
Python fCGI + sqlAlchemy = malformed header from script. Bad header=FROM tags : index.py

I'm writing an Fast-CGI application that makes use of sqlAlchemy & MySQL for persistent data storage. I have no problem connecting to the DB and setting up ORM (so that tables get mapped to classes); I can even add data to tables (in memory). But, as soon as I query the DB (and push any changes from memory to storage) I get a 500 Int...

SQLAlchemy Relationship Filter?

can i do: table.relationship.filter( column = value ) to get a subset of rows for relationships? and the same for order_by? ...

Dynamic Class Creation in SQLAlchemy

We have a need to create SQLAlchemy classes to access multiple external data sources that will increase in number over time. We use the declarative base for our core ORM models and I know we can manually specify new ORM classes using the autoload=True to auto generate the mapping. The problem is that we need to be able generate them dy...

Migrating from SQLAlchemy to MongoDB in Pylons

Is there a migration guide for the the models aspect in pylons, syntax with SQLAlchemy to MongoDB? ...

SQLAlchemy introspection of ORM classes/objects

I am looking for a way to introspect SQLAlchemy ORM classes/entities to determine the types and other constraints (like maximum lengths) of an entity's properties. For example, if I have a declarative class: class User(Base): __tablename__ = "USER_TABLE" id = sa.Column(sa.types.Integer, primary_key=True) fullname = sa.Colu...

How to create and restore a backup from SqlAlchemy?

I'm writing a Pylons app, and am trying to create a simple backup system where every table is serialized and tarred up into a single file for an administrator to download, and use to restore the app should something bad happen. I can serialize my table data just fine using the SqlAlchemy serializer, and I can deserialize it fine as well...

Generic function that accept a table and column name and returns all the primary key values that matches a filter value given

i have functions that look like this that is littered through out the code def get_M_status(S): M_id = marital.select(marital.c.marital_status_description == S).execute().fetchone() if M_id == None: print "Warning: No Marital id found for %s Marital status to Single" % S M_id = marital.select(marital.c.marital_...

OperationalError "unable to open database file" processing query results with SQLAlchemy and SQLite3

I'm running into this little problem that I hope is just a dumb user error. It looks like some sort of a size limit with a query to a SQLite database. I managed to reproduce the issue with an in-memory DB and a simple script shown below. I can make it work by either reducing the number of records in the DB; or by reducing the size of eac...

How to create a non-persistent Elixir/SQLAlchemy object?

Hi, because of legacy data which is not available in the database but some external files, I want to create a SQLAlchemy object which contains data read from the external files, but isn't written to the database if I execute session.flush() My code looks like this: try: return session.query(Phone).populate_existing().filter(Phone.ma...

Sqlalchemy+elixir: How query with a ManyToMany relationship?

Hi, I'm using sqlalchemy with Elixir and have some troubles trying to make a query.. I have 2 entities, Customer and CustomerList, with a many to many relationship. customer_lists_customers_table = Table('customer_lists_customers', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), ...

How do I code this relationship in SQLAlchemy?

I am new to SQLAlchemy (and SQL, for that matter). I can't figure out how to code the idea I have in my head. I am creating a database of performance-test results. A test run consists of a test type and a number (this is class TestRun below) A test suite consists the version string of the software being tested, and one or more TestRu...

How can I load a sql "dump" file into sql alchemy

I have a large sql dump file ... with multiple CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO statements. Is there any way to load these all into a SQLAlchemy sqlite database at once. I plan to use the introspected ORM from sqlsoup after I've created the tables. However, when I use the engine.execute() method it complains: sqlite3.Warning: You can only...

Sqlalchemy: Many to Many relationship error

Dear everyone, I am following the Many to many relationship described on http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/mappers.html#many-to-many #This is actually a VIEW tb_mapping_uGroups_uProducts = Table( 'mapping_uGroups_uProducts', metadata, Column('upID', Integer, ForeignKey('uProductsInfo.upID')), Column('ugID', Integer, ForeignKey('uGr...

SQLAlchemy returns tuple not dictionary

Hi everyone, I've updated SQLAlchemy to 0.6 but it broke everything. I've noticed it returns tuple not a dictionary anymore. Here's a sample query: query = session.query(User.id, User.username, User.email).filter(and_(User.id == id, User.username == username)).limit(1) result = session.execute(query).fetchone() This piece of code use...

How to display multiple images?

I'm trying to get multiple image paths from my database in order to display them, but it currently doesn't work. Here's what i'm using: def get_image(self, userid, id): image = meta.Session.query(Image).filter_by(userid=userid) permanent_file = open(image[id].image_path, 'rb') if not os.path.exists(image.image_path): ...

Reverse mapping from a table to a model in SQLAlchemy

To provide an activity log in my SQLAlchemy-based app, I have a model like this: class ActivityLog(Base): __tablename__ = 'activitylog' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) activity_by_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('users.id'), nullable=False) activity_by = relation(User, primaryjoin=activity_by_id == User.id) ac...

sqlalchemy: what is the difference between declaring the cascade within the foreign key vs relation?

what is the difference between declaring the cascade within a foreign key vs relations? class Contact(Base): __tablename__ = 'contacts' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) addresses = relation("Address", backref="contact") class Address(Base): __tablename__ = 'addresses' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) ...

Is multi-level polymorphism possible in SQLAlchemy?

Is it possible to have multi-level polymorphism in SQLAlchemy? Here's an example: class Entity(Base): __tablename__ = 'entities' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) created_at = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, nullable=False) entity_type = Column(Unicode(20), nullable=False) __mapper_args__ = {'polymorph...

Creating self-referential tables with polymorphism in SQLALchemy

I'm trying to create a db structure in which I have many types of content entities, of which one, a Comment, can be attached to any other. Consider the following: from datetime import datetime from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy import Unicode, Integer, DateTime from sqlalchemy...

sqlalchemy natural sorting

Currently, i am querying with this code: meta.Session.query(Label).order_by(Label.name).all() and it returns me objects sorted by Label.name in this manner ['1','7','1a','5c']. Is there a way i can have the objects returned in the order with their Label.name sorted like this ['1','1a','5c','7'] Thanks! ...