
How to customize this already custom jQuery sort solution?

Hi, i found the following solution to add sorting capabilities to jQuery (ref: jQuery sort()). I've altered the solution to sort strings of unknown length. It works nicely, however as you might notice from the function name: it sorts acscending :-). jQuery.fn.sort = function() { return this.pushStack( [].sort.apply( this, argumen...

Sorting JSON Output in PHP

I've got the following JSON: { "row": [ { "sort":3, "type":"fat", "widgets": [ {"values": [3,9] }, {"values": [8,4] } ] }, { "sort":2, "type":"three", "widgets": [ {"values": [3,4] }, {"values": [12,7] }, {"values": [12,7] } ] } ] } And this PHP to output it: foreach ( $value->row as $thero...

Access SQL using TOP 5 returning more than 5 results?

I'm using the following statement SELECT TOP 5 rootcause, COUNT(IIF(accountability="Team 1",1,0)) FROM MOAQ WHERE CDT=1 GROUP BY rootcause MOAQ is another query that returns about 20 fields from 4 tables, nothing special. This works as expected and I get 5 results. If I add an ORDER BY clause on the conditional field though I start...

Algorithm to find first index where strings are different?

I've got a collection of strings, and I need to know the first index where they all differ. I can think of two ways to do this: (the following pseudo code is just off the top of my head and may be heavily bug-laden) First Way: var minLength = [go through all strings finding min length]; var set = new set() for(i=0;i<minlength;i++) { ...

Sort ArrayList

Hi Experts, Here is a simple sorting program of an ArrayList: ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("1_Update"); list.add("11_Add"); list.add("12_Delete"); list.add("2_Create"); Collections.sort(list); for (String str : list) { System.out.println(str.toString()); } I was expecting the output of this program a...

Best way to implement simple sorting / searching in Rails

What's the best way to implement an interface that looks like this in rails? Currently I'm using Searchlogic, and it's a tad painful. Problems include: Making sure certain operations remain orthogonal -- for example, if you select "Short Posts" and then search, your search results should be restricted to short posts. Making sure the...

Partition sort programming problem

I need an algorithm to select the kth largest or smallest value. The values will be ints. My instructor told me to use a modified partition algorithm to find the kth largest or smallest value. Any thoughts? ...

dotnet:is there any way out to directly get reference of value collection in dictionary?

i want to sort dictionary based upon value of each dictioanry item.but if i use sorted dictionary search time complexity will increase from constant to log2(n).so i want to directly assign reference of value list in dictionary to a list.then i can sort this list and get results.i dont want to iterate to each element of dictionary to add ...

Two-pass multi way merge sort?

If I have a relation (SQL) that does not fit in memory and I want to sort the relation using TPMMS (Two-pass multi-way merge sort method). How would I divide the table in sub tables (and how many) that can fit in memory and than merge them? Let's say I am using C#. ...

Sort XML nodes with jQuery and then join them

Here is the basics of the schema... there is more than this, but this gives a good idea of what I need to accomplish: <item> <name>This is some product name to sort with dictionary sort.</name> <price value="29.99">$29.99</price> </item> <item> <name>This is some product name to sort with dictionary sort.</name> <price v...

JavaScript - How to sort a div

I have a listing of home information in the format below. <div id="content"> <div class="listing"> <div class="photo"><a href="#"><img src="img.jpg" width="200"></a></div> <div class="info"> <p class="address"><a href="#">321 Main St<br>Beverly Hills, CA 90210</a></p> <div class="attr">Price</div> <div cl...

How to sort a C# list of data where the data is a hierarchical tree (menu)?

I'm pulling a dataset into a c# list and to sort it. It's a hierarchical menu: sample object: public class NavigationInfo { public Int32 Id { get; set; } public Int32 ParentId { get; set; } public String Text { get; set; } public String Url { get; set; } public Int32 Sort { get; set; } } The ParentId is recursiv...

Bubble Sort Homework

In class we are doing sorting algorithms and, although I understand them fine when talking about them and writing pseudocode, I am having problems writing actual code for them. This is my attempt in Python: mylist = [12, 5, 13, 8, 9, 65] def bubble(badList): length = len(badList) - 1 unsorted = True while unsorted: f...

In Python how do I sort a list of dictionaries by a certain value of the dictionary + alphabetically?

Ok, here's what I'm trying to do... I know that itemgetter() sort could to alphabetical sort easy, but if I have something like this: [{'Name':'TOTAL', 'Rank':100}, {'Name':'Woo Company', 'Rank':15}, {'Name':'ABC Company', 'Rank':20}] And I want it sorted alphabetically (by Name) + include the condition that the one with Name:'...

Best way to find value in List when list is sorted

Let's say I have a Java ArrayList, that is sorted. Now I would like to find the index of value x. What would be the fastest (without more than 30 lines of code) way to do this? Use of the IndexOf() method? Iterate through all values in a simple for loop? Use of some cool algorithm? We are talking about around let's say 50 integer keys. ...

List sorting and ordering problem...

So I've resigned myself to not being able to use the order of a List reliably because hibernate reverses it and everyone says don't do it, so I've added a field to my class as position. I have: @Entity class Procedure { ... int procedureId; List tasks; ... } @Entity class Task { ... int taskId; int position; } Now I don't know how ...

Sort Objects by Boolean values in Ruby

My apologies if this has been answered before or is obvious...did some searching here and on the Goog and couldn't find an answer. I'm looking to sort an array of Providers by price and whether they are a preferred_provider? (true or false) For instance in array p of Providers... p1.price == 1, p1.preferred_provider? == false p2.price...

Are groups in Linq to Sql already sorted by Count() descending?

It appears so, but I can't find any definitive documentation on the subject. What I'm asking is if the result of this query: from x in Db.Items join y in Db.Sales on x.Id equals y.ItemId group x by x.Id into g orderby g.Count() descending select g.First() is ALWAYS THE SAME as the following query: from x in Db.Items join y in Db.Sal...

How can you create a user orderable list box in c#?

How would I got about creating a user orderable list of check boxes in c#? The user needs to select which files out of a list they want to pass to another application and the order matters so I was looking for a method of accomplishing this using Up/Down arrow type interface on the side Any ideas on how I should go about this? Cheers ...

Sorting multi-dimensional array using array_multisort, where you don't know the dimensions of the array

Hi, I have a multi-dimensional array, which basically consists of one sub-array for each year. So, for example, if I had three year's worth of data, it might look like this: $data[0] = Array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); $data[1] = Array(6,5,4,3,6,7,8,9); $data[2] = Array(1,4,2,5,7,3,1,4); Now I want to be able to sort those arrays on the basis ...