
Sonar : any feedback ?

Hi all, I am currently doing a little study over Sonar and (why not) other tools to manage code quality. I did not found the documentation much clear nor extended and I have some questions. Does somebody know and use it ? How can one integrate sonar into a complex project ? Can we manage a Perl or C project with Sonar & Maven 2? I wo...

Has anyone successfully deployed Sonar on Jetty 7 ?

I am trying to deploy Sonar (automatic code monitoring tool) on a Jetty 7 servlet container. I would like to use the default config first (embedded Derby DB) as a POC and transition to a production grade DB later. So far I have tried various ways to make this work (todo: document failed attempts) without any luck... Did anyone manag...

Sonar project integration

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, We've quite big project with own build framework, based mostly on Java (however other languages exist). We'd like to use Sonar Hudson plugin to graphically present various code metrics. How do we do this? Do we need to change project structure and bring it to maven or there is a workaround to just specify wh...

Sonar maven integration

I have followed the directions to integrate Sonar with Maven ( - altered settings.xml to include sonar repository at http: //localhost:9000/deploy/maven and I have verified I am able to see the readme.txt file at http: //localhost:9000/deploy/maven/README.txt, but when running sonar:so...

Is there something equivalent to Sonar for Perl?

Is there something equivalent to Sonar for Perl ? ...

Is there a C# equivalent of Sonar?

Is there a C# equivalent of Sonar? ...

Sonar do not use the excludeFilterFile from the projects pom.xml

I have findbugs (and checkstyle) configured in my project pom.xml: <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3</version> <configuration> <xmlOutput>true</xmlOutput> <threshold>Normal</threshold> ...

Groovy/Grails plugin for Sonar

Sonar is an application for integrating output from several static and test analysis tools into a comprehensive overview of the software's quality. Unfortunately, most of those analysis tools (PDM, FindBugs, etc.) do not support Groovy and, by extension, Grails. We've found tools called CodeNarc and GMetrics which perform some of the a...

Is there a Checkstyle-like tool to monitor XHTML (or XML) pages?

Hello, I am working on a project where we have many JSF pages - using the XHTML format. We monitor the quality of our code using Sonar (and thus Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs...). This works great for the Java part of our application. Now, I want to have a tool (ideally something that could then be linked to Sonar by writing my own plugin)...

Sonar default, meet "container state was: CONSTRUCTED"

Environment: hudson/sonar/maven2 in ubuntu locally with default parameters And I got the log from hudson below, I can't figure out where is the problem. [INFO] Sonar host: http://localhost:9000 [INFO] Sonar version: 2.0.1 [INFO] [sonar-core:internal {execution: default-internal}] [INFO] Database dialect class org.sonar.api.database.d...

Sonar and Eclipse IAM Plugin

When I am using the newest IAM Eclipse Plugin for Maven with the current Sonar version on a JDK 6 and I get an error while executing the sonar:sonar goal in clean install sonar:sonar The error in eclipse is 23:02:55 MESZ Starting Starting mojoExecution sonar-core:internal 23:03:44 MESZ fatal org.sonar.maven2.BatchMojo#execute() cause...

exclude dependencies when running sonar analysis

I have a test project requiring some heavy jars which i put in ${M2_HOME}\test\src\main\resources\ and add them in the pom.xml using : <dependency> <groupId>server</groupId> <artifactId>server</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> <scope>system</scope> <systemPath>${M2_HOME}\test\src\main\resour...

metrics in sonar how can i use metrics in sonar? Is there any plugin for all this metrics? here are plugins but not for all metrics: ...

maven sonar problem

I want to use sonar for analysis but i can't get any data in localhost:9000 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""&gt; <modelVersion>4....

Execution of "mvn sonar:sonar" with no external access

Hello, I try to execute the mvn sonar:sonar command on a machine where Maven is configured to have no access to external repositories (in reality, this is not exactly the case, but it helps me to explain my problem). So currently, if I run this command, I get the following error: [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [INFO] ----------------------------...

Sonar, cant see my hello world plugin

Hello I'm trying to get started with sonar plugin development. Ive started off by following this tutorial Ive built this hello world plugin and have copied the resulting jar (helloworld-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar) to the /extensions/plugins directory. I have rebuild the war. .//wa...

Anyone got the Sonar CodeNarc plugin working?

I'm wondering how the development of this plugin is going? I've tried to build the plugin from source ( but get get it running within my project. I can install the plugin on Sonar but it fails to run against my Maven project. I get the following error [INFO] [sonar-core:internal...

Create pom.xml file

Could anayone give me some sugestions on how to create a pom.xml file for a multimodules project, that is build with ant? I need to create this pom.xml file in order to analyze the project with Sonar. ...

Unit tests in Sonar

Is it possible to run unit tests when a non-maven project is analyzed with Sonar, in Sonar light mode? ...

Is there a way to use the Sonar Squid check with Checkstyle independently?

We would like to get statistics like number of non commenting statements, number of classes, number of methods. JavaNCSS doesn't work with generics in many situations. I'm wondering if i can just use Sonar Squid specifically the CheckstyleSquidBridge class and plugin that in as a module to Checkstyle 5.1. And this would be independent...