
Sort a list of Class Instances Python

I have a list of class instances - x = [<iteminstance1>,...] among other attributes the class has score attribute. How can I sort the items in ascending order based on this parameter? EDIT: The list in python has something called sort. Could I use this here? How do I direct this function to use my score attribute? ...

PHP custom ordering array

An array arrives with some or all of the following values, in any order. What's the best way to order them in ascending size order? So starting with small and ending with XXL. I can usort but am a bit lost as to how the elements should be ordered in my user defined function Small XXL Medium Large XL EDIT: left out some info so create...

Automatic sorting

Is it possible to get nhibernate to sort lists on a specific property/column (if no sorting have been specified)? Maybe in the mapping files or in some other way? ...

Is Java 7 using Tim Sort for the Method Arrays.Sort?

I can't find the documentation of Java 7, I only find about the Java 6, which is still quick or merge. Does anyone know how to find the documentation of the method Arrays.Sort of Java 7? Thank you. ...

Sorting a string of characters in assembly

I'm trying to write in assembly language a function sort. It will sort the two dimensional array such that the rows will now contain data in alphabetical order. I have tried many things but it is honestly beyond my current knowledge. here's what I tried so far... .386 public _Sort .model flat .code _Sort proc push ebp mov ebp...

JQuery tablesorter plugin - update sorting after modified rows

Hi! I use the tablesorter 2.0, and I update the cells' value with ajax. After the call I would need to order again the rows, but the $('#thisTable').trigger('update') don't help me. I dealing with markup inside cells, but it can't be problem. $('#thisTable').tablesorter({ textExtraction: function(node) { return node.getElement...

Sort a Query Based on Omitting A Word

if I have the following result sets: id, name 1, The Popper 2, Brittany 3, Fledgler 4, The Nightingale How do I sort them by name so that it disregards the "The" word and sorts the as follows: id, name 1, Britanny 2, Fledler 3, The Nightingale 4, The Popper Thanks in advance. I am using MySQL ...

Sort multi-dimensional array on specific key

I have an array: Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [user_id] => 1 [ID] => 1 [user_login] => admin [display_name] => admin [user_email] => [email protected] [meta_value] => a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";} ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [user_id] => 4 [ID] => 4 [user_login] => ungtinflytande [display_name] => ungtinflytande [user_em...

BubbleSort Expression Tree

Here is code of BubbleSort method (rewritten by me in better way to design expression tree for it) static void BubbleSort(int[] array) { int i = 0; while (i < array.Length) { int j = i + 1; while (j < array.Length) { if (array[i] > array[j]) ...

Need to sort and group tableviews using SQLite on iPhone

I have two different tableviews, one needs to be grouped by region, one needs to be listed alphabetically. I am using an SQLite database. The grouped tableview needs to be grouped by a column in the database called Region. The alphabetic view uses a column of data called hotSpgsName. Someone told me to use a NSDictionary, but I would lik...

How can I sort many arrays according to one array?

I have a data structure like the following @colors = qw(red blond green); @numbers = qw(349 1234.5678 3.14159265); @hats = qw(fedora porkpie bowler); my %hash = (colors => \@colors, numbers => \@numbers, hats => \@hats); I want to sort this according to the values of one of the arrays, maintaining the association of parallel array ele...

Android - How to sort list

I have a list that i fill with data from a database, and now i want to sort this data by title and date. Im still new to programming for Android, so cant figure out how to do this here, hope someone can help. Here is how the list is filled: public void fillData() { // get all the data from database DBAdapter db = new DBAda...

SQL Sorting: server vs. client

Most of the times, when it comes to sort some data, we have two options: Sort on the SQL server -- use ORDER BY clause Sort on client one we get the data from the database When would you use one over the other and why? ...

Bubble Sort in Assembly

I'm trying to figure out sorting an array of strings using assembly. I compare the first and the second alphabets and then rearrange them in alphabethic order. I have it almost figured out but my output is rearranging some character incorrectly. For example, when printing 'eight', it'll just print 'eigh'. .386 public _Sort .model flat ....

How can I sort a multidimensional array using php?

Hi I have to sort this array in desc. order on the basis of ratingVal using php. How can I do that. Array ( [0] => Array ( [rating_postid] => 26 [raCnt] => 6 [sRate] => 18 [ratingVal] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [rating_postid] => 714 [raC...

How to sort associative array in Javascript?

Hi, I need to sort associative array by JS for one of my projects. I found this function, that works great in firefox, but unfortunately it doesnt work in IE8, OPERA, CHROME... Cant find the way to make it work in other browsers, or find another function that would fit the purpose. I really appreciate any help. function sortAssoc(aInpu...

How to paginate though a sorted table in codeigniter?

I'm using the default paginator to add the pae offset to uri(3) and the sort data is put in and associative array to uri like this in the table headers echo anchor("/contact/index/$paging/".$this->uri->assoc_to_uri($assoc),$column); at the moment i can sort desc and asc by clicking on the headers, but when i want to cycle through the ...

equivilent to c# SortCompare in

I found the following event that I want to use in my app. private void grid_SortCompare(object sender, DataGridViewSortCompareEventArgs e) { try { if (e.RowIndex1 == this.dataGridView1.Rows.Count -1) e.Handled = true; if (e.RowIndex2 == this.dataGridView1.Rows.Cou...

Understanding __call__ and list.sort(key)

I have the following code I am trying to understand: >>> class DistanceFrom(object): def __init__(self, origin): self.origin = origin def __call__(self, x): return abs(x - self.origin) >>> nums = [1, 37, 42, 101, 13, 9, -20] >>> nums.sort(key=DistanceFrom(10)) >>> nums [9, 13, 1, 37, -20, 42, 1...

how was Array.Sort implemented in .NET?

I am using structures in my programming and I sort the structure according to a value in the structure using IComparer. How did Microsoft implement the Array.Sort() method? Is there any documentation (references) for this? Is it the same for all types of Sort() in Visual Basic? This is a simple example for what I want. Dim MyArray(6...