
How to handle UTF-8 characters in sqlite2 to sqlite3 migration

Trying the easy approach: sqlite2 mydb.db .dump | sqlite3 mydb-new.db I got this error: SQL error near line 84802: no such column: Ð In that line the script is this: INSERT INTO vehiculo VALUES(127548,'21K0065217',Ñ,'PA007808',65217,279,1989,3,468,'1998-07-30 00:00:00.000000','14/697/98-07',2,'',1); My guess is that the...

How to make a database service in Netbeans 6.5 to connect to SQLite databases?

I use Netbeans IDE (6.5) and I have a SQLite 2.x database. I installed a JDBC SQLite driver from zentus.com and added a new driver in Nebeans services panel. Then tried to connect to my database file from Services > Databases using this URL for my database: jdbc:sqlite:/home/farzad/netbeans/myproject/mydb.sqlite but it fails to connec...

SQLITE 2 Documentation

I am trying to find an online documentation for SQLite2. The project I have entered uses SQLite2 and I usually work with SQlite3. I did a google search and didn't find much. Thank you ! ...

How do I add a column in a sqlite 2 database table

How do I add an additional column to an existing sqlite 2 database table that have data and indexes associated with it. It seems like the alter table SQL for that is not available in sqlite2? ...

Metadata for columns in SQLite v2.8 (PHP5)

How can I get metadata / constraints (primary key and "null allowed" in particular) for each column in a SQLite v2.8 table using PHP5 (like mysql_fetch_field for MySql)? sqlite_fetch_column_types (OO: $db->fetchColumnTypes) only gets column name and datatype: http://dk.php.net/manual/en/function.sqlite-fetch-column-types.php SQLITE_MAS...

Get records from a specific month using SQLite

How would I write a SQLite query to select all records from a specific month? My dates are stored as Unix timestamps. PHP code is allowed in your solution if it's required. SQLite2-compatible queries only, please. :) ...

Using Sqlite3 with CakePHP

Hello, I'm trying to run Sqlite3 with CakePHP. Yes, i know it's not officially supported, but this post here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1021980/cakephp-sqlite says it's possible. I've downloaded the new driver file "dbo_sqlite3.7.php" and put it in "cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo". Now I'm having trouble getting connected to t...

How do manage the limit of executions to be done by hour (Max: 1000 requests per hour) without a database

I am currently developing a script in PHP to fetch webpages. The fact is that by doing so, I occasionally do too much requests to a particular website. In order to control any overflow, I would like to keep trace of how many requests have been done in the last hour or so for each domain. It doesn't need to be perfect, just a good estimat...

SQLite - Is it possible to make a non-integer Primary Key work?

Thanks for reading and hopefully answering, Due to legacy issues and company policy, I am working with SQLite 2.8.17 and have a few varchars as primary keys. But when I run a *"pragma integrity_check"*, it reports "rowid missing from index" and "wrong # of entries in index" on the tables with the varchar primary key but the returned re...

sqlite2: Joining max values per column from another table (subquery reference)?

Hi all, I'm using the following database: CREATE TABLE datas (d_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name_id numeric, countdata numeric); INSERT INTO datas VALUES(1,1,20); //(NULL,1,20); INSERT INTO datas VALUES(2,1,47); //(NULL,1,47); INSERT INTO datas VALUES(3,2,36); //(NULL,2,36); INSERT INTO datas VALUES(4,2,58); //(NULL,2,58); INSERT INTO...

How can I convert SQLite 2 to SQLite3 using Python on Windows?

I'm trying to convert a SQLite 2 file to SQLite3 using Python on Windows. On Linux, I'd just pipe a dump from sqlite to sqlite3: os.system("sqlite db.sqlite .dump | sqlite3 db3.sqlite") On Windows, I have no such convenient means of transferring the dump. Here's what I'm doing: sqlite_dump = os.popen('sqlite %s .dump' % sqlite_db)....