
How to quickly edit values in table in SQL Server Management Studio?

Aside from context menu -> "Edit Top 200 Rows" from Object Explorer, is there a quick way to open a table in Edit mode where I can just quickly modify the value of a cell? I need to be able to page past the first 200 rows. And I dont want to write "insert" script for every minor tweak I need to do... I don't understand why SMS doesn't...

SQL Server VARCHAR(10)

When desiging a table in SQL Server Management Studio 2005, if I specify VARCHAR(10) for a column, when I tab away from the data type, SQL Server changes it to VARCHAR(50). I have to then tab back, change it back to VARCHAR(10), and it will then accept it. I understand that there are storage and processing considerations that may make V...

how do I make a composite key with SQL Server Management Studio?

how do I make a composite key with SQL Server Management Studio? I want two INT columns to form the identity (unique) for a table ...

Server Name not valid in Connect to Server: Reporting Services

I'm trying to step through the Data-Driven Report Subscription setup, but I can't get past Step 2 of Part 2. I get no options for Server name other than "browse", which only turns up two instances on the local network. I tried the alias I use when connecting to the Database Engine (via the SQL Server Configuration Manager), but won't w...

creating sql diagram

I installed SQL Server 2005, and I want to create a database but I can't. When I right click on the Database Diagrams folder for my database in SQL Server Management Studio 2005, I don't see any choice for creating database diagram. I see two things: Working With sql server 2000 Diagrams Refresh ...

SQL Server Express: REPLACE problem in SQL Server Mgmt Studio Express

Hello All I have a huge problem with the REPLACE SQL function in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express. When I do following query SELECT REPLACE('ArticleNumber', 'S401', 'I0010') SELECT REPLACE('ArticleNumber', 'S302', 'I0020') SELECT REPLACE('ArticleNumber', 'S303', 'I0030') SELECT REPLACE('ArticleNumber'...

Does the SQL Server 2005 database size property include the full-text index?

The title pretty much says it all, but in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, if I look at the database properties and pick up the size value, will that include the full-text index data? Does it include the log file as well? Rough values are fine, but some of our ft indexes can be large, so I want to be sure of this. ...

SQL Server 2008 can't login with newly created user

Using Vista... 1) I open SQL Server Management Studio. 2) I create a new Login by right-clicking on Security->Logins. Check: SQL Server Authentication Login name: tester Password: test Click OK 3) Click File -> Connect Object Explorer, select SQL Server Authentication and enter tester/test and click Connect. 4) Get "Login failed for u...

SQL Management Studio won't open scripts on double-click

I'm used to double-clicking *.sql script files to open them in SQL Server Management Studio. I recently upgraded to Win7, and now when I double-click a script file, SSMS opens with an empty environment. I can then use File/Open or File/Recent Files to open my script, but I would much prefer for it to just open whatever I double-clicked o...

Is there any way to extend the editor in SSMS?

Can the SQL Server Management Studio text editor be extended? If it's possible, what kind of work & tools are involved? I find myself frequently jumping to other editors for certain kinds of text manipulation, and then jumping back to SSMS. If it were possible to extend the SSMS editor, I might do so. The first feature I would add wou...

Want to script all objects which depend on a SQL Server table

The 'View Dependecies' shows all the objects which depend on a table in SQL Server. Now how do I use SSMS to script all these objects in one command? Is there a free tool that does this? ...

Sql Server Management Studio 2008 making the most of the Table designer

Does anyone have any good articles or even more preferable screencasts to using the table designer for SSMS 2008 to get the most out of it? To often I end up trying to fumble through it and just end up googling the sql script to do specifically what I'm trying to accomplish with keys or indexes etc and just end up repeating the process ...

Editing table/adding records manually to sql server 2005

Is there any option in sql server 2005 management studio to change columns in a table by hand and by the sql commands alter table or insert into. If yes, then could someone please show how or link to some instructions? ...

Cannot Specify Foreign Key Tables When Adding New Foreign Keys

I'm trying to use the Relationships dialog in SQL 2008 to add a new foreign key to a table field. When I go to add one, I am not able to change and specify the Foreign Key Base table or any others in the "Tables and Columns Specification" area...they're all greyed out for those values and uneditable and I"m not sure why. ...

How do I set cell formats (Date Time, Text, etc) when exporting from SQL to Excel with stored proc?

I have a stored proc that I use to create an xls file and then write data from queries to it. I can't take credit for this, here's the source . I can write varchar, txt, etc without issue. I can't seem to get any datetime fields to write and I have guessed at al...

How to see the values of a table variable at debug time in T-SQL?

Can we see the values (rows and cells) in a table valued variable in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) during debug time? If yes, how? ...

How to insert binary data into sql server using SSMS

Is there a way to insert binary data into sql server directly from SQL Server management studio? ...

SQL Server Management Studio: Increase number of characters displayed in result set

Hello! I have the following scenario: We have stored procedures which compare our developement database to our customer databases and tell us, what the difference is (so, what we have to update on the customer machine). Now I wrote some additional code to automatically generate the CREATE/ALTER/DROP statements needed to bring the custo...

Changing column constraint null/not null = rowguid replication error

I have a database running under Sql server 2005 with merge replication. I want to change some of the FK columns to be 'not null' as they should always have a value. SQL server won't let me do that though, this is what it says: Unable to modify table. It is invalid to drop the default constraint on the rowguid column that is us...

Sql Server Management Studio Object Explorer dissapeared - missing - vanished

ok, my Sql Server Management Studio Object Explorer had dissapeared. I know the shortcut F8, and the view->object explorer method.. neither do anything, ive clicked everything on the keyboard, googled around, but nothing.. really need this back, its a massive hassle having to navigate through the summary window without the object explor...