand what other posts on this site or other site on the net explaining. I need a step by step guide to do this final step to accomplish my task. I h...