
windows mobile 6.1 MMS client - functional spec

Hey, Any one knows where i can get the MMS specs for windows mobile 6.1? Or maybe even which standard does it follow... Thanks in advance :P ...

Scala specs: nest in-statements

Hi, is it possible to nest following specs test code "ClassX" should { "throw an IllegalArgumentException if n < 0" in { ClassX(-1) must throwA[IllegalArgumentException] } "throw an IllegalArgumentException if n > 50" in { ClassX(51) must throwA[IllegalArgumentException] } "throw an IllegalArgumentException if n == 35...

Using specs matchers in scalacheck properties

I'm trying to use specs mathers inside scalacheck properties. For example, I have a matcher that works like this: x must matchMyMatcher(y) When I want to use this matcher inside scalacheck property, I do the following: import org.scalacheck._ import org.specs._ ... val prop = Prop.forAll(myGen){ (x,y) => new matchMyMatcher(x)(y)...