
How to use SqlDataSource for filling combobox as well as datatable or Dataset

I am trying to fetch a column value from a datasource when some value is selected from a dropdownlist on its change event. <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCityName" runat="server" DataSourceID="dsCity" DataTextField="CityName" DataValueField="CityID" AutoPostBack="True" OnTextChanged="C...

ora-00972 identifier is too long oracle 10g

I am getting the error mentioned in the title. I am using a 36 charecter ID. This error is only thrown In my sqldatasource in my asp.net webform. It is not a problem when I perform updates in Oracle sql developer. How can I fix this? ...

sql data source

I have a table (EmployeeID,EmployeeName,ManagerID) How can I create a sqldatasource to include the ManagerName from the EmployeeName given EmployeeID = ManagerID? In my gridview after dragging a dropdownlist what bindings should I do to display the managerName? Is it possible to use it without writing custom select,insert,delete,update? ...

Deleting Row Method on GridView

I am trying to implement the deleting method and pass my parameters for the delete operation. I am using sqldatasource. Since the ID doesnt have a column in my gridview how can I get the value of the ID and set it as my delete parameter? ...

MS Dynamics CRM trapping .NET error before I can handle it

This is a fun one. I have written a custom search page that provides faster, more user friendly searches than the default Contacts view and also allows searching of Leads and Contacts simultaneously. It uses GridViews bound to SqlDataSources that query filtered views. I'm sure someone will complain that I'm not using the web services ...

ASP.NET SqlDataSource update and create FK reference

The short version: I have a grid view bound to a data source which has a SelectCommand with a left join in it because the FK can be null. On Update I want to create a record in the FK table if the FK is null and then update the parent table with the new records ID. Is this possible to do with just SqlDataSources? The detailed version:...

ASP.NET Setting parameter for SqlDataSource programatically does not work for postback

I want to set a parameter for a SqlDataSource programmatically as described in Step 5 at http://www.asp.net/data-access/tutorials/using-parameterized-queries-with-the-sqldatasource-vb . Also a GridView is bound to the sqlDataSource. My markup is: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="mySqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ Connectio...

Can I populate multiple DropDownLists from one SqlDataSource using parameters?

Basically, I have four asp:DropDownLists and I wish to populate all of them from the same table, with certain conditions. For example, I have this data source: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="ReferenceDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:mrapConnectionString1 %> SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [reference_dat...

ASP.NET error when trying to configure ListView + SqlDatasource for a MySql Table

Hi, i'm using ASP.NET + a MySql Db. I'm trying to configure a ListView so i've written: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsDatiUtente" runat="server" ConnectionString="Server=;Database=mydb;Uid=m111d1;Pwd=fake;Pooling=false;" ProviderName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM user WHER...

Reading Values Returned by SQLDataSource Before Binding to FormView

I have a FormView that shows posts by users. I'd like to add Edit and Delete commands to the post to let the original author edit or delete their post. I'd like these commands to be available to only the author. The FormView is populated by a SqlDataSource that uses a stored procedure. I was thinking I would set the Edit and Delete hype...

How to debug SqlDataSource

I'm testing my site against SQL injection attacks and I would like to trace SqlDataSource messages sent to SQL server. How can I do that or at least get as close as I can. ...

Error trying to filter drop down list with a Gridview field value via a controlparameter

Hi all, I'm getting the dreaded 'DropDownList1' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value error when trying to filter a drop down list in a templatefield using one of the other boundfield values (I'm trying to get a list of employees based on their department - i.e. the us...

When Update a field with ReadOnly Mode in GridView ,value of that is empty

One of the few fields that have their ReadOnly property equal to True then Edit and Update the value field is empty ReadOnly property is recorded. I also have a ReadOnly property and its value is not empty. (GridView to the SqlDataSource is connected) How to solve this problem? ...

How to set up ASP.NET SQL Datasource to accept TVP

In the codebehind you would add the TVP as a SqlDbType.Structured for a stored procedure But this doesn't exist in an ASP.NET SqlDataSource control. I have stored my Datatables in session variables (don't worry they are small!) and I need to pass those as parameters to the SqlDataSource (which has a number of databound objects) I point...

sqldatasource - UpdateParameters with image byte array

This is how you set the defaultValue with a string: sqlDataSource.UpdateParameters["Active"].DefaultValue = tbActive.Text; How do you do something similar to the code below so that my sqlDataSource can accept an updated image? FileUpload fuRoom1 = (FileUpload)gvRoom.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("UploadedFile11"); byte[] image...

How to get textbox value from inside html tag in asp.net with c sharp

I want to select data from SqlDataSource tag to gridview using TextBox1 value.how can i modify that ASP.net code behind file..plz give me solution ASAP.thankz.................... ........................... <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" SelectCommand= "select distinct [Species],[qty],[received],[Discard],[mortil...

How to use a property of an object in asp:SessionParameter

I am trying to get an asp:SessionParameter of a SelectParameters, to use a property of an object in session instead of having a string in the session like Session["CustomerID"] Something like Session["Customer"] where the property is ((Customer) Session["Customer"]).CustomerID) I don’t know the syntax to do that, if you can help, I’d ...

Accessing the result set of a stored procedure, executed using SqlDataSource.Select

I'm programming a webpage in ASP.NET which displays a list of students not listed as participants in something, and upon clicking a student name shows you a brief summary of their details, so the user can ensure they're selecting the right person. My code currently correctly obtains their ID, adds it as a parameter to my stored procedur...

Changing SqlDataSource.SelectCommand at runtime breaks pagination

I have a GridView bound to a SqlDataSource with a default SelectCommand defined as such: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" DataSourceMode="DataSet" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConn %>" ProviderName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" SelectCommand="select * from blah blah" /> There are cases ...

where can i learn to program the sqldatasource

i am using linked severs and synonym in sql server 08 in vs08 webpage when i connect the sqldatasource to the db it doesnot show the linked server or the synonyms!! (i dont know why it doesnot show the linked severs). so i write queries manualy for the sql datasource like select * from synonymname; i would like to use the facilities g...