
Script to run other scripts in sqldeveloper

I have a number of scripts used to build a database. These need to be executed in a certain order. Is it possible to create a script to run other scripts in SQL Developer (1.5.3)? I know I can do this with sqlplus, but I was hoping there's a similar ability I just don't know about. ...

how to set a null value to a field in a table using oracle sql developer tool ?

Hi, Oracle SQL Developer allows you to update field values directly to the table without needing to write a sql script. However it doesnt allow you to set a null value for a field? the update script that gets generated is below : UPDATE "TABLE" SET field_required = 'null' WHERE ROWID = 'AAAnnZAAFAAAGMfAAC' AND ORA_ROWSCN = '14465324' An...

Exporting a CLOB to a text file using sqlDeveloper

I am using sqlDeveloper and trying to export a table to a CSV file. Some of the fields are CLOB fields, and in many cases the entries are truncated when the export happens. I'm looking for a way to get the whole thing out, as my end goal is to not use Oracle here (I received an Oracle dump - which was loaded into an oracle db, but am u...

Tool for code Navigation in PL/SQL

I have to study and modify a big and poorly documented codebase written in pl/sql. I use Oracle SQL Developer to navigate through it, but it become tedious because there is not a "go to declaration" nor "find usages" option so I have to go manually to the referred package to find the function or procedure I want to understand, or grep an...

How to redirect the output of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE to a file?

Hi all. I need to debug in pl/sql to figure times of procedures, I want to use: SELECT systimestamp FROM dual INTO time_db; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('time before procedure ' || time_db); but I don't understand where the output goes to and how can I redirect it to a log file that will contain all the data I want to collect? I use Oracle ...

SELECT SUM as field

Suppose i have this table table (a,b,c,d). Datatypes are not important. I want to do this select a as a1,b as b1,c as c1, (select sum(d) from table where a=a1 and b=b1) as total from table group by a,b,c ...but I can't find a way (sqldeveloper keeps complaining with "from clause not found".) Is there a way? Is it possible? ...

Oracle SQLDeveloper Autocomplete in Lowercase (How about Uppercase)

I am currently using the latest Oracle sql developer. I just have one nuisance here. When I do auto-complete of table names or columns, they show up in lower case. As most people I do have coding guidelines in SQL statements and I usually want table names, column names, and any other identifiers in all capitals. I tried to check the se...

oracle commit kills

hi I got an oracle db 10g, here a table as an example create table Dienstplan ( Montag Number(2), Dienstag Number(2), Mittwoch Number (2), Donnerstag Number (2), Freitag Number (2), Samstag Number (2), Sonntag Number (2), gueltigAb DATE default SYSDATE NOT NULL, PersonalNr Number(10) references Mitarbeiter(PersonalNr) INITIALLY DEFERRE...

SQL Developer multiple table view

In Oracle SQL Developer, one can list the data in a table using the Data tab when viewing a table. there where can add, delete, edit or just viewing records of table currently viewd the problem is that we often really need to view more than one table at once, then we need more than one tab opened, thing that i dont know how to do that, ...

Oracle performance via SQLDeveloper vs application

I am trying to understand the performance of a query that I've written in Oracle. At this time I only have access to SQLDeveloper and its execution timer. I can run SHOW PLAN but cannot use the auto trace function. The query that I've written runs in about 1.8 seconds when I press "execute query" (F9) in SQLDeveloper. I know that this i...

Trying to establish a connection

I have just downloaded and extracted the Oracle SQLDeveloper in MAC OS X. Until then, when I am establishing a connection using the HR (default) as the username and password, ORCL for the SID... the test result always show "test failed the network adapter could not establish the connection". Any insights... regards prinsipeluha ...

How to use Oracle SQLdeveloper with HSQL / Hypersonic DB's JDBC driver

I'd like to use Oracle's SQLdeveloper to visualize my HSQLDB tables. An instruction on how to use it with MySQL can be found on http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/programming-and-development/?p=564 ... and I know that Oracle points to a location where to download all JDBC drivers. With MySQL this worked, however, including the JAR file ...

Script output to file when using SQL-Developer

I have a select query producing a big output and I want to execute it in sqldeveloper, and get all the results into a file. Sql-developer does not allow a result bigger than 5000 lines, and I have 100 000 lines to fetch... I know i could use SQL+, but let's assume I want to do this in sqldeveloper. ...

find database size in Oracle SQL developer

In phpmyadmin, it's able to see database disk usage. I was wondering if there's such thing in Oracle SQL developer. Thanks! ...

using Data Modeler (view relational diagram) in Oracle SQL developer

when trying to view 'Reports > Data Modeler Reports > Design Contents > Relational Model > Relational Designs' in Oracle SQL developer. It gives "Data Modeler reporting repository required." Can anyone see what's wrong with it? Thanks a lot! ...

How to see columns of different type in Oracle SQL developer

Say a table has several subclass types. How can I see all columns from different types in sqldeveloper? In table view, only can see common columns. Thanks. ...

Getting results in a result set from dynamic SQL in Oracle

This question is similar to a couple others I have found on StackOverflow, but the differences are signficant enough to me to warrant a new question, so here it is: I want to obtain a result set from dynamic SQL in Oracle and then display it as a result set in a SqlDeveloper-like tool, just as if I had executed the dynamic SQL statement...

Oracle Sql Developer vendor code 1317

Hi, I am using Oracle Sql Developer to browse a MySQL database. When I browse table with Columns tab(shows table definitions), some of tables will display an Error Encountered dialog that says: Vendor code 1317. Does anyone know how I can resolve this? Thanks, /Z ...

SQLDeveloper changing case (breaking formatting)

Using SQLDeveloper, if you try typing the following code: DECLARE v_status_code NUMBER; v_status_text VARCHAR2(30); v_to_delete NUMBER := 5; BEGIN PACKAGE_NAME.Delete(v_to_delete, v_status_code, v_status_text); END; Pressing Enter after the PACKAGE_NAME.Delete(...) line will make Delete go into all caps (DELETE). I ...

How can I use Oracle SQL developer to run stored procedures?

* EDIT6: * This is what ended up working for me (from accepted answer): var ret1 number var tran_cnt number var msg_cnt number var rc refcursor exec :tran_cnt := 0 exec :msg_cnt := 123 exec get_account(Vret_val => :ret1, Vtran_count => :tran_cnt, Vmessage_count => :msg_cnt, Vaccount_id => 1, rc1 => :rc) print :tran_cnt print :msg_cnt pr...