
Sort strange array by number

Its my array: $hello = Array( [text] => Array([name] => blabla [num] => 10) [sometext] => Array([name] => blabla [num] => 2) [anytext] => Array([name] => blabla [num] => 1) ) How to sort this array by [num]? Should look like (on echo): <ul> <li>anytext</li> <li>sometext</li> <li>text</li> </ul> Thanks. ...

What determines sorting of files in a QFileDialog?

Users open files in our app through a QFileDialog. The order of the filenames is bizarre. What is determining the sorting order, and how can we make it sort by filenames, or otherwise impose our own sorting, perhaps giving it a pointer to our own comparison function? The documentation and online forums haven't been helpful. Unless i...

How to sort an array using minimum number of writes?

My friend was asked a question in his interview: The interviewer gave him an array of unsorted numbers and asked him to sort. The restriction is that the number of writes should be minimized while there is no limitation on the number of reads. ...

sorting 2D arrays in Objective C

Hi Folks, I'm stuck with sorting 2D arrays in objective c. I have a 2D array which I made from two string arrays. NSArray *totalRatings = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:namesArray,ratingsArray,nil]; I've pulled the values using: for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { for (int j=0; j<5; j++) { NSString *strings = [[totalRatings objectAtIndex:i] ...

Sort DB records with JdbcTemplate

Hello. How to Sort DB records in DB table with JdbcTemplate? What is the best solution, should execute method be used? ...

Sorting items in JQuery on a variety of attributes ...

I need to give users the functionality to sort a list of products based on several pre-selected field names. The products list is structured roughly like ... <span class="productList"> <div class="product"> <p><strong class="sortName">Title</strong></p> <p>Weight: <span class="sortWeight">3.50</span> pounds</p> <p>Price: <span ...

set last row of a datagridview not sortable (always on bottom)

I have a sortable DatagridView with a summary last row containing sum of some columns, i want to keep this summary row always as the last line(bottom) of datagridView. At the moment, when i sort a column of datagridView also the summary row get sorted, i don't want this. I want to keep the last row (summary row) of DatagridView not sort...

How to sort LI's based on their ID

Trying a bunch of solutions with no workable results. I have code that takes the value of the span and creates an ID for the LI. I then want to sort these LI's DESCENDING based on the LI's ID. Help? Thanks! <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <ul id="dumb"> <li>cello<span>2987</span></li> <li>zello<span>1723</span></li>...

Sorted dict to list

I have this: dictionary = { (month, year) : [int, int, int] } I'd like to get a list of tuples/lists with the ordered data(by month and year): #example info list = [(8,2010,2,5,3),(1,2011,6,7,8)...] I've tried several times but I can't get to a solution. Thanks for your help. ...

Does Eclipse have a way to alphabetically sort lines within a selection of text?

Similar to emacs' M-x sort-lines ...

How can I add multi-column sorting to jqgrid?

I can add single column sorting to jqgrid, no problem. How can I add multi-column sorting to jqgrid? That is, sort by column 1, then sort by column 2, the final sort order is: column 2, column 1 ...

Python: Sort list using another list order, having different lengths, and without 'sorted'

I'll to explain this right: I'm in an environment where I can't use python built-in functions (like 'sorted', 'set'), can't declare methods, can't make conditions (if), and can't make loops, except for: can call methods (but just one each time, and saving returns on another variable foo python:item.sort(); #foo variable takes the val...

Fastest data structure for inserting/sorting

I need a data structure that can insert elements and sort itself as quickly as possible. I will be inserting a lot more than sorting. Deleting is not much of a concern and nethier is space. My specific implementation will additionally store nodes in an array, so lookup will be O(1), i.e. you don't have to worry about it. ...

DevExpress Datagrid sorting

In a DexEpress ASPxGridView I have a column that contains voltage. The original values look like 200, 1000, 120 but I am applying a scaling that transforms the values into 200 V, 1 kV and 120 V. How do I sort the column based on the original values and not the string values? (In a .Net datagrid I had 2 columns: one with the original da...

Php Sorting a multi-dimensional array by field name

Hello I have tried adapting this code to use to sort a multidimensional array on a named key/field. The field is an integer what I need to sort smallest to biggest. function myCmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a["days"], $b["days"]); } uasort($myArray, "myCmp"); This sorts the arrays as I need but in the wrong order. At the moment it ...

Sort and optimize Java Vector with custom objects

I have to optimize Java Vector with "class Row_i" - objects (see below), which describes two series(A and B) of number ranges (startPos - endPos) are equal in every row. This vector has to be sorted and optimized. Group/Sort Criterias: 1 - Row grouping by id_A, 2 - Row grouping by id_B, 3 - Row grouping by startPosA, 4 - Row grouping...

How to Pass Variable into a MySQL Stored Procedure from PHP

I have the following stored procedure: proc_main:begin declare done tinyint unsigned default 0; declare dpth smallint unsigned default 0; create temporary table hier( AGTREFERRER int unsigned, AGTNO int unsigned, depth smallint unsigned default 0 )engine = memory; insert into hier values (p_agent_id, p_agent_id, dpth); /* http...

java programming

hey i am unable to understand the logic and program of Quicksort...can u help... ...

SQL Primary key sort order

I am using MS SQL server 2005 I have a table with 3 columns where I store user-message mapping like: msg_for msg_from msg_id bob bob 1 bob john 1 bob steve 1 bob bob 2 bob john 2 bob bob 3 bob john 3 bob steve 3 The PK is on 3 columns and msg_id is FK to message...

Reorder the database record rows through front-end using php

I am using PHP/MYSQL. I want in my frontend, for the users to sort and rearrange database records entered by the user himself in an earlier stage. The records uploaded by the user may sometimes inserted into the database randomly, so in the user profile he/she might have a facility to rearrange the the rows in the database according to t...