
SparkViewEngine, RenderAction and Areas with ASP MVC 2 Beta?!

I just ran into trouble with the AreaDescriptionFilter of Spark using MVC 2 Beta. The following line is from my Application.spark file. It results in the view engine looking in all possible locations of the view - except in the folders of the area "Shell". # Html.RenderAction("ShowMainMenu", "Navigation", new { area = "Shell" }); Run...

Spark View Engine If statement applied to attributes

Is there any better, cleaner, way to set selected="true" ? Maybe a nested if? <select id="State" name="State" if="(Model.StateList.Count() > 0 )" > <option value="">Select One</option> <for each="KeyValuePair<string, string> item in Model.StateList"> <option value="${item.Value}" if="(Model.State == item.Value)" selected...

What is the difference between ${...} and !{...} in the Spark View Engine?

What is the difference between ${...} and !{...} in the Spark View Engine? There probably is a really distinct difference between the two, but I see them used interchangeably. Does one encode the output and the other doesn't? Which I have seen some discussion about in the groups? If that is true then what does this do: ${H(Model.N...

How to stop Spark View Engine HTML encoding?

Even with the following in spark section of web.config: <pages automaticEncoding="false"> Things between ${...} Still get passed through H(...), which HTML encodes it. How change this or should I just fall back to !{...}? ...

Trouble with MVCContrib InputForm<T> and SparkViewEngine

I am trying to use MVCContrib InputBuilders but I am having trouble. I am also using S#arp architecture and spark. My spark view looks like this: new.spark: <viewdata model="NewUserViewModel" /> ${Html.InputForm<NewUserViewModel>()} My global.asax.cs contains: protected void Application_Start() { XmlConfigurator.Configure();...

Why Spark viewengine renders unnecessary (or unexpected) quotes?

If i add pageBaseType="Spark.Web.Mvc.SparkView" in my web.config (necessary to fix intellisense), somehow it does not render links (probably not only) correctly anymore. This is how it's supposed to look like (and does, if page base type is not specified)=> This is how it looks when base type is specified=> Chrome source viewer sh...

Can we use ASP.NET Web Server controls in ASP.NET MVC using the Spark View Engine?

I am trying to develop an application using ASP.NET MVC 2 with Spark as View Engine for the Imagine Cup. To win the IE8 award, I must use some features of IE8. I saw that there are some server controls (Web Slice Control, Accelerator Control, Visual Search Control, Browser Helper Control at

Public resources, spark & conflict

Using this to generate my resources. Problem is, spark dies when tries to generate dynamic views because there is app_globalresources.dll and myapp.dll somewhere there - deep into temp jungles. .spark(9,36): error CS0433: The type 'Resources.Account' exists in both 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET File...

SparkViewEngine: Is there a functionality available that's equivalent to a PHP Include?

Hello, I am using the SparkViewEngine with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 and was wondering if there is a way to include another View within your current view. For example, I have this view called ResourceManager.spark. Inside this file, I want to include another sub-view called Resources.spark. Thanks! Abe ...

Strongly typed htmlhelper & spark

I read that it's possible, but didn't get idea how. Any ideas? ...

ASP.NET MVC + S#arp Architectur + Spark View Engine - Can't use ActionLinkForAreas

I decided to use ASP.NET MVC, S#arp Architectur and the Spark View Engine for my new project. First i created a new project with the help of S#arp. I tried to update the view of the S#arp Architectur to .spark files. That works fine except for one exception left. The ActionLinkForAreas Method used in the Application.spark is not found...

Would you use MVC 2 already or MVC 1? - S#arp Architectur + Spark View Engine

I am starting to develop a complex web application using S#arp Architectur and the Spark View Engine. By default MVC 1.0 is used. But i am thinking about upgrading everything to ASP.NET MVC 2. Would u start developing in MVC 1 and upgrade to version 2 later or do the upgrade straight from the beginning? Thanks for your advice, -Ben...

Using a different viewmodel in partial view using Spark view engine

Using ASP.NET MVC & Spark, I have a view that is listing a number of searches. The view has the following declaration at the top: <viewdata model="IEnumerable<SearchModel>" /> On the same search page, I also render a partial which is used as the content of a popup window that enables users to add new searches. My problem is: in the p...

Spark very weird behavior: one variable - two different values in the same code!

THe variable email below is used twice: first inside the <p> tag, and then is passed as a value of a textbox. Question: Will both occurencies yield the same text? Believe it or not - they are different. #UserProfileEditForm form = (UserProfileEditForm)ViewData["form"]; #string email =; <p>Email: ${HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ema...

Are there any starter kits that uses all of : ASP.Net MVC 1.0 with Nhibernate. Sparkview, Jquery, Jquery UI?

I am looking for a starter kit that already is set up with the following? ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Jquery/Jquery UI/JqGrid/ Sparkview engine NHibernate Code quality is important as well. Thanks in advance. ...

Spark-View-Engine with ASP.NET MVC2

How do you modify a ASP.NET MVC 2.0 project to work with the Spark View Engine? I tried like described here: But somehow it still tries to route to .aspx files. Here the code of my global.asax: public class MvcApplication : Sy... MVC 2, spark engine and strongly Typed Html Helpers

Will I get the advantage of the new Strongly Typed Html Helpers with MVC 2 if were to use the spark engine for rendering? ...

I need some really good blogs to follow ASP.NET MVC, Fluent NHibernate, and Spark View Engine.

I need some really good blogs to follow ASP.NET MVC, Fluent NHibernate, and Spark View Engine. I would like to follow some good bloggers in these areas. ...

T4MVC renderpartial and Spark views

#Html.RenderPartial(MVC.Shared.Views._Sorter); throws error => There is no build provider registered for the extension '.spark'. You can register one in the section in machine.config or web.config. Make sure is has a BuildProviderAppliesToAttribute attribute which includes the value 'Web' or 'All'. Description: An unhandled ...

String Encoding Issue

Hi guys, I am having a very weird issue in the way strings get stored in my database, and as a result, I am getting these "unterminated string literal" errors in Javascript. Here's an overview of what I am doing: Platform: C#/ASP.NET MVC 1.0, SQL Server 2005, SparkViewEngine, YUI 2 In my view, I serialize an object into a JSON data ...