
Jquery sortable plugin makes row length smaller while dragging

I am using jquery sortable plugin to sort the rows of table. It is working fine but the problem is i have e,g table row length = 500px. but while i am dragging the row , the row looks only 200px. Is there any way so that while dragging as well the row length remains same The html of table is <tbody id="sortme" class="ui-sortable" s...

Php sorting doesn't seem to work for me...

I have an anchor tag in my table header and it calls a controller method. I used this, <th width="15%" align="center" class="grid_header">Category <?=anchor('customer/basic/'.$keyword.'/Category/'.$this->customerlist-> fieldTest('dbCategory', $sort_field, $sort_order), 'Category')?></th> and i have this method, function Basic($ke...

What is the real name of median sort and/or where can I find more material on it.

I'm reading the book Algorithms in a Nutshell published by O'Reilly Media and I was reading the section on sorting algorithms and found one called Median Sort. Since I had never heard of it before and my textbook from CS3 (which covered algorithms) did not have it listed, I googled it and tried looking it up on Wikipedia and found nothin...

What's the most efficient way to get a sorted, human-readable du output on Mac OS 10.6?

I used to have this sweet alias for du I called dusort that would print out a human-readable list of sizes for the top-level subdirectories+files sorted by size. It was like a mini-filelight for mac that runs in terminal. But now my alias is broken after I copied it to my new mac running Mac OS 10.6. Apparently the sort I used either ca...

How to sort a html table by dates in textfields ?

I am using DataTable Plugin for html table sorting. It is working fine. Now I have a column with Dates(d/m/Y) in textboxes. Sorting on that column is not working. I want to make this sortable by date. First I applied the following code to make textbox sortable. Table with 3 fields: <script type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8'> ...

Best data structure to store one million values?

Please mention time complexity and best data structure to store these values, when values are: Integers Strings (dictionary like sorting) I know Counting sort is preferred when integers are in a small range. Thanks. Edit: Sorry, I asked a bit different question. Actual question is what would be the best data structure to store the...

Can you add "IF" statement in PHP MYSQL ORDER BY?

I am trying to achieve the following: I have a single ORDER BY statement which could vary depending on the value stored in Column A. For example: if the Type is Member, sort by member last name if the Type is Group, sort by the Group Name both in Ascending order. My best guess for the final statement would be: SELECT * FROM tabl...

SQL Server 2000: Length of field in 1/3 (or 2/3) of the records

Is there a simpler/cleaner way to do this using SQL Server 2000? Every few days I need to do this. I first look at how many records we have total: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable Then I list all the lengths of a certain field: SELECT LEN(MyText) FROM MyTable ORDER BY LEN(MyText) ASC I then need to scroll down 1/3rd of the way... and...

ICollectionView Sorting issue in ListView

I saw ICollectionView being introduced with WPF to handle situations when you need sorting and filtering enabled. I even saw few articles which sort items, but my main concern is why my approach is failing. Lets see my code : <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding}" x:Name="lvItems" GridViewColumnHeader.Click="ListView_Click"> <L...

Sort by Referrer (quite complicated)

I will try my best to be both succinct and fully explanatory in this predicament. On a site I manage, we allow a manager to view their "Recruiting Downline" which entails a list of all agents they personally recruited, as well as the recruits that particular agent (and so on and so on) brought to the Team. For example: I recruit two...

Help sorting keys

I need help sorting [Time] data from in this array in php. For a given day, the time is NOT in order. Is there a way to sort this? Thanks. Array ( [0] => Array ( ) [1] => Array ( [Server] => [Date] => Sun Aug 22 2010 [Set] => db2.bak_lvm ...

Sort day/month array in Javascript

Hi guys, I'm trying to sort an Array of dates from latest to oldest, and unfortunately list.sort (by default) only sorts the first number. My array looks like this: var MyArray = ["13 Jun", "09 Jun", "25 Aug", "30 Jun", "13 Aug"]; I tried to make a function for the .sort to reference, but the whole process is somewhat confusing to me...

Flex AdvancedDataGrid - remove default data sorting/shuffling

I have this AdvancedDataGrid you can view at to view the source, right-click -> view source It displays a simple ArrayCollection private var dpFlat:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ {Region:"Southwest", Territory:"A"}, {Region:"Southwest", Territory:"B"}, {Regio...

Using NUnit to test that an IEnumerable was sorted correctly (uses nested sort)

I'm using MVP with ASP.NET Web Forms. Being a good TDDer, I want to test all the important behaviors in my Presenter, including the default sort it applies to the result set retrieved from the service layer. The Presenter will be applying a nested sort via LINQ to Objects of the style: public IEnumerable<ViewModel> MyModel{ get ...

sorting lines based on data in the middle of the line (in python)

I have a list of domains and I want to sort them based on tld. whats the fastest way to do this? ...

php - sort from the end to the beginning

hi, i have a text (text.txt) file like this: shir beer geer deer i have also a php page with that source: <?php foreach (glob("*.txt") as $filename) { $file = $filename; $contents = file($file); $reverse = array_reverse($file, true); $string = implode("<br>" , $contents); echo $string; echo "<br></br>"; } ...

Dev express grid view sorting/paging/filter problem.

I am using a dev express gridview to dispaly some data. I have used visual stuido to set the correct properties in the design view to enable sorting, filtering and paging on the gridview. However, when the page loads I can see the data correctly and the filtering, sorting and paging elements but I cant sort or filter until i have paged ...

Sort NSMutableArray

please help me I want to sort NSMutableArray and yes I can do this by NSSortDescriptor *sortPoint = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"point" ascending:YES]; [hightScore sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sortPoint]]; but in NSMuatableArray(hightScore), I have 2 NSMutableDictionary like this [item setObject:@"player_n...

How to set sort rules on jqgrid?

I am using jqGrid. One of the columns has the possible values: Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Ideal But when you sort by this column they are ordered alphabetically like: Excellent, Fair, Good, Ideal, Poor, Very Good Instead of the intuitive order you would expect. Is there a way to correct this? update Here is a snippe...

Sorting a table row after appending a new table row

Hey all I have some jQuery ajax where it appends a new row to a table from adding some form data. I like to add a function where after the row has been appended it sorts by a field value within the tables. So here is a table with some dummy data. <table> <tr><td><input type="text" name="hour[from]" value="1"> Hour From</td><td><inp...