
Which hibernate adapter should I use to handle Lazy Initialization in BlazeDS / Spring integration projects with Flex?

I'm researching ways in which the Spring Framework, Hibernate and BlazeDS can play happily together without throwing lazy initialization exceptions. So far, I ran across Gilead, dpHibernate and an entirely different alternative implementation of this problem via GraniteDS's Tide framework. Aside from GraniteDS, there doesn't seem to ...

Spring and the anemic domain model

So, I've noticed that I definitely have a tendency to pattern my Spring/Hibernate stack objects like this: Foo controller makes a call to "FooService" FooService calls FooRepository.getById() method to get some Foos. FooRepository makes some Hibernate calls to load Foo objects. FooService does some interactions with the Foos. It may us...

Aspectj in spring

I am getting the following error when i try to auto wire aspectj in spring org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The prefix "aop" for element "aop:aspectj-autoproxy" is not bound. my appContext.xml entry looks like ..... <aop:aspectj-autoproxy/> <bean id="helloFromAspectJ" class="com.cvs.esps.aspect.logging.TestAspect"/> ..... some hel...

Is customizing DispatcherServlet in Spring MVC a common practice?

Hi, I am new to Spring MVC. But I had certain experience in working with Struts 1.x. I would like to know if it is a common practice to customize DispatcherServlet while working with Spring MVC, like people sometimes customize ActionServlet or RequestProcessor in Struts 1.x? Or let's extend the question a little bit. Where are the entr...

Integration testing Spring web app

Hi, I need to do an integration tests on my web application on each build. Currently I have a set of JUnit tests, which tests various parts of an application before it constructed into war. What I need to do now is to test if application is in good shape after it is deployed into Web container. The application is written using Spring...

Testing Grails Spring Integration

I'm trying to write an integration test for a Service which uses a gateway to send requests to a queue. The gateway is wired up to the queue using spring integration in resources.xml: <gateway service-interface="WebRequestService" id="webRequestGateway" default-request-channel="queueChannel" ...

Grails/Spring and MySql Replication. And a deadlock...

After installing Grails 1.1.1 and adding Replication (org.mysql.jdbc.ReplicationDriver) it appears that my BackgroundQueue is clogging up. Question 1: How do I determine "why" my BackgroundQueue is clogged? (I define Clogged as having all available thread stuck, and not accepting any new "work"). Question 2: What is the "defined way" ...

Circular Dependency and Spring-powered Event Queue

I have a "MessageQueue" class. It's just is to queue messages. Beans that need the ability to post messages simply have a MessageQueue property and Spring takes care of injecting it. The problem is that many beans need to also register themselves as listeners. The list of listener beans cannot be injected into the messageQueue becaus...

Injecting EntityManager Vs. EntityManagerFactory

A long question, please bear with me. We are using Spring+JPA for a web application. My team is debating over injecting EntityManagerFactory in the GenericDAO(a DAO based on Generics something on the lines provided by APPFUSE, we do not use JpaDaosupport for some reason) over injecting an EntityManager. We are using "application managed...

property-placeholder location from another property

Hi I need to load some properties into a Spring context from a location that I don't know until the program runs. So I thought that if I had a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer with no locations it would read in my.location from the system properties and then I could use that location in a context:property-placeholder Like this <bean cl...

Integrating Spring 2.5 with Ibatis 3

Does anyone know of a way to integrate the new Ibatis with the current Spring 2.5? I'm exploring pulling it in to a project and was curious if anyone had done it before. ...

Spring + GWT, How to disable User Authorization request for a Insert Query? Please check inside..

Hey StackOverFlow, I'm currently working on supporting a Spring + GWT intranet application that was given to me on the last hour, I need to implement a dozen fixes to this software, including tests and stuff. One thing that I could not find is that.. I have a view and a presenter, the presenter is responsible for the function that wil...

Spring can't see my imported classes

My controller (abstract controller) is calling a service class to get a URL. In my service class I instantiate my dependency in the constructor: the abstract controller: public class MyPageController extends AbstractController{ private UserService userService; private LearnerService learnerService; private TwitterService twitterServic...

JPA and Spring transactions - please explain

Hi, today I have coded a test case for my application, to see how transactions behave. And I have found that nothing works the way I thought it does. I have a Spring-based application using Hibernate as JPA provider, backed by MySQL. I have DAO objects, extending Spring's JpaDaoSupport. These are covered by Spring's transaction managem...

Programmatically call @Controller

I am transitioning code that used implementations of Spring MVC's Controller to use the annotation stereotype @Controller. Everything is going fine except for one issue: Given a request/response, how do I programmatically handle requests for annotation-based controllers? Previously, (regardless of implementation) I was able to call: ...

Database-sessions in Spring

Hi guys, I'm quite new to Spring, and I would like to understand a bit more about sessions. I've mapped a legacy database with Hibernate annotated entities and built a couple of service objects to fetch, retrieve etc. My entities also contain other entities (mapped through foreign keys) and sets of entities. When I traverse the entitiy ...

How to execute IN() SQL queries with Spring's JDBCTemplate effectivly?

Hi all together, i was wondering if there is a more elegant way to do IN() queries with Spring's JDBCTemplate. Currently i do something like that: StringBuilder jobTypeInClauseBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < jobTypes.length; i++) { Type jobType = jobTypes[i]; if(i != 0) { jobTypeInClauseBuilder.append(','); } ...

Spring methodInvokingTimer, dont show the property

Hi, I have imported the package org.spring.schedule.timer2.5.6A. using eclipse and created the following beans. but my problem is i, dont see / cant set any property values for the bean methodInvokingTASK (last one), where I should have. property - targetObject property - targetMethod I dont know what is wrong, am I missing any impor...

Java Event Processing Framework

I'm looking for a lightweight framework that builds on top of the Process Manager pattern: http://www.eaipatterns.com/ProcessManager.html I'm specifically interested in using this for doing event processing whereby I'm interested in the success or failure outcome of a particular event and passing a message on to another "stage" based o...

google gin? use with spring?

i know gin is client side of guice . so in order to use gin. it must be used together with guice? i wonder, can it be used with spring? ...