
Hibernate for ontologies?

Hi, does anybody know of a tool capable of doing for OWL ontologies what Hibernate does for relational databases, that is, from my point of view, abstract away the need to manually code SQL queries to read/write Java objects from/to relational databases and manage the consistency of in-memory objects and their serialized form on the DB. ...

SPARQL query to select/ construct a latest revision from RDF data

Hi, I have a RDF file thats used to track item revisions. Using this data I can traceback the changes made to an item through its lifetime. Once a specific has changed the corresponding data is placed as a new revision. Have a look.. @prefix rdf: <; . @prefix rdfs: <

SPARQL Jenna Query Help

Hi Everyone Just a small thing tonight; I was wondering how I could modify this query to show only bands with the name "kinks", I tried tagging = #kinks after dc:Band but got no results. Query SPARQL_QUERY = QueryFactory.create("" + "PREFIX rdf: <;" + "PREF...

query in sparql for protege

Hi, I want write query that allow to display all comment of all class in protege and other query to display specific comment please ,Iwante the answer quickly as soon as possible . ...

Is there any killer application for Ontology/semantics/OWL/RDF yet?

Hi Guys, I got interested in semantic technologies after reading a lot of books, blogs and articles on the net saying that it would make data machine-understandable, allow intelligent agents make great reasoning, automated & dynamic service composition etc.. I am still reading the same stuff from 2 years. The number of articles/blogs/s...

Problem with a select SPARQL query on dbpedia

At I want to select something like this: SELECT ?hostCity WHERE { <; <; ?hostCity . } Do you know, where is a problem? ...

How to write an XSLT to transform following XML in the following HTML?

Hi I have an XML as below <result> <binding name="PropertyURI"> <uri>;/uri&gt; </binding> <binding name="Property"> <literal xml:lang="en">motto</literal> </binding> <binding name="ValueURI"> <uri>;/uri&gt; </binding> <bin...

Exact matching of strings in SPARQL?

I have this query. It match anything which has "South in its Name". But I only want the one whose foaf:name exactly matches "South" SELECT Distinct ?TypeLabel Where { ?a foaf:name "South". ?a rdf:type ?Type. ?Type rdfs:label ?TypeLabel. } ...

Library for .NET that returns SPARQL results in some structured List instead of standard XML format?

Is there any Library for .NET that returns SPARQL results in some structured List instead of standard XML format? I am using SemWeb. I could not find any such method. ...

UTF-8 formatting in SPARQL

How can I "say" to SPARQL that ?churchname is in UTF-8 formatting? because response is like:Pražský hrad PREFIX lgv: <; PREFIX abc: <; SELECT ?churchname WHERE { <; geo:geometry ?gm . ?church a lgv:castle . ?church geo:g...

Jena result in UTF-8 format

How can I get in Jena (Java language) result in UTF-8 format? My code: Query query= QueryFactory.create(queryString); QueryExecution qexec= QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("", queryString); ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); List<QuerySolution> list = ResultSetFormatter.toList(results); System....

how to create Java Application and query about OWL using SPARQL/Jena and how to do it on local/remote?

I want to create simple application using Java Jena and SPARQL ,that insert, delete , update and query the OWL/RDF data I worked on protege to create the ontology and noticed SPARQL in it but I want to use SPARQL using java and jena ... 1) I saw this thread and I knew how to use SPARQL with jena (after http)

using union in a construct sparql query

hello, i have such a sparql query: select ?s ?p ?o from <http://localhost:8890/DAV/ranking&gt; where { {<; so:hasEndpoint ?s. ?s ?p ?o} union {<; ?p ?o} } but i need a graph query (construct ord describe). unfortunatly i have no...

SPARQL UNION - Result set incomplete

I have two queries: query 1: SELECT DISTINCT ?o COUNT(?o) WHERE { ?s1 ?somep1 <predicate_one-uri>. ?s1 ?p ?o} query 2: SELECT DISTINCT ?o COUNT(?o) WHERE {?s2 ?somep2 <predicate_two-uri>.?s2 ?p ?o.} Each query gives me a different result set (as expected). I need to make a union of these two sets, from what I understand the...

Best way to create a SPARQL endpoint for a RDBMS (MySQL database)

I am doing (want to do) some experiments with Linked Open Datasets particularly those put out by governments. I have a RDBMS (more specifically MySQL). I designed it with semantic web ideas in mind i.e. I have a information stored as objects, predicates and classes which define objects. In turn all objects are related to each other thou...

multilingual sparql

i want to query a triple store which is multilingual , Query that works : select * where {?s ?p "sdfsdf"@en} i want that "sdfsdf" to be an attribute in general like ?o@en how should i query then ? ...

Open Source Semantic Web Project, input SPARQL, output Graph

Hi All, I am looking for an open source (java is preferred) semantic web project which it's input is SPARQL and its output is a triple RDF format grid & graph, like this site: Any help would be appreciated Cheers Erwin ...

exploratory SPARQL queries?

whenever i start using sql i tend to throw a couple of exploratory statements at the database in order to understand what is avaliable, and what form the data takes. eg. show tables describe table select * from table could anyone help me understand the way to complete a similar exploration of an rdf datastore using a SPARQL endpoin...

SPARQL entity lists inside select queries

In the following DBpedia query, is there a way to consolidate the UNIONs into a single pattern? PREFIX prop: <; PREFIX res: <; SELECT DISTINCT ?language ?label WHERE { {res:Spain prop:language ?language} UNION {res:France prop:language ?language} UNION {res:I...

Linked data and endpoint

Why does the end point matters so much to the end results of the query. For this query: SELECT ?episode,?chalkboard_gag WHERE { ?episode skos:subject ?episode dbpedia2:blackboard ?chalkboard_gag } The endpoint "OpenLink Virtuoso SPARQL protocol" returns...