
How to enumerate and initialise beans in spring/jsf

After my user logins, i'd like to enumerate all of the beans faces-config and initialize selectivly some of the beans, what is the best way of doing this? The beans are initialized by spring when the application session starts, but not just after the login process (via JAAS) finishes. I guess I'm asking how to enumerate the beans liste...

Convention over configuration with Spring MVC using ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping?

Following the directions from Spring Source and the book Spring in Action, I am trying to set up Spring MVC in a way that minimizes xml configuration. However according to Spring Source this is how you set up the ControllerClassNameHandlerMap <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.support.ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping"/> ...

Oracle Deadlock when Hibernate application loading data for readonly use

We are experiencing an Oracle Deadlock (org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource) error. It has been suggested that the issue is with a process that is performing readonly operations using Hibernate while another process is performing an update on the same row. The readonly proc...

Adding JMS Info breaks EhCache

I want to distribute my EhCache via a JMS Topic. This is documented here on EhCache's site I'm using: ehcache-1.6.0-beta3 ehcache-jmsreplication-0.3 spring-2.5 spring-modules-0.9 My Spring config looks like this: <bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean"> </bean> <bean id=...

Have you found success with a Spring and Hibernate Web Application

I am working on medium sized web application 4-5 tabs, user login for about 100k users. We are completing redesigning the application from scratch and using spring and hibernate, connected to MySQL. Did you experience major issues and what where did Spring benefit your application. ...

Java EE video lectures

There are plenty of java videos and video lectures floating about, but does anyone know of any that deal specifically with Java EE? For my own point of view I'd be more interested in the EJB side of things, but any Java EE lectures would be useful, as well as videos on things like Spring etc. Thanks. ...

Exposing multiple objects with RMI in Spring

How do I expose multiple objects with RMI using Spring? I start with what is written here. What if I want to expose more objects, must I declare another instance of RMIServiceExporter? ...

i18n in ExtJS & Spring MVC

I've searched a bit on the web but haven't really found a concrete solution to internationalize an application running ExtJS & Spring MVC. Currently (for testing), I define global javascript variables in the JSP's & assign the string literals using JSTL tags. Has anyone had any success in coming up w/ a clear/clean/flexible solution on ...

Why is Java giving me an IllegalArgumentException?

I'm using dwr and spring and I get this error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Javascript name * is used by 2 classes I found nothing helpful on Google, do you know why I'm getting this error? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns:dwr="http://www.directwebremoting.org/schema/spring-dwr" http://www.directwebre...

What's the best online tutorial for starting with Spring Python

Spring Python seems to be the gold-standard for how to define good quality APIs in Python - it's based on Spring which also seems to be the gold-standard for Java APIs. My manager has complained (with good reason) that our APIs are in a mess - we need to impose some order on them. Since we will be re-factoring it makes sense to take ad...

Can't make hibernate stop showing SQL using Spring JPA Vendor Adapter

Hibernate is continuing to spew SQL traces to stdout, and I can't figure out how to change a Hibernate configuration property when it's hidden behind a JPA adapter. This is the Spring bean for the entityManagerFactory: <bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> <...

Looking for a good Spring framework cheat cheet

Is there a comprehensive Spring framework cheat sheet out there, covering the features in the latest release? ...

Is it possible to have multiple PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer in my applicationContext?

I need to load a specific applicationContext.xml file according to a given system property. This itself loads a file with the actual configuration. Therefore I need 2 PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer, one which resolves the system param, and the other one within the actual configuration. Any ideas how to do this? ...

Do I need to worry about concurrency with tomcat spring beans?

Not quite understanding enough about java, do I need to worry about concurancy issues when listing, and changing DTO objects in my spring java beans in a single server tomcat application? ...

Spring validation, how to have PropertyEditor generate specific error message

I'm using Spring for form input and validation. The form controller's command contains the model that's being edited. Some of the model's attributes are a custom type. For example, Person's social security number is a custom SSN type. public class Person { public String getName() {...} public void setName(String name) {...} ...

Junit4 + Spring 2.5 : Asserts throw "NoClassDefFoundError"

I've been coding tests in Junit4 with Spring, and I got this funny behavior: If my tests are passing like this, everything is fine: @Test public void truthTest(){ assertTrue(true); //Ok } But, if my test fails: @Test public void truthTest(){ assertTrue(false); //ERROR } Then instead of a test failure I receive an ugly and cr...

Spring Acegi - Social Network platform

Can spring Acegi security be used for a social networking application where users can set their security preferences to share their data only with their friends? The common scenario of the Acegi tutorials is where you want to authorize actions per user role, but what about authorizing users to view specific data, say, only their friends...

How can I resolve the conflict between loose coupling/dependency injection and a rich domain model?

Edit: This is not a conflict on the theoretical level but a conflict on an implementation level. Another Edit: The problem is not having domain models as data-only/DTOs versus richer, more complex object map where Order has OrderItems and some calculateTotal logic. The specific problem is when, for example, that Order needs to grab the...

How does spring framework assist in application development?

Guys, Am a bit confused here! how does spring framework assist in general development of an application? I use django framework and i can quickly explain to a layman how all parts fit together(Django, Python, templates, packages etc) to produce an excellent web application, but when i look at spring i get a bit lost! Am looking answers ...

Are Enterprise Java Beans still useful when compared to Spring?

I have an upcoming project in a class that will allow me to work with either EJBs or Spring, and I was wondering what would be more applicable for "real world" situations. ...