
annotation based Spring bean validation

Hi, I'm investigating an annotation-based approach to validating Spring beans using spring modules. In this tutorial, the following bean (getters and setters omitted) is used as an example: public final class User { @NotBlank @Length(max = 80) private String name; @NotBlank @Email @Length(max = 80) private...

Spring-modules caching not working... silently.

I'm trying to use declarative caching from the Spring Modules project. It's not working ie. nothing appears to be getting cached. Here's my configuration: <bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean"> </bean> <bean id="cacheProviderFacade" class="org.springmodules.cache.provider.eh...

Caching with Spring Framework

Spring Modules had a @Cacheable annotation: org.springmodules.cache.annotations.Cacheable Now that Spring Module is deprecated, what is the recommendation for caching? And is still still possible to work with ehCache? ...