
How can I include test classes in exploded war for integration testing using Maven, Jetty & Spring?

I am trying to get integration tests going with Spring, Maven and Jetty. I have got a Jetty server to start up running my app before the integration tests start using the Maven Jetty plugin and a run-exploded pre-integration-test goal. This works well for testing using net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTestCase. What I need to do now i...

Issue of running spring samples

Hi all, This is the second time I ask question about this issue,last time when I tried to run mvc-ajax project,I got error :can't find c.tld file. Then I remove jsp-api.jar,it works. But now I am running spring sample petclinic, the same issue here: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/jsp/welcome.jsp(1,1) Unable to read TLD "ME...

Spring bean thread safety

I am declaring a Spring bean for a Java class that is used as a factory to create objects. I want to use this factory from different threads, the problem I am experienced is that threads are blocked when they try to create an object using the factory. As far as I know spring beans are singletons by default, and this is what I want. I wa...

How to bind ENUM to radiobutton ?

Type is enum property in object. jsp: <form:radiobutton path="type" value="Male" /> java: public enum TestType { Male, Female; } and got error Unable to convert value 'Male' from type 'java.lang.String' to type 'java.lang.Enum'; reason = 'java.lang.Enum is not an enum type' ...

thread safety when using spring WebServiceTemplate and Jaxb2Marshaller

I am using spring WebServiceTemplate as a web service client programmatically i.e. without instantiating a spring container. I am using Jaxb2Marshaller for marshaling/unmarshaling. In my application, I create a single instance of the SaajSoapMessageFactory and one instance of Jaxb2Marshaller. I also create a single instance of the WebSer...

Why would Spring be trying to use the properties variable reference string instead of the value?

Here's the problem in a nutshell: <bean id="handlerFactory" class="com.westfieldgrp.audit.jdklogging.cpm.CPMHandlerFactory"> <property name="schemaName" value="${env.audit.databaseSchema}" /> <property name="bufferSize" value="${env.audit.bufferSize}" /> <property name="threaded" value="${env.audit.threadedAuditHandler}" />...

Securing access to my custom servlets using Spring Security Blazeds integration

Hi All, I have configured spring security with my flex blazeds application successfully and access to all the beans is now secured. How can I secure access to HTTPService ( servlets) defined in proxy-config.xml. I have tried the following approaches but none worked. 1) In my custom authentication provider i have added the following lin...

Spring MVC and Ajax Operation using JQuery

Hi All, I have a JSP page called CreateProcessGroup.jsp and i use an annotation controller to map requests to CreateProcessGroup.htm to that page. But i m having an interesting issue when i request the page from browser it works, when send a request using jquery $.get method i get 404 (CreateProcessGroup.htm not found) is there a differ...

Common strategies when defining Spring beans for different environments

What are common strategies for defining a bunch of beans, which are used differently in development and production environments? Let's say I have 2 beans, each implementing the same interface. One bean serves as abstraction for local filesystem, the other connects to a distributed filesystem. To keep the development as steady, as possib...

Autocreate Spring Entity "authorities" during testing

Hi all When trying unit tests with Spring Security & Hibernate, none of the security entities "user" or "authorities" are being autocreated. What I have done so far is to write an "user" bo that triggers generation of the appropiate table. However, I am stuck with the authorities: (as advised by http://java.dzone.com/articles/getting-s...

Circular dependency in spring

How does spring resolve this. Bean A is dependent on bean b, and bean b on bean a. ...

Spring / ActiveMQ schema validation from behind a proxy

Hello, I'm trying to run this JAX-RS web services which uses ActiveMQ and Spring, and have some definitions relating to both in the Spring context xml file. If i'm not behind a proxy, everything runs fine. However, when i'm behind a proxy, I get the following validation error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The ...

Why does calling the security authentication property `principal.displayName` in a decorator throw an exception?

Is there a reason why calling the security authentication property principal.displayName in a decorator would cause a problem? I'm setting it as a variable in a sitemesh decorator: <c:set var="displayName"> <sec:authentication property="principal.displayName" /> </c:set> But it gene...

How to use JPA in spring sample petclinic?

I am learning spring samples. In the petclinic project, by default it uses jdbc. I change the following line to jpa, and can't run it anymore /WEB-INF/spring/applicationContext-jpa.xml Here is the error message: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ClassLoader [org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader] does NOT provide an ...

JSP, Spring, Struts or GWT for College Project

Possible Duplicate: Choosing a Java Web Framework now? I am a final year student doing my Bachelor in Enginering(Computers) course from Mumbai University. We are supposed to do a project for the final year and my group has decided to build a webapp for geographicaly separated developers to work collaboratively on projects onli...

Unable to find a value for "length" in object of class "java.lang.String" using operator "."

Why does this JSTL expression not seem to be able to use the length method of the String class: <c:when test="${displayName != null && displayName.length > 0 }"> <p><c:out value="${displayName}"/></p> </c:when> It produces this exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.e...

How to inject resources into EJB3 beans with Spring 2.5?

If I create an EJB3 bean (say a stateless session bean) in an application using Spring 2.5 for DI, how should I inject dependencies from Spring into the bean without coupling the bean to Spring? ...

No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/app/j_spring_security_login] in DispatcherServlet with name 'dispatcher'

I added this login link to my Spring app: <a href="<spring:url value="/j_spring_security_login" htmlEscape="true" />"> Sign In </a> My assumption was that because this is a built-in tag for accessing the login page, Spring would know how to associate this with an appropriate handler without me having to specify it explicitly. However...

ProxyFactoryBean in Spring

Can someone explain ProxyFactoryBean in simple terms? I see this being quoted lot of places. ...

Springsource tool suite and Spring template project

I'm trying to set up a new Spring MVC project using springsource tool suite and the Spring Template project wizard. The wizard asks for a top-level package name such as com.mytravel.company, but it seems to ignore any top level package greater than 3 levels deep Is this by design, or is it a bug in the wizard. Can anybody recommend an...